public interface



Class Overview

Provides a mechanism for publishing messages to multiple subscribers, both local and cluster-wide. When a listener subscribes to a topic, it receives all messages published to that topic from any node until the listener unsubscribes.

Messages are delivered in the order they were published on the node they were published on. If node N publishes messages m1,, all listeners receive messages m1, in order.

Messages are not durable and message delivery is guaranteed only to the listeners that were reachable at the time a message is published. In the case of network partitions, listeners may miss messages. Plugins that rely on TopicService to handle cluster coherency are encouraged to also listen for the various cluster node events to handle nodes joining, rejoining and leaving the cluster.


Public Methods
<T extends Serializable> void publish(String topic, T message)
Publishes a message to all (both local and remote) listeners of the topic
@Nonnull <T extends Serializable> String subscribe(String topic, TopicListener<T> listener)
Subscribes a provided listener to a topic.
boolean unsubscribe(String subscriptionId)
Unsubscribes a listener.

Public Methods

public void publish (String topic, T message)

Publishes a message to all (both local and remote) listeners of the topic

topic the topic to publish to
message the message

@Nonnull public String subscribe (String topic, TopicListener<T> listener)

Subscribes a provided listener to a topic. The listener will receive callbacks for every message published to the topic after the listener was subscribed

topic the topic to subscribe to
listener the listener that should receive callbacks when a message is published to the topic

public boolean unsubscribe (String subscriptionId)

Unsubscribes a listener. The listener will not receive any more messages the topic.

subscriptionId the subscription ID that was returned by subscribe(String, TopicListener)
  • true if the listener was successfully unsubscribed, otherwise false