Uses of Interface

Packages that use VelocityContextItemProvider

Uses of VelocityContextItemProvider in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.sitemesh

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.sitemesh that implement VelocityContextItemProvider
 class SitemeshContextItemProvider
          Provides context items needed by Confluence during decoration with Velocity templates.

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.sitemesh that return VelocityContextItemProvider
static VelocityContextItemProvider SitemeshContextItemProvider.getProvider(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Uses of VelocityContextItemProvider in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.velocity

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.velocity that implement VelocityContextItemProvider
 class ConfluenceStaticContextItemProvider
          Provides a context map containing default static utils available in all Velocity contexts provided at any time in the lifecycle of Confluence.
 class ContextItemProviderChain
          Chains a list of VelocityContextItemProviders, providing a map that is the aggregation of all providers.
 class DynamicContextItemProvider
          Provides a VelocityContext including values computed anew each time, to ensure dynamic values are represented correctly.
 class NamedBeanContextItemProvider
          Context map provider which will construct a bean name to bean reference map from the configured bean names and return this singleton map for every invocation of NamedBeanContextItemProvider.getContextMap()
 class PluginContextItemProvider
          This context map provider will return a map of all currently enabled Velocity context item modules.
 class PrototypeBeanContextItemProvider
          Looks up the named bean each time in the application context before setting it in the Velocity context.
 class WebResourceContextItemProvider
          Context map provider for information from the WebResourceManager and its kin.

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.velocity with type arguments of type VelocityContextItemProvider
 void ContextItemProviderChain.setProviders(java.util.List<VelocityContextItemProvider> providers)

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