Class ServerFingerprint

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerFingerprint

        public ServerFingerprint​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull String serverFingerprint,
                                 long instanceFingerprint)
    • Method Detail

      • getServerFingerprint

        public @NotNull String getServerFingerprint()
        Get server fingerprint. Server fingerprint identifies Bamboo server to its agents. As long as this fingerprint matches agents are allowed to send messages to the server.
        server fingerprint.
      • getInstanceFingerprint

        public long getInstanceFingerprint()
        Get server startup fingerprint. Identifies current run of the server to the agents. If server fingerprint matches but this one doesn't, agents are allowed to send messages to server but are required to restart itself at the first opportunity.
        server fingerprint.
      • matchesServerFingerprint

        public boolean matchesServerFingerprint​(@NotNull
                                                @NotNull ServerFingerprint other)
      • matchesInstanceFingerprint

        public boolean matchesInstanceFingerprint​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull ServerFingerprint other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object