Interface SearchRestClient

public interface SearchRestClient

The client handling search REST resource

0.2 client, 4.3 server

Method Summary
 SearchResult searchJql(String jql, int maxResults, int startAt, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Performs a JQL search and returns issues matching the query using default maxResults (as configured in JIRA - usually 50) and startAt=0
 SearchResult searchJql(String jql, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Performs a JQL search and returns issues matching the query

Method Detail


SearchResult searchJql(@Nullable
                       String jql,
                       ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Performs a JQL search and returns issues matching the query

jql - a valid JQL query (will be properly encoded by JIRA client). Restricted JQL characters (like '/') must be properly escaped.
progressMonitor - progress monitor
issues matching given JQL query
RestClientException - in case of problems (connectivity, malformed messages, invalid JQL query, etc.)


SearchResult searchJql(@Nullable
                       String jql,
                       int maxResults,
                       int startAt,
                       ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Performs a JQL search and returns issues matching the query using default maxResults (as configured in JIRA - usually 50) and startAt=0

jql - a valid JQL query (will be properly encoded by JIRA client). Restricted JQL characters (like '/') must be properly escaped.
maxResults - maximum results (page/window size) for this search. The page will contain issues from startAt div maxResults (no remnant) and will include at most maxResults matching issues.
startAt - starting index (0-based) defining the page/window for the results. It will be aligned by the server to the beginning on the page (startAt = startAt div maxResults). For example for startAt=5 and maxResults=3 the results will include matching issues with index 3, 4 and 5. For startAt = 6 and maxResults=3 the issues returned are from position 6, 7 and 8.
progressMonitor - progress monitor
issues matching given JQL query
RestClientException - in case of problems (connectivity, malformed messages, invalid JQL query, etc.)

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