Interface AttachmentService

public interface AttachmentService
Handling of attachments and attachments metadata.
  • Method Details

    • delete

      boolean delete(@Nonnull Repository repository, long id)
      Deletes the attachment with the specified ID, if it exists.

      Note: If no attachment exists with the specified ID, no exception is thrown.

      repository - the repository to which the attachment belongs
      id - the ID as long assigned when the attachment was saved
      true if the specified attachment was deleted; otherwise false if it did not exist or if it could not be deleted
      AttachmentStoreException - if no attachment exists
    • deleteMetadata

      boolean deleteMetadata(@Nonnull Repository repository, long attachmentId)
      Deletes that attachment metadata with the specified ID, if it exists.
      repository - the repository to which the attachment will have metadata associated with
      attachmentId - the ID of the attachment
      true if the deletion of the attachment metadata is successful; otherwise false if we cannot delete the attachment metadata
    • getById

      @Nullable Attachment getById(long attachmentId)
      Get the attachment that matches the ID that is supplied.
      attachmentId - the ID of the attachment
      the attachment matching the ID or null if the attachment cannot be found with the ID supplied
    • getMaxUploadSize

      long getMaxUploadSize()
      Retrieves the maximum size, in bytes, for uploaded attachments. Attachments uploaded that are larger than this will be rejected by the server.
      the maximum size, in bytes, for uploaded attachments
    • getMetadata

      @Nonnull AttachmentMetadata getMetadata(@Nonnull Repository repository, long attachmentId)
      Get the attachment metadata that is associated with the attachment metadata ID that is supplied.
      repository - the repository to which the attachment metadata belongs
      attachmentId - the ID of the attachment
      the attachment metadata object that matches the id
      NoSuchObjectException - if the attachment metadata cannot be found
    • read

      @Nonnull AttachmentSupplier read(@Nonnull Repository repository, long id)
      Reads the attachment with the specified ID.
      repository - the repository to which the attachment belongs
      id - the ID assigned when the attachment was saved
      a supplier from which the attachment can be streamed
      NoSuchObjectException - if no attachment exists
    • save

      @Nonnull Attachment save(@Nonnull Repository repository, @Nonnull AttachmentSupplier attachmentSupplier)
      Saves the attachment contained in the provided supplier, assigning a unique ID to allow it to be accessed again.
      repository - the repository to which the attachment belongs
      attachmentSupplier - a supplier containing the attachment data to store
      the attachment object representing the newly created attachment
      ArgumentValidationException - if the attachment name uses special characters, like ..
      ServiceException - if the attachment cannot be stored
    • saveMetadata

      @Nonnull AttachmentMetadata saveMetadata(@Nonnull Repository repository, long attachmentId, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> metadata)
      Saves the metadata for an attachment that already exists. The ID that is used for the metadata matches the ID for the attachment.
      repository - the repository to which the attachments belong
      attachmentId - the ID of the attachment
      metadata - the metadata that is to be associated to the attachment
      the attachment metadata object that is saved
      NoSuchObjectException - if the attachment cannot be found in the database