Class CodeMacro

  extended by com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.BaseMacro
      extended by com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.basic.AbstractPanelMacro
          extended by com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.code.CodeMacro
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CodeMacro
extends AbstractPanelMacro

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.Macro
Constructor Summary
CodeMacro(V2SubRenderer subRenderer, List formatters)
Method Summary
 String execute(Map parameters, String body, RenderContext renderContext)
          Execute the macro.
 RenderMode getBodyRenderMode()
          If the macro has a body, return the mode in which the body of the macro should be rendered.
protected  String getPanelContentCSSClass()
protected  String getPanelCSSClass()
protected  String getPanelHeaderCSSClass()
 void setCodeFormatterRepository(SourceCodeFormatterRepository codeFormatterRepository)
 boolean suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg()
          Suppress the rendering of the macro -- the macro's body may still be rendered (depending on the render mode of the macro), but the HTML the macro adds will not be created.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.basic.AbstractPanelMacro
getBodyContent, getSubRenderer, getTitle, hasBody, isInline, setSubRenderer, writeContent, writeHeader
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.BaseMacro
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CodeMacro(V2SubRenderer subRenderer,
                 List formatters)


public CodeMacro()
Method Detail


public void setCodeFormatterRepository(SourceCodeFormatterRepository codeFormatterRepository)


public boolean suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg()
Description copied from interface: Macro
Suppress the rendering of the macro -- the macro's body may still be rendered (depending on the render mode of the macro), but the HTML the macro adds will not be created.

Specified by:
suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg in interface Macro
suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg in class BaseMacro


protected String getPanelCSSClass()
Specified by:
getPanelCSSClass in class AbstractPanelMacro


protected String getPanelHeaderCSSClass()
Specified by:
getPanelHeaderCSSClass in class AbstractPanelMacro


protected String getPanelContentCSSClass()
Specified by:
getPanelContentCSSClass in class AbstractPanelMacro


public RenderMode getBodyRenderMode()
Description copied from interface: Macro
If the macro has a body, return the mode in which the body of the macro should be rendered. The body of the macro will be rendered before the macro is executed!

If this method returns null, it causes the macro processor to treat the macro as one that returns wiki-text rather than HTML. The body of the macro will be passed in un-rendered, and the macro's output will be inserted back into the page for further normal processing by the wiki-engine.

Specified by:
getBodyRenderMode in interface Macro
getBodyRenderMode in class AbstractPanelMacro
the RenderMode in which the body of this macro should be rendered, or null if the macro is substituting wiki-text


public String execute(Map parameters,
                      String body,
                      RenderContext renderContext)
               throws MacroException
Description copied from interface: Macro
Execute the macro. Macros should write any output to the writer (it will be rendered in the RenderMode returned in Macro.getBodyRenderMode()).

Macros are expected to output HTML. The output of macros will not be subjected to any further processing by the wiki-engine. If your macro produces wiki-text, you are responsible for rendering that text to HTML yourself using a SubRenderer or WikiStyleRenderer. If your macro returns pure wiki-text, you can force further processing in the normal chain by returning null from Macro.getBodyRenderMode()

Specified by:
execute in interface Macro
execute in class AbstractPanelMacro
parameters - the parameters included in the macro
body - the content of the body of the macro
renderContext - the rendering context in which the macro was executed
the output of the macro
MacroException - if the macro fails in some unremarkable way. If the macro fails in a way that is important to the server maintainer (i.e. something is badly wrong), throw a RuntimeException instead.

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