All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for constructing events that relate to authentication.
A request class containing the base information all build status searches can use
Convenience implementation of ChangeCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods.
Convenience implementation of CommitCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods.
A base class for constructing CommandParameters classes for commands which operate on a specific commit, optionally qualified to a specific path.
A base class for requests which take a single commit ID and path.
A base class for requests to retrieve a series of commits.
Convenience implementation of ContentTreeCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods.
A request to create a ref.
Convenience implementation of DiffContentCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods.
Parameters describing the paths to diff and what should be included in the generated diff stats summary
Abstract superclass for Data Center Migration events.
A base class for constructing MeshNodeEvents.
Extends AbstractSummary and adds additional properties for summarizing a page of output.
Base class for constructing events which relate to project modifications.
A base implementation of ProjectVisitor which returns null for all project types.
Base class for requests affecting pull requests.
Convenience implementation of RefCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods.
Base class for the various RepositoryHookRequests.
Base class for Repository events that have been raised on a mirror.
Base class for constructing events which relate to repository modifications.
Basic implementation of RepositoryRefsChangedEvent that developers can extend.
Base class for Repository-related request classes.
Base class for creating builders for repository-related requests.
A base class for building summary objects that can be provided to callbacks when operations complete.
A base implementation of ProjectVisitor intended for use in building visitors which do not need to return any values.
A base class for request objects used to interact with the WatcherService when referring to a specific watcher.
Describes common attributes on all activities created by the system.
A request for creating comments on a Commentable.
Request to create or update a file comment.
Request to create or update a line comment.
Event that is published when an application property is changed through ApplicationPropertiesService.
Enum that lists the types of properties that can be changed.
Base event class for all application events.
Identifies what mode the application is in.
Provides the mode of this instance
A service for retrieving and updating application properties.
Event that is published when the application setup is completed.
The current state of the server.
Monitor for the state of the server.
Exception thrown when the required UAL ApplicationType has not been installed on the remote Jira server.
Represents a registered application user.
Implements the visitor pattern for users.
Describes a commit to archive.
Describes the different formats archives may be streamed in.
Thrown to indicate that a repository cannot be archived.
Describes a request to download an archive of a given repository at a specified commit, optionally filtered to only include certain paths.
Wraps an operation which may be run asynchronously or synchronously.
Represents an attachment
Event that is raised when an attachment is deleted.
Raised just before an attachment is deleted.
Base type for all attachment related events.
Base exception class for attachments.
Represents an attachment metadata.
Base exception class for attachment metadata.
Event that is raised when an attachment is added.
Raised just before an attachment is added.
Handling of attachments and attachments metadata.
Exception thrown when an operation on a data store for attachments, such as the database or disk, fails.
Mutable collection of attributes mapped by string keys.
Annotation for events that should be audited by the system.
The category of actions that an audited event is grouped with.
Converts an Auditable event into a AuditEvent (a representation suitable for auditing).
The authentication details including the user and any properties provided during authentication.
A context for accessing the currently-authenticated user.
Base type for all exceptions which are thrown while processing user authentication attempts.
An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they fail due to authentication problems.
Event that is raised when an attempt to authenticate fails.
Indicates that authentication is required with applicationName and provides a URI to authenticate
Event that is raised when a user successfully authenticates.
A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown when the underlying authentication subsystem fails during authentication or an operation to update or query the authentication subsystem fails for some reason.
An exception thrown when an attempt is made to auto-merge a pull request that does not have an auto-merge request.
Represents the result of trying to auto-merge a pull request.
Represents the status of auto-merge request
Represents a request for a pull request to be automatically merged by the system when it becomes eligible to merge.
An exception thrown when auto-merge is attempted or requested on a pull request, but the pull request's target repository does not have auto-merge enabled.
Settings for automatically merging pull requests.
Configuration for creating AutoMergeSettings for a project or repository.
Service for managing pull request auto-merge settings.
An SCM available for creating new repositories.
Provides URLs from which avatar images can be retrieved.
Raised when a backup is canceled by a system administrator.
An abstract base class for constructing events raised when a backup ends, successfully or not.
An abstract base class for constructing events related to backups.
Raised when a backup fails.
Raised when the system starts creating a new backup.
Raised when a backup completes successfully.
Event that is raised when the application base url is changed.
Base class to validate the base URL of the HTTP and SSH protocols.
Provides blame (or praise) data for a span of lines within a file.
Describes a commit:path pair to calculate blame for.
A Ref denoting a branch in the repository.
A callback for streaming branches.
Base event for any operations on branches.
An event that is raised when a branch is created using the UI or REST.
A hook request that is raised just before a branch is created using the UI or REST.
An event that is raised when a branch is deleted using the UI (e.g.
A hook request that is raised just before a branch is deleted using the UI or REST.
Executor that groups submitted tasks in 'buckets' and asynchronously processes these buckets of tasks on worker threads.
Configuration object used for constructing BucketedExecutor instances.
BucketedExecutor processor that's called when a bucket of tasks is ready for processing.
An abstraction describing a build server (e.g.
A collection of hyperlinks to be displayed on a build status, that redirect the user to information about a given build.
A request to search for build statuses on a pull request
A request to search for build statuses
Describes how a file has changed in a bulk content command.
Describes a callback for receiving a stream of commits, each with a set listing one or more repositories where it was found.
Context provided when streaming bulk commits.
Defines a request to retrieve any arbitrary collection of commits that are in any number of repositories.
Summarizes the results of streaming bulk commits.
Callback for streamed file content.
The context for a bulk content callback that is passed at the start.
Returned by BulkContentCallback.accept(com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.bulk.BulkFile) to signal what to do next to the caller.
Summarizes the results of a bulk content command.
Metadata about a file of a bulk content command.
A callback which can be used during a traverse of the nodes within a commit graph.
Contains contextual information about the commit graph traversal about to start.
The status of the traversal after visiting a node in the commit graph.
Contains a summary about the traversal which just ended.
Parameters for traversing commits in one or more repositories.
Augments the AvatarSupplier with timestamp information that can be used to control caching, or to simply display a modification date indicating when the avatar was last updated.
Augments an event with support for cancelation.
Tracks the cancellation state of a cancelable operation.
Base specialisation for AuthenticationExceptions which are thrown for CAPTCHA attempts.
A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user has entered their password incorrectly too many times in succession and is required to solve a CAPTCHA before they will be allowed to login again.
Encapsulates a CAPTCHA challenge ID and the corresponding user response to the challenge.
This service is used to help issue and validate a CAPTCHA challenge.
Describes a single change made by a commit.
Describes a callback for receiving streaming changes.
Describes a set of changes between two commits.
Defines a request to retrieve changesets for a given set of commits.
Summarizes changes which have been streamed to a ChangeCallback.
Defines the standard change types which may occur in a given commit.
Exception class which will be thrown when remote execution against the cluster fails
Describes a cluster, providing details about each node.
A base class for events related to cluster membership, raised when nodes join and leave the cluster.
Describes a single node in a cluster.
Raised when a new node joins the cluster.
A base class for events related to the cluster.
Specialization of ClusterNodeAddedEvent that is raised when a node reconnects to the current node.
Raised when an existing node leaves the cluster.
Provides access to cluster details for the instance.
Wraps an operation which may be run synchronously.
An interface to be implemented by a CommandErrorHandler, CommandInputHandler or CommandOutputHandler that wishes to be provided the Command it will be processing.
Provides a fluent interface for creating free-form commands using arbitrary arguments.
Provides a unifying abstraction for common functionality expected to be provided by both free-form CommandBuilders and, for those plugins which choose to provide them, type-safe builders.
Exception that is thrown when a command is canceled.
Describes a handler which processes the standard error stream from a Command.
Exception that is thrown when command fails to complete.
Describes a handler for processing Command exit details, whether the command completes or is canceled.
Exception that is thrown when a command fails.
Provides the common callback methods for input, output and error handlers which process the standard input, error or output stream from a Command.
Describes an InputHandler which provides data to the standard input stream for a Command to process.
Describes a handler which processes the standard output stream from a Command and, optionally, produces some object T from it.
Describes an output handler which processes the standard error or standard output stream from a Command.
Enumerates the possible results of running a command.
Exception that is thrown when creating a Command fails.
Summarizes a command that has been run.
Augments a CommandErrorHandler, CommandInputHandler or CommandOutputHandler with an enhanced completion handler that is provided with a summary of the command that was executed.
Thrown when a command times out.
A specialization of CommandFailedException thrown when a command fails because it is called incorrectly.
A comment on a pull request or commit.
Entity that users can comment on.
Visitor for Commentable entities.
Enumerates the different actions which may be taken on a comment.
Performs a depth-first iteration given a starting set of comments.
The permitted operations allowed on a comment by the current user.
Indicates the operation could not performed because the comment version has changed since the comment was retrieved.
A request for searching for comments and threads.
Enumerates available comment severities.
Enumerates the possible states a comment can be in.
Represents a conversation started on a commentable.
The location in a diff a comment thread is anchored to.
An enumeration of anchor states for comment thread search
Enumerates the different types of diffs a thread can be anchored to.
A request for making changes to a comment
Describes a single commit.
Describes a callback for receiving a stream of commits.
Subclasses of this event are synchronous and allow callers to cancel the action and/or participate in the transaction (by persisting related entities, for example).
Event that is raised when a comment is added in a commit discussion.
Event that is raised before a comment is added to a commit discussion.
Event that is raised when a comment is deleted in a commit discussion.
Event that is raised before a comment in a commit discussion is deleted.
Event that is raised when a comment is edited in a commit discussion.
Event that is raised when a comment is added, deleted, edited or replied to in a commit discussion.
Event that is raised before a comment in a commit discussion is edited.
Event that is raised when a comment is replied to in a commit discussion.
Event that is raised before a comment is replied to in a commit discussion.
Base type for all commit discussion-related events.
An event raised when the participants in a commit discussion change.
A node within a commit graph.
Index to store meta data against commits.
Exception to signal a problem that occurred during commit indexing.
A flag for indicating how merge commits should be filtered.
Describes a request for a single commit.
Defines a request to retrieve commits "between" sets of included and excluded commits, potentially filtering by paths.
Defines a request to retrieve commits which are ancestors of a given starting commit.
Defines a request for determining the common ancestor of a list of commits.
A diff request to compare two refs or commits.
Parameters describing the paths to diff and what should be included in the generated diff stats summary when comparing two commits.
A request to retrieve the diff stats summary between two refs or commits.
A ref or commit to compare.
A request to compare two refs or commits.
Compares two commits.
Policy for concurrency limits
Support for multiple ConditionalNotEmpty annotations on the same type
Describes two conflicting changes that were made on opposite sides of a merge.
A minimal subset of a Change describing how a path was changed on one side of a Conflict.
Indicates the operation could not be completed because a existing ref already exists with a name that conflicts with the one being created.
Used to mark diff lines which represent a merge conflict.
A service for the management of files and their metadata.
Callback interface for streaming content tree nodes from a starting directory
Represents a node in a source tree.
Enumeration of ContentTreeNode types
Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being created.
A request to create a branch.
Parameters describing how a new repository should be created by the SCM.
A request to create a tag.
More precondition checks following the same pattern as Guava's Preconditions.
Provides services for the Personal Dashboards.
Enumerates database types.
Exception thrown when an operation on a data store, such as the database or disk, fails.
Allows the formatting of a date according to predefined formats.
A predefined date format.
Builds AuditEvent without any additional properties.
An CacheableAvatarSupplier implementation which delegates to an AvatarSupplier, storing the avatar's modification timestamp separately.
Request object used to delete repository hook configuration.
Extends a group, which is a simple String name generally, with additional details relating to the directory backing the group.
Extends a ApplicationUser with additional details relating to the directory backing the user.
A callback for receiving streaming diff details.
Allows for filtering diff lines.
An enumeration of file types in a diff.
Describes a single hunk, with one or more segments, in a diff.
Describes a request to generate a diff of a given repository for a given commit or commit range.
Enumerates the different segment types available in diff output.
Statistics summary for a diff.
Parameters describing the two commits to diff, and additional settings for controlling the shape and content of the diff stats summary
Describes a request to generate a diff stats summary of a given repository for a given commit or commit range.
An event that is raised when a source branch, tag, or commit is compared successfully with a destination branch, tag or commit.
A flag for indicating how whitespace should be handled in a diff, such as being ignored.
Represents a directory in a source tree
Represents a revision of a directory
Request object used for disabling a repository hook.
An event that is raised when the system is started after being restored from a Zero Downtime Backup.
Event that is raised when the application display name is changed.
Indicates a pull request could not be created because there is already an open pull request with the same to/from repositories and branches.
Indicates the operation could not be completed because a ref already exists for the supplied name.
Parameters for editing a file.
Represents a request to edit a file, this request can be used to create a new file as well as updating an existing file.
Indicates a pull request could not be created because it would have no commits.
Thrown when an operation cannot be completed because the related repository is empty.
Request object used for enabling a repository hook.
Custom security context that specifies as what user and with which additional permissions an Operation should be called.
A specialization of AuthenticationException that should be thrown when an existing authentication has expired.
A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their password has expired and must be changed.
Runtime exception generated during export phase of migration
Represents a request to export a set of repositories.
Identifies a feature that can be enabled or disabled through
Base class for exceptions thrown when attempts are made to use features which have been disabled.
Provides access to flags for enabling/disabling various features.
Thrown to indicate a requested SCM feature, such as command builders or pull requests, is not supported by the backing SCM implementation.
Validate that multiple fields on an object have identical values.
Validate that multiple fields are identical.
Represents a file in a source tree.
A callback for the contents of a file
An event that is raised after a file is edited on the server.
Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when a file is edited.
Enumerates the different types of permissions that can be set on a file.
Thrown to indicate that the input content could not be transcoded to the existing file's encoding.
An instance of Page that supports pagination across an underlying paged collection.
Indicates that a particular action can not be performed by the current user.
A container of field and one or more associated errors, to be displayed in a form.
Exception to represent possible validation errors.
Event signalling global permission changes.
This event is fired when a user or group are granted a global permission.
This event is raised before a user or group are granted a global permission.
This event is raised before a user or group's global permission is modified.
This event is fired when a user or group has their global permission modified.
This event is raised before a user or group's global permission is revoked.
This event is fired when a user or group has their global permission revoked.
Describes the system wide scope
Raised when a group is deleted from all user directories visible to the server.
A service for retrieving help URLs and related help information for a given help topic.
Describes a hook script.
Configures a HookScript to run for a given scope, and defines the triggers for which it should be invoked.
Base class for changing the configuration for a HookScript.
Event fired when a HookScript configuration is removed.
Event fired when a new configuration is set for a HookScript.
Event fired when a new HookScript is added to the system.
Event fired when a HookScript is deleted from the system.
Base event for HookScripts.
A generic base class for exceptions to be thrown when HookScriptService operations fail.
Thrown when updating a hook script fails due to concurrent updates, or a version mismatch.
A service for creating, updating and configuring hook scripts.
Thrown when an app attempts to create or update a hook script with contents which exceed the configured max size.
Thrown when a hook script can't be written to or read from the backing store.
Denotes a HookScript's type.
Fired when a HookScript is updated.
HtmlCssInliner inlines CSS from plugin modules into HTML.
Event that is raised when the HTTP(S) SCM hosting is enabled or disabled.
Validate that the string is a valid https or https URL.
Validate that the string is a valid http or https URL.
A container object to allow the passing of a property key and its associated context variables.
Serves localized text from properties files.
Thrown to indicate an entity's internal state was not acceptable for performing a requested operation.
Indicates that a search request was invalid.
Thrown when an operation fails because the pull request is not in the expected state.
Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the repository was not in the expected state.
While trying to enter or exit upgrade mode, this exception is thrown to signal that operation is not allowed because of current state of system e.g.
Runtime exception generated during import phase of migration
Represents a request to import repositories from a file.
A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their account is no longer active.
Indicates the current operation cannot be processed because it is incompatible with the application mode
Thrown to indicate that the requested SCM's implementation is not up-to-date with the current SPI.
This exception is thrown when the base URL supplied to Jira to create a reciprocal application link was not accessible from the Jira server.
A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown when the CAPTCHA response provided by the user does not match the image that was presented.
A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the password supplied during an authentication attempt does not match the password on record.
Represents a commit that has been indexed.
A request to search the index.
A readable source of type T.
Validate a number is a valid integer.
Validate a value can be converted to an Integer, optionally validating whether the number is positive.
SignedObjectIdSource that you can add items to that blocks until a next item becomes available or InteractiveSignedObjectIdSource.complete() is called.
Validator for the Int annotation.
Exception thrown when there is some invalid attachment metadata.
Thrown to indicate a Mesh node rejected a public key.
Thrown to indicate the specified MeshNode.State cannot be set, e.g.
Thrown to indicate the specified RPC URL is invalid, either syntactically or semantically.
Indicates an operation to mutate particulars of an existing pull request participant or an operation to add a participant to a pull request is invalid.
Indicates one or more reviewers could not be added to a new or existing pull request because the users either don't exist, don't have permission to view the pull request.
Indicates the supplied role is invalid for the current operation
Indicates the ref name supplied was syntactically incorrect.
Used to indicate something has gone wrong with the creation of the Jira Application Link and/or creation of the Jira Crowd configuration.
Encapsulates Jira interactions for: creating a reciprocated (2-way) Application Link; authenticating that link with Trusted Applications; and (optionally) creating a user directory from the selected Jira server. This has been designed and tested with the setup process in mind, and makes the assumption that both the local application and the remote Jira server have identical user bases and trust.
This exception is thrown when the user-supplied Jira admin username and/or password was incorrect, or the user authenticated successfully but they are not an administrator.
Represents a job that runs for some period of time doing some specific set of tasks on a single node in the cluster.
A request to create a job
A message logged against a job, optionally associated with subject entity such as a project, repository or pull request.
A request to create a message for a job
A request to find job messages
The severity of messages generated for jobs
A request to find jobs
A service for managing jobs.
Describes a label to group and categorize entities like Repository.
Describes a service for interacting with labels.
Describes a callback for receiving the commits that last modified a set of files.
Describes a starting commit to traverse from, searching for the last commit to modify files in the requested path.
Provides context about the request when streaming modifications.
Describes a request to retrieve the commits that last modified the files in the specified path, from a given starting commit.
Summarizes the request, providing the latest commit to modify the requested path.
Event that is raised when the license is changed.
Provides license related functions.
Indicates that the requested operation would breach an internally enforced limit or policy, defined to ensure that the system operates within defined parameters.
Provides various types of locks, all of which are safe to use in a cluster.
Service that allows runtime configuration of the logging subsystem.
Indicates an error occurred sending an email because one or more of the email addresses was rejected by the mail server.
Indicates there is an authentication issue talking to the configured mail server.
Base class for mail exceptions.
Class containing the mail host configuration.
Event that is raised when the mail host configuration is changed.
Class representing a mail message.
An enumeration of the supported protocols when sending email withing the product.
Indicates the backing mail queue is full and the mail message cannot be accepted Regarding logging of instances of this exception, see MailException.
Indicates an error occurred sending an email.
Service used for formatting, scheduling and sending of emails.
Indicates there was an attempt to send a mail message that exceeds the configured size limit.
Fired when maintenance has ended.
A base class for maintenance events.
Fired when maintenance has begun.
Renders content to markup using a pipeline of handlers, such as updating mentions and linking to Jira issues.
Exception thrown when a migration job is submitted to be run but the maximum number of concurrent migration jobs are already running on that node.
Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when two branches are merged in a repository.
Event that is raised when migrating repositories from Bitbucket DC to Mesh has completed executing.
Event that is raised when migrating repositories from Bitbucket DC to Mesh has been started.
Represents a node that manages git repositories
Enumerates the possible states for a given Mesh node.
Thrown to indicate a misconfiguration between Bitbucket Server and Mesh which prevents RPC requests from being sent to the node.
Raised when a MeshNode comes online or goes offline.
Thrown when there is a failure verifying connectivity to a MeshNode.
A common marker applied to events related to MeshNodes.
Thrown when a MeshNode is incompatible with the application.
Thrown to indicate a Mesh node has already been registered with the specified name.
Raised when a new MeshNode is registered.
Raised when an existing MeshNode is updated.
Thrown to indicate a Mesh node has already been registered with the specified URL.
A service for administering MeshNodes.
Represents a message being published to a topic
A map of pluggable metadata associated with a Ref
Raised when database migration is canceled.
An abstract base class for constructing events raised when database migration ends, successfully or not.
An abstract base class for constructing events related to migrating the system between databases.
Runtime exception generated during a migration of repositories.
Event that is raised when an Data Center export has completed executing.
Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration export has been started.
Raised when database migration fails.
Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration import has completed executing.
Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration import has been started.
Request for job messages from migration jobs.
Raised when database migration begins.
Raised when database migration completes successfully.
A minimal commit, defining only identifier information.
A minimal representation of a HookScript, retaining only its ID and version.
A minimal abstraction for a ref within a Repository, describing only the ref's name.
A minimal abstraction for a ref change, describing only the ref and the change type.
A MinimalCommit associated with a specific repository.
A MinimalRef qualified with the Repository it exists in
Base interface for events about mirrors connected to this instance.
Describes a callback for receiving streaming ref changes.
Additional utility methods missing from Collectors.
Additional utility methods missing from Files.
Additional utilities for creating streams.
An optionally-named link relating to an entity.
Helps build URLs using a fluent interface.
The builder for /admin
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse[/...]
Base interface for all terminal builders (builders which can produce a url)
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits/ID
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits/ID/comment/ID
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/compare
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ?create
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests?create...
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos?create
The builder for /users/delete
Builds a URL to the GettingStarted page with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url
The builder for /repos
The builder for the JSW Admin page.
A builder for URLs at/under /admin/keys-and-tokens.
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/branches
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/forks
The builder for /projects
The builder for /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse - essentially the same as NavBuilder.Project but with support for start and limit params o control the repository list
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/tags[/...]
Builds a login URL for the with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url
A builder for URLs at/under /admin/git/mesh.
Builds URL for the with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url
A builder for urls that represent a collection of things, one page at a time.
The builder of urls that have a path to a file resource
The builder for the plugin servlets
The builder for urls hanging off /projects/PROJ.
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/auto-decline
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/auto-merge
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/default-tasks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/delete
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/hooks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/merge-checks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/merge-strategies/<scmId>
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/permissions
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/pull-request-templates
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/reviewer-groups
The builder of urls for the form /project/PROJ/settings/secret-scanning
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/...
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/activities
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/builds
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/overview?commentId=ID
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/commits/ID
Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/overview
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/pull-requests
The builder of urls hanging off /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO.
Builds URLs of the form /rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/archive
The builder for URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/attachments
The builder for the URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/attachments/ID/metadata
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/auto-decline
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/auto-merge
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/builds
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/default-tasks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/delete
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO?fork
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/hooks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/merge-checks
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/merge-strategies
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/pull-request-templates
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/push-log
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/required-builds
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/reviewer-groups
The builder of urls for the form /project/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/secret-scanning
The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings
The builder for the REST API
The builder for the REST admin API
The builder of urls of the form /rest/hooks/KEY
The builder of urls of the form /rest/hooks
The builder for /rest/users/slug
The builder for /rest/users
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse/...?at=REVISION
The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/builds?at=REVISION
Group builder for endpoints under /tmp, which are intended to provide access to temporary data stored by the system to facilitate user actions.
The builder for /account
The builder for /group/view
The builder for /users/view
A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because they don't have permission to access the application.
Thrown to indicate the configured default branch for a repository does not exist.
Indicates the Mail server is not configured and mail cannot be sent.
Validate a number is a non-negative integer.
Validator for the NonNegativeInt annotation.
Indicates no branch exists with the specified name.
Indicates the requested comment does not exist.
Indicates no commit exists with the specified ID.
Specialisation of NoSuchEntityException thrown to indicate the named group does not exist.
Thrown to indicate the requested hook script does not exist.
Thrown to indicate no Mesh node is registered with the specified ID.
Indicates that the person specified in the operation is not a participant of the pull request.
Indicates that a pull request was requested that does not exist.
Thrown when a user tries to complete a pull request review but one does not exist.
Indicates no tag exists with the specified name.
Indicates the named user does not exist
This exception is thrown when the setup service can not retrieve the remote Jira server's UAL manifest (usually available at /rest/applinks/1.0/manifest).
An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they fail due to authorization problems.
Indicates that an attempt was made to change the license to one which is not a data center license.
Exception thrown when no unique user identifier could be generated.
Enumerates possible operating systems.
Event raised after migrating between major operating systems.
Interface for operations carried out by services on behalf of plugins
Optional but if it is supplied it must be no longer than max characters and must not be the empty string (0-length).
Validator for the OptionalString annotation.
Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - ascending or descending order.
Provides support for pagination.
Marker interface augmenting a callback which produces a Page of results during its processing.
Pagination for a request.
Default implementation of PageRequest.
Describes a commit for which to generate a patch.
Describes a request to format a patch of a given repository for a given commit or commit range.
A bean representation of a path
Enumerates the available permissions and describes what they are used to protect.
Updates and queries the permissions of users and groups.
Base event signalling permission changes.
An event which is fired when a user or group is granted a permission.
This event is raised before a user or group are granted a permission.
Provides access to i18n-ed name, short name and description of Permissions.
This event is raised before a user or group's permission is modified.
An event which is fired when a user or group has their permission modified.
Factory for creation permission-predicates
Represents a permission request, which can be used to request users with a specific permission, or verify that users have a specific permission.
This event is raised before a user or group's permission is revoked.
An event which is fired when a user or group has had a permission revoked.
Reads the permissions of users and groups.
A utility service for plugin developer to validate that the current user has a specific permission.
Defines an association between a group and a Permission which has been granted to it.
The permitted operations allowed on an entity for the current user.
Defines an association between a ApplicationUser and a Permission which has been granted to them.
A minimal person abstraction, suitable for describing authors, committers and other people who may not have an explicit user account.
Describes a user's personal project in the system.
Thrown when attempting to create a repository in a personal space when personal repositories are disabled.
A representation of the current progress of a task
A default immutable implementation of the Progress interface.
A reporter for the current status of a task.
Describes a project in the system.
Raised when a project's avatar is updated.
Event that is raised when a project is created.
Raised just before a project is created.
Event that is raised when a project is deleted.
Event that is raised just before a project is deleted.
Base class for all project related events.
Event raised to indicate that a project has been successfully imported to this instance.
Raised just before a project is updated.
Event that is raised when a project has been successfully updated.
Exception that is thrown when a project key has been changed and the project is retrieved using the old key.
Event signalling project permission changes.
This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users are granted permission to a given project.
This event is raised before a user or group are granted a project permission.
This event is raised before a user or group's project permission is modified.
This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users have their permission modified for a given project.
This event is raised before a user or group's project permission is revoked.
This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users have their permission revoked for a given project.
Describes a project level scope
Request for searching projects.
Creates, updates and deletes projects.
A restriction that enforces settings at the project level so that it cannot be overridden at the repository level by repository administrators.
Determines which action the current request should execute.
Contains the criteria for creating settings restrictions.
Request to update a restriction that enforces settings at the project level so that it cannot be overridden at the repository level.
Service for managing project settings restrictions.
Allows retrieving projects by their ID or key.
Enumerates available project types.
Implements the visitor pattern for projects.
Immutable collection of properties mapped by string keys.
Implemented by model objects that support storing additional PropertyMap properties that can provide auxiliary information about a given entity.
Enumerates the actions which can be taken on a pull request, defining the activities that may occur.
A pull request activity, used to track significant events in a pull request's lifecycle.
Event that is raised when an activity is created for a pull request.
A Page of activities allowing clients to both advance and reverse from this page by using the results of PullRequestActivityPage.getPreviousPageStartId() and Page.getNextPageRequest().
Represents the property enriching mode regarding pull requests and pull request activities.
Request for searching for pull requests' activities.
Types of activities that can be searched.
A PullRequestActivity representing the cancelling of auto-merge on the pull request.
Event that is raised when auto-merge is cancelled for a pull request.
Event that is raised when auto-merge is requested for a pull request.
Subclasses of this event are synchronous and allow callers to cancel the action and/or participate in the transaction (by persisting related entities, for example).
Specifies the scope of the changes for a pull request.
A PullRequestActivity representing a comment action made on the contents of the pull request.
Event that is raised when a comment activity is created for a pull request.
Event that is raised when a comment is added on a pull request.
Event that is raised before a comment is added to a pull request.
Event that is raised when a comment is deleted on a pull request.
Event that is raised before a comment in a pull request is deleted.
Event that is raised when a comment is edited on a pull request.
Event that is raised when a comment is added, edited or deleted on a pull request.
Event that is raised before a comment in a pull request is edited.
Event that is raised when a comment is replied to on a pull request.
Event that is raised before a comment is replied to in a pull request.
Holds the configured commit message template.
Variables that are valid for substitution when rendering a PullRequestCommitMessageTemplate
Request for searching for pull requests associated with a commit.
A request to create a new pull request using the provided properties.
Event that is raised when a pull request is declined.
Request object used for declining a pull request.
Event that is raised when a pull request is deleted.
Request object used for deleting a pull request.
Thrown when an event listener cancels the event raised before a pull request is deleted.
Thrown when a user, or a plugin, attempts to delete a pull request when the feature has been disabled.
Raised just before a pull request is deleted.
Request for streaming a diff of a given pull request.
Parameters describing the paths to diff and what should be included in the generated diff stats summary for a pull request
Request object used for retrieving the diff stats summary of a pull request.
Specified the direction of a pull request relative to a subject repository and branch.
Describes a request to discard a review on a pull request.
A PullRequestActivity added when the draft status of a pull request has been updated.
Describes the commits selected for a pull request's effective diff.
Enumerates types of entities connected with a pull request.
Base type for all pull request related events.
Event that is raised when PullRequests are filtered by one or more criteria from the UI.
Describes a request to finish a review on a PullRequest.
A reusable component for locking a pull request while an operation is performed.
Describes whether a pull request can merge and why this is so.
A PullRequestActivity representing when the pull request was merged.
Event that is raised when a merge activity is created for a pull request.
Parameters for merging a pull request.
Describes the configuration for how pull requests will be merged in a given repository.
Configuration for pull request merge strategies can be applied at different levels, which are described here.
Event raised when a pull request is merged via the web UI or REST, or when a remote merge is detected.
Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when a PullRequest is merged.
Enumerates the possible outcomes for attempting to merge a pull request.
Describes a request to merge a PullRequest.
Describes a strategy for merging a pull request.
Represents the details of a merge request veto.
Indicates a pull request merge request was vetoed by one or more merge-check plugin modules.
Thrown when an event listener cancels the event raised before a pull request is opened.
Event that is raised when a pull request is opened.
Raised just before a pull request is opened.
Specifies the order in which a list of results should be returned - multiple criteria can be applied.
A specialization of EntityOutOfDateException thrown when a PullRequest's version is out-of-date.
Describes a participant on a pull request.
Event raised when a participant updates its status on a pull request to PullRequestParticipantStatus.APPROVED
Request for searching for pull requests by participant.
Event raised when a participant updates its status on a pull request to PullRequestParticipantStatus.NEEDS_WORK
Request for searching pull request participant users.
Enumerates all the possible statuses a participant can have with regards to a pull request.
Describes a request to set the status for a participant on a PullRequest.
Base class for events raised when a participant updates its status on a pull request.
An event raised when the total set of reviewers and role-less participants for a pull request changes.
Event raised when a participant updates its status on a pull request to PullRequestParticipantStatus.UNAPPROVED
A ref involved in a pull request, linking to the repository the ref is in.
Event that is raised when a pull request is reopened.
A PullRequestActivity added when the source or target ref of the pull request moves.
Event that is raised when a rescope activity is created for a pull request.
Event that is raised when the ref for the source-branch and/or the target-branch of a pull request is updated.
Event that is raised when a pending comment is added on a pull request.
Event that is raised when a pending comment is added or replied on a pull request.
Event that is raised when a pending comment is added as a reply on a pull request.
Event that is raised when you discard a review on a pull request.
A PullRequestActivity added when the reviewers of a pull request are updated.
Event that is raised when a reviewers updated activity is created for a pull request.
An event raised when the reviewers of a pull request are updated.
Base class for all the pull request review related events.
Event that is raised when you finish a review on a pull request.
Enumerates the possible roles a participant can have in a pull request.
Request for searching for pull requests.
A service for the management of pull requests and their comments.
Enumerates the possible states a pull request can be in.
An object encapsulating data necessary to suggest creation of a pull request to the user.
Allows retrieving pull requests by their target repository and ID.
Event that is raised when the pull request title, description, target branch or draft status are updated.
Request object used for updating a pull request.
Describes a callback for receiving streaming ref changes.
Provides a history of repositories users have browsed.
Common abstraction between reference types like branches and tags.
A callback for streaming refs.
Represents a ref change, used mainly by RepositoryRefsChangedEvent.
Represents the different types of ref changes.
A request for metadata associated with a collection of Ref.
A builder for RefMetadataRequest
Defines orderings which can be applied when retrieving references.
A service for interacting with a repository's refs, such as branches and tags.
Represents the different types of refs.
A request to register a new MeshNode.
Controls whether remember-me authentication is disabled, always performed or only performed when a checkbox is checked on the login form.
Provides remember-me authentication
Context-specific data for rendering markup.
Indicates a fatal exception occurred rendering markup.
Describes a repository within the system.
Enumerates the possible states for a given repository.
Event that is raised when a repository is accessed by a user.
Thrown to indicate that a repository already exists at the given repositoryDir when a new repository or fork is created.
Thrown to indicate that an operation cannot be performed on an archived repository.
A flag used when searching for and/or archived repositories.
A request for branches within a repository.
A build result associated with a commit in a repository.
Event that is raised when the build status is removed.
Manages build statuses.
Event that is raised when the build status is set.
Raised when an SCM client clones a repository.
A request to generate a repository's clone URLs
Represents an activity which is recorded when a repository is created.
Event that is raised when a repository is created.
Defines the properties that can be set when creating a new Repository.
Constructs requests for creating new repositories.
Raised when an attempt to create a repository fails.
Raised just before a repository is created.
Raised when the default branch of a repository is reconfigured (typically through repository settings).
Raised when a user is blocked from deleting a repository due to the repository delete policy.
Event that is raised when a repository is deleted
Raised just before a repository is deleted.
Base class for all events related to repositories: pushes, pulls, merge operations, etc.
Raised when a repository is forked successfully.
Raised when an attempt to fork a repository fails.
Defines the properties that can be set when forking a Repository.
Constructs requests for forking repositories.
Raised just before a repository is forked.
Describes a repository hook and its state for a specific scope.
Fired when a repository hook is deleted
Contains the static (ie non-repository specific) details of a repository hook.
Fired when a repository hook is disabled
Fired when a repository hook is enabled
Children of this event are fired when repository hooks are changed.
Request that is provided to repository-hook modules for inspection (pre-hooks and post-hooks).
Describes the outcome of a repository-hook preUpdate invocation.
Request object used for, PageRequest) searching repository hooks}.
Handles the aggregation of hooks and their enabled status.
Describes the repository hook settings
Fired when a repository hook's settings are changed.
Describes the trigger for a repository-hook invocation.
Represents the supported types of RepositoryHook.
Describes the reasons for rejecting a RepositoryHookRequest
Exception that can be thrown when one or more repository-hook modules reject a proposed ref changes.
Event raised to indicate that a repository has been successfully imported to this instance.
Thrown when an operation cannot be routed to Mesh because all replicas of the target repository have been marked inconsistent (and needing repair) or failed (for example, because the hosting node is offline).
A reusable component for locking a repository while an operation is performed.
Interface for repository events received from mirrors.
This event signals that a Repository has failed to synchronize on a mirror.
This event signals that a Repository has been synchronized on a mirror
Raised just before a repository is updated.
Event that is raised when a repository has been successfully updated.
Exception that is thrown when a repository is retrieved using an old slug, project key or namespace value after any of these three fields have been updated (e.g.
Occurs when a repository is offline, i.e., when the node on which a repository is present becomes unreachable.
Raised when a repository is accessed for read but not pulling refs.
Raised when a repository is accessed for write but not pushing refs.
Base event signalling repository permission changes.
This event is fired when a user or group are granted a repository permission.
This event is raised before a user or group are granted a repository permission.
This event is raised before a user or group's repository permission is modified.
This event is fired when a user or group has their permission modified for a given repository.
This event is raised before a user or group's repository permission is revoked.
This event is fired when a user or group has their permission revoked for a given repository.
Raised when an SCM client pulls from a repository.
Event that is raised when a user pushes one or more refs to a repository.
A hook request that is raised when an SCM client pushes to the repository.
Thrown when an operation fails because the repository is in read-only mode.
A Ref qualified with the Repository it exists in
Interface for events that are published when changes are made to a repository.
Describes a repository level scope
Request for searching repositories.
Describes a service for interacting with repositories.
Represents the size of a repository.
Parameters for requesting a repository's size.
Allows retrieving repositories by their ID or project and slug.
The type of synchronization performed on a mirrored repository
A request for tags within a repository.
Represents an activity which is recorded when the repository settings are updated.
Defines the properties that can be modified when updating a Repository.
Constructs requests for updating repositories.
The visibility of a given repository.
Provides information about a request, such as the requestId, sessionId, remoteAddress and more.
Dispatched to indicate a requestContext has ended.
A base class for constructing events related to requests (i.e.
Interface for providing request details to RequestManager.
Value that is resolved in the current RequestContext, if one is active.
Sets up and tears down all logic for processing requests, such as logging, access logging, profiling and publishing RequestStartedEvent and RequestEndedEvent.
Interface for providing immutable request meta data to RequestManager.
Dispatched to indicate a request has started.
Validate that a field is non-blank
Validate that the string is not empty and below a certain size, and report any violation as a single message.
Grouping of RequiredStrings.
Validates that a URI is present and that it's ASCII representation does not exceed RequiredUri.size() characters in length
Validates an object annotated with RequiredUri
Lists the commits added or removed by a pull request rescope.
Describes a ref to resolve.
Describes a ref to resolve.
Describes which refs to resolve.
Describes which refs to resolve.
Thrown to indicate a resource is busy.
Defines the processing state for a restriction.
Parameters to perform a revert operation.
Represents a reviewer group
Describes a service for maintaining rolling upgrade state.
Augments the CommandBuilder with SCM-related properties, still supporting creating free-form commands.
Creates commands which provide basic SCM functionality such as creating repositories, retrieving commits and viewing diffs.
Creates commands which allow comparing arbitrary refs or commits.
Base class for exceptions thrown by the ScmService and other SCM components.
Creates commands which provide optional SCM functionality such as merging two branches or updating the default branch.
Enumerates optional features an SCM can support.
Describes an SCM hook invocation, providing access to the output and error streams of the remote client
Creates commands which provide pull request functionality.
Describes a service for interacting with an SCM, allowing commands to be created/executed to perform SCM operations.
Describes a scope within the system
Enumerates the available scopes.
Implements the visitor pattern for scopes.
Plugins may wish to perform operations as a particular user.
Event that is raised when the server email address is changed.
Event that is published when the server timezone is changed.
Represents a registered service user.
Request to set permissions on a Path.
Used to set a permission to multiple users and/or groups.
A typed container for a generic map of settings.
A builder for Settings
The identifier in a ProjectSettingsRestriction for the settings of a given feature.
Describes a type of object that can be signed, or for which signed content can be retrieved.
Describes a callback for receiving information about signed objects.
Provides object IDs to the ScmExtendedCommandFactory.signedObjects(SignedObjectsParameters, SignedObjectCallback) command to be resolved into signed objects.
Request that describes what signed objects to retrieve from the SCM.
Summarizes the results of a bulk signed commits command.
A simple implementation of AvatarSupplier which accepts the InputStream containing the avatar's image data as a constructor parameter.
Simple implementation of DiffStatsSummary.
Simple implementation of the Feature interface
Simple implementation of FormErrors as a plain Java object with a builder,
Basic implementation of MergeHookRequest
A simple, immutable implementation of MinimalRefChange.
A simple implementation of MinimalRepositoryCommit.
Basic implementation of MinimalRepositoryRef
A simple implementation of the NamedLink interface.
An implementation of PropertySupport for use in SCM entities, with write-once immutability provided by SimplePropertySupport.setProperties(PropertyMap).
Basic implementation of PullRequestMergeHookRequest
A simple, immutable implementation of RefChange.
Basic implementation of RepositoryHookRequest
Basic implementation of RepositoryHookVeto
Basic implementation of RepositoryRef
Parameters for requesting a file's size.
A specialization of AuthenticationException that is thrown during authentication when an existing SSH key has expired.
A specialization of AuthenticationException that is thrown during authentication when a key does not meet the requirements of the system.
Core features provided by the application
Standard ref types that should be supported by all SCM implementations.
Built-in trigger types for repository-hook RepositoryHookRequests.
Built-in types of SCM objects that can be signed or for which signed contents can be retrieved.
Allows apps to interact with selected parts of the product's home directory.
Represents a remote link in a source tree
A request for fetching pull request creation suggestions based on repository activity/history.
Defines system properties, specified with -D, which the product supports.
A Ref denoting a tag in the repository.
A callback for streaming tags.
Base event for any operations on tags.
An event that is raised when a tag is created using the UI or REST.
A hook request that is raised just before a tag is created using the UI or REST.
An event that is raised when a tag is deleted using the UI or REST.
A hook request that is raised just before a tag is deleted using the UI or REST.
Thrown when a template could not be rendered.
Provides access to the time zones used in Bitbucket.
Callback interface for messages sent to a topic.
Provides a mechanism for publishing messages to multiple subscribers, both local and cluster-wide.
Settings for creating a Topic.
Used to annotate events which need to be aware of the surrounding transaction, if any.
Defines the different points, relative to a transaction's lifecycle, at which an event can be published.
A callback which can be used during a traverse of the nodes within a commit graph.
Contains contextual information about the commit graph traversal about to start.
A request for a traversal of the commit graph starting with the included commits and excluding any subgraph starting with excluded commits.
A builder for a TraversalRequest.
The status of the traversal after visiting a node in the commit graph.
Contains a summary about the traversal which just ended.
Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being created by a trusted source.
Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being updated by a trusted source.
Supplies an OutputStream after receiving the content type for the data that will be streamed to it.
Thrown by the ScmService to indicate that a plugin is installed for the requested SCM, but that the plugin is not in a usable state.
Convenience version of Operation that does not define a checked exception on its interface.
Thrown when attempting to modify the author of a pull request.
Thrown when an operation cannot be completed because a related project settings restriction has not completed processing.
Thrown when there is an attempt to create a restriction and the specified project is a personal project.
Thrown by the ScmService to indicate none of the installed plugins supports the requested SCM.
Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being updated.
Describes a branch to set as the default.
Describes a request to update properties for an existing MeshNode.
A formatting mode for URLs.
Provides methods for querying, creating and updating users and groups.
Raised when a user is deleted from all user directories visible to the server.
Raised when personally identifying user data is erased for username.
Raised when the execution of delegated erasure operations fails.
Issued when an admin requests the anonymization of a user's data on this instance.
Handles rendering and parsing user mention strings in texts.
Represents the location and content of a user mention in the text.
Request for searching users.
Provides methods for querying users.
Provides access to a user's time zone.
The type of user
Helper to render web fragments.
Version represents a version.
Indicates something went wrong when rendering a view.
Thrown when there was a problem writing a rendered view to a stream, appendable or similar.
Interface describing a watchdog which is used to manage a running process.
A request object to search for watcher entities by watchable.
A service for interacting with watchers