Interface Macro

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPanelMacro, BaseMacro, BasicAnchorMacro, CodeMacro, ColorMacro, InlineHtmlMacro, LoremIpsumMacro, NoformatMacro, PanelMacro, QuoteMacro, RadeoxCompatibilityMacro, ResourceAwareMacroDecorator

public interface Macro

A pluggable, programmatic module for inserting interesting things into a wiki page.

See Also:

Field Summary
static String RAW_PARAMS_KEY
Method Summary
 String execute(Map parameters, String body, RenderContext renderContext)
          Execute the macro.
 RenderMode getBodyRenderMode()
          If the macro has a body, return the mode in which the body of the macro should be rendered.
 boolean hasBody()
          Determine if the macro is a one-shot macro, or one that takes a body.
 boolean isInline()
          Determine if the macro is an "inline" element in the resulting HTML.
 boolean suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg()
          Suppress the rendering of the macro -- the macro's body may still be rendered (depending on the render mode of the macro), but the HTML the macro adds will not be created.
 boolean suppressSurroundingTagDuringWysiwygRendering()
          Suppress surrounding div/span during Wysiwyg rendering.

Field Detail


static final String RAW_PARAMS_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


boolean isInline()
Determine if the macro is an "inline" element in the resulting HTML. Inline elements will have paragraphs drawn around them, or be incorporated into paragraphs they are included in. As a rule of thumb, if your macro produces a paragraph, table or div (or so on), you should return false. If it produces a span, replacement text or text decoration, return true.

Most macros will want to return false here.

true if the macro output is included inline within the surrounding HTML, false if it forms its own HTML block.


boolean hasBody()
Determine if the macro is a one-shot macro, or one that takes a body. If this method returns false, the renderer will NOT look for an end-tag for the macro. If the method returns true, the renderer will look for an end-tag, but if the end-tag is not found then the macro will be processed with an empty body.


RenderMode getBodyRenderMode()
If the macro has a body, return the mode in which the body of the macro should be rendered. The body of the macro will be rendered before the macro is executed!

If this method returns null, it causes the macro processor to treat the macro as one that returns wiki-text rather than HTML. The body of the macro will be passed in un-rendered, and the macro's output will be inserted back into the page for further normal processing by the wiki-engine.

the RenderMode in which the body of this macro should be rendered, or null if the macro is substituting wiki-text


String execute(Map parameters,
               String body,
               RenderContext renderContext)
               throws MacroException
Execute the macro. Macros should write any output to the writer (it will be rendered in the RenderMode returned in getBodyRenderMode()).

Macros are expected to output HTML. The output of macros will not be subjected to any further processing by the wiki-engine. If your macro produces wiki-text, you are responsible for rendering that text to HTML yourself using a SubRenderer or WikiStyleRenderer. If your macro returns pure wiki-text, you can force further processing in the normal chain by returning null from getBodyRenderMode()

parameters - the parameters included in the macro
body - the content of the body of the macro
renderContext - the rendering context in which the macro was executed
the output of the macro
MacroException - if the macro fails in some unremarkable way. If the macro fails in a way that is important to the server maintainer (i.e. something is badly wrong), throw a RuntimeException instead.


boolean suppressSurroundingTagDuringWysiwygRendering()
Suppress surrounding div/span during Wysiwyg rendering. This should return true if the macro provides it's own Wysiwyg processing HTML.


boolean suppressMacroRenderingDuringWysiwyg()
Suppress the rendering of the macro -- the macro's body may still be rendered (depending on the render mode of the macro), but the HTML the macro adds will not be created.


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