Interface Summary | |
VelocityContextItemProvider | A provider of items for a Velocity context |
Class Summary | |
ApplyDecoratorDirective | An ApplyDecorator directive for Sitemesh. |
ApplyDecoratorDirective.DirectiveStack | |
ConfluenceStaticContextItemProvider | Provides a context map containing default static utils available in all Velocity contexts provided at any time in the lifecycle of Confluence. |
ContextItemProviderChain | Chains a list of VelocityContextItemProvider s, providing a map that
is the aggregation of all providers. |
DebugResourceLoader | |
DecoratorName | Encapsulates the logic around creating and parsing decorator path names. |
DisableAntiXssDirective | Marker directive to indicate that this template does not wish to have Anti-XSS run on its contents. |
DynamicContextItemProvider | Provides a VelocityContext including values computed anew each time, to ensure dynamic values are represented correctly. |
DynamicPluginResourceLoader | |
HibernateResourceLoader | Load resources via Hibernate. |
HtmlSafeDirective | Marker directive to indicate that this template has been designed to work correctly with Anti-XSS measures. |
NamedBeanContextItemProvider | Context map provider which will construct a bean name to bean reference map from the configured bean names and return this
singleton map for every invocation of NamedBeanContextItemProvider.getContextMap() |
ParamDirective | A ParamDirective for Velocity to add parameters to a decorator directive. |
PluginContextItemProvider | This context map provider will return a map of all currently enabled Velocity context item modules. |
ProfilingParseDirective | |
PrototypeBeanContextItemProvider | Looks up the named bean each time in the application context before setting it in the Velocity context. |
RenderVelocityTemplateDirective | |
SkipLinkDirective | Surrounds the body in skiplinks so that the content can be skipped by screen readers USAGE: #skiplink (sectionName startLabel endLabel) body #end |
TrimDirective | Simple velocity directive for trimming whitespace from the rendered body. |
VelocityEngineFactoryBean | |
VelocityFriendlyWebResourceManager | Shim class to allow various now-deprecated methods on the WebResourceManager to be accessed from Velocity, which does not have the luxury of being able to pass in enum constants. |
WebResourceContextItemProvider | Context map provider for information from the WebResourceManager and its kin. |