Interface BatchOperation<I,O>

public interface BatchOperation<I,O>

An operation that consists of a sequence of independent units of work that need to be run as a batch job.

All operations in a batch will be performed sequentially in a single thread (or we'd need a more complex producer/consumer API here), but there is no guarantee that they will be run in the same Hibernate session, transaction, or against the same database connection.

Method Summary
 void done()
          Called at the end of batch processing, whether the processing was successful or not.
 int getExpectedTotal()
 java.lang.Iterable<I> input()
   <I,O> operation()
 void prepare()
          Called before the batch is processed.

Method Detail


void prepare()
Called before the batch is processed. Any pre-loading of data should be performed in this step


java.lang.Iterable<I> input()

operation<I,O> operation()


int getExpectedTotal()


void done()
Called at the end of batch processing, whether the processing was successful or not.

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