public static abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.AbstractDiffCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.AbstractDiffCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B>>
Known Direct Subclasses


protected int contextLines This field is deprecated. in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.
protected int maxLineLength This field is deprecated. in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.
protected int maxLines This field is deprecated. in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.
protected final Builder<String> paths This field is deprecated. in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.
protected DiffWhitespace whitespace This field is deprecated. in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
@Nonnull B contextLines(int value)
@Nonnull B defaultContextLines()
@Nonnull B maxLineLength(int value)
@Nonnull B maxLines(int value)
@Nonnull B path(String value)
@Nonnull B paths(Iterable<String> values)
@Nonnull B paths(String value, String... values)
@Nonnull B whitespace(DiffWhitespace value)
Protected Methods
@Nonnull abstract B self()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


protected int contextLines

This field is deprecated.
in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.

protected int maxLineLength

This field is deprecated.
in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.

protected int maxLines

This field is deprecated.
in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.

protected final Builder<String> paths

This field is deprecated.
in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.

protected DiffWhitespace whitespace

This field is deprecated.
in 5.4. This field will be made private in 6.0.

Public Constructors

public AbstractBuilder ()

Public Methods

@Nonnull public B contextLines (int value)

@Nonnull public B defaultContextLines ()

@Nonnull public B maxLineLength (int value)

@Nonnull public B maxLines (int value)

@Nonnull public B path (String value)

@Nonnull public B paths (Iterable<String> values)

@Nonnull public B paths (String value, String... values)

@Nonnull public B whitespace (DiffWhitespace value)

value whitespace mode for showing diff
  • this

Protected Methods

@Nonnull protected abstract B self ()