Package com.atlassian.jira.task
package com.atlassian.jira.task
ClassDescriptionThis exception is thrown when attempting to start a task in a
that already has a live task with the same context.A task progress sink that is made up of several other task progress sinks.This class is moved from JIM to here as a workaround for solving ClassNotFoundException related to replication over RMI.Generic context, could be used by other plugins outside JIRA to run in data center mode.A simplified version of theTaskManager
.An implementation of aImportTaskManager
.A task progress sink that can update a JohnsonEvent
with progress updates.A task progress sink that will log progress updates to the logger passed in.MockTaskDescriptor<V extends Serializable>General context that can be used for a task that has NO requirement to be unique, i.e.A FileInputStream that can log progress when the inputstream is being read.Long running tasks that implementProvidesTaskProgress
will be able to tell the task infrastructure about what progress they are makingRequiresTaskInformation<T extends Serializable>A long running task that implementsRequiresTaskInformation
will be told about theTaskDescriptor
that describes the task.Takes the "virtual progress" made and scales it into an "actual progress" for the contained sink.Long running tasks that implementSelfRecovering
will not be automatically cleaned up by Jira after a node that was executing them crashes.A simpleTaskProgressSink
thats keeps track of progress.Sink that divides a range a progress range into a number of steps.This interface is used by parts of the code that kick off tasks to give the task a "context" to operate in.TaskDescriptor<V extends Serializable>TaskDescriptor describes the state of a long running task.TheTaskManager
contains a collection of tasks that are long running.An implementation of aTaskManager
.Class to represent a condition when searching for tasks.Event that represents the progress of a long running task.Can be used to either pull or listen to the progress of a long running task.A listener that is told when progress is made on a long running task.Interface that can be used by tasks to indicate progress.This TaskProgressSink will output progress to the Logger if either the percentage progress changes or its been more than n milliseconds since the last log entry.