Interface BootstrapManager

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultBootstrapManager, MockBootstrapManager, TestBootstrapManager

    public interface BootstrapManager
    extends com.atlassian.config.bootstrap.AtlassianBootstrapManager
    A Bamboo specialisation of the generic AtlassianBootstrapManager.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeBuildNumberIfRequired

        boolean initializeBuildNumberIfRequired()
                                         throws com.atlassian.config.ConfigurationException
      • getConfigDirectory

        String getConfigDirectory()
        Gets the directory where Bamboo's administration.xml file sits
        String representing the path to the folder. Null if not configured
      • setConfigDirectory

        void setConfigDirectory​(String configurationDirectory)
      • getBuildDirectory

        String getBuildDirectory()
        Gets the directory where Bamboo's build files sit. This includes artifacts and the like
        String representing the path to the folder. Null if not configured
      • setBuildDirectory

        void setBuildDirectory​(String buildDirectory)
      • getBuildWorkingDirectory

        String getBuildWorkingDirectory()
        This method returns the root directory underneath which the build directories are located. The structure below this directory is not documented - you most likely do not want to use this method, consider using DefaultBuildDirectoryManager methods instead.
      • setBuildWorkingDirectory

        void setBuildWorkingDirectory​(String buildWorkingDirectory)
      • getArtifactsDirectory

        String getArtifactsDirectory()
        This method returns the root directory underneath which the artifacts are stored. The structure below this directory is not documented - you most likely do not want to use this method, consider using com.atlassian.bamboo.fileserver.SystemDirectory methods instead.
      • setArtifactsDirectory

        void setArtifactsDirectory​(String artifactsDir)
      • getRepositoryLogsDirectory

        String getRepositoryLogsDirectory()
        the root directory underneath which the repositories logs directories are located.
      • setRepositoryLogsDirectory

        void setRepositoryLogsDirectory​(String repositoryLogsDirectory)
      • getIndexDirectory

        default @Nullable File getIndexDirectory()
        since 8.2 there's no index, returns null
      • getServerID

        String getServerID()
      • setServerID

        void setServerID​(String serverId)
      • initializeServerKey

        boolean initializeServerKey()
        Initializes server key used for BambooEntityOids of this Bamboo instance based on server ID. Does nothing if the server key is already configured. This method should be externally synchronized.
        true if server key has been initialized, false otherwise
        IllegalStateException - if the value is not configured and can't be generated, e.g. the server ID has not been set yet.
      • getServerKey

        int getServerKey()
        Returns server key used for BambooEntityOids of this Bamboo instance.
        IllegalStateException - if the value is not configured for this Bamboo instance or is invalid
      • setServerKey

        void setServerKey​(int serverKey)
        Set server key used for BambooEntityOids for this Bamboo instance.
        serverKey - server key of this instance
        IllegalArgumentException - if the value is incorrect (e.g. is negative)
      • setBrokerURI

        void setBrokerURI​(URI brokerUrl)
      • setBrokerClientURI

        void setBrokerClientURI​(URI brokerURI)
      • getFingerprint

        @NotNull ServerFingerprint getFingerprint()
        a unique identifier for this startup
      • getH2VersionFromConfig

        String getH2VersionFromConfig()
      • resetH2Version

        boolean resetH2Version()
      • setH2Version

        void setH2Version​(String h2Version)
                   throws com.atlassian.config.ConfigurationException
      • getLocalHomePath

        String getLocalHomePath()
        Local home directory;
      • getSharedHomePath

        String getSharedHomePath()
        Shared home directory;
      • getBambooSharedProperties

        BambooSharedProperties getBambooSharedProperties()
        Shared home properties (bamboo-shared.cfg.xml)