


EffectiveGlobalPermission A global EffectivePermission
EffectivePermission An effective permission is a permission that is either:
  • directly granted (as a permission associated with the user or as a permission associated with a group the user is a member of),
  • or indirectly granted through a inherited permission (such as a sysadmin inheriting a admin permission). 
EffectivePermissionVisitor<T> Visitor for effective permissions
EffectiveProjectPermission An EffectivePermission associated with a Project
EffectiveRepositoryPermission An EffectivePermission associated with a Repository
PermissionAdminService Updates and queries the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionPredicateFactory Factory for creation permission-predicates  
PermissionService Reads the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionValidationService A utility service for plugin developer to validate that the current user has a specific permission. 
PermittedGroup Defines an association between a group and a Permission which has been granted to it. 
PermittedOperations The permitted operations allowed on an entity for the current user. 
PermittedUser Defines an association between a ApplicationUser and a Permission which has been granted to them. 


PermissionI18n Provides access to i18n-ed name, short name and description of Permissions. 
PermissionRequest Represents a permission request, which can be used to request users with a specific permission, or verify that users have a specific permission. 
SetPermissionRequest Used to set a permission to multiple users and/or groups. 


Permission Enumerates the available permissions and describes what they are used to protect. 
