Class ProjectCreationRequestedEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
CancelableEvent, CancelState, Serializable

public class ProjectCreationRequestedEvent extends ProjectEvent implements CancelableEvent
Raised just before a project is created. This event is synchronous, allowing listeners to perform operations in the same database transaction where the project will be created.

This event is cancelable. A listener may prevent the project from being created by canceling this event. Throwing an exception will not prevent the project from being created; the exception will be logged and ignored.

Note: The project attached to the event will not have an ID, as it has not been created yet. Any listener which would like to create associations based on that ID must listen for the ProjectCreatedEvent instead, which will include it (but will not run in the same transaction).

This event is internally audited at the CoverageLevel.BASE level

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectCreationRequestedEvent

      public ProjectCreationRequestedEvent(@Nonnull Object source, @Nonnull Project project, @Nonnull CancelState cancelState)
  • Method Details

    • cancel

      public void cancel(@Nonnull KeyedMessage message)
      Cancels project creation, providing a message explaining why.
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface CancelState
      message - a descriptive message explaining why the operation has been canceled
    • isCanceled

      public boolean isCanceled()
      Retrieves a flag indicating whether project creation has already been canceled by another listener.
      Specified by:
      isCanceled in interface CancelState
      true if another listener has already canceled project creation; otherwise, false