Class EmptyTaskContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
TaskContext, Serializable

public class EmptyTaskContext extends Object implements TaskContext
This class is moved from JIM to here as a workaround for solving ClassNotFoundException related to replication over RMI. See JRASERVER-64286 for details.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EmptyTaskContext

      public EmptyTaskContext()
  • Method Details

    • buildProgressURL

      public String buildProgressURL(Long taskId)
      Description copied from interface: TaskContext
      This factory method is called to build a progress URL so the TaskDescriptor can allow some one to navigate to the task's "web page". The URL should start with "/" and be ready for the servlet context path to be prepended.
      Specified by:
      buildProgressURL in interface TaskContext
      taskId - - the id of the task. Since this is not known until task submission, this call back is informed of it once created.
      returns a context specific progress URL that a user can go to to view the progress of a task.