Class BambooEntityOid

    • Field Detail


        public static final int SERVER_BITS_MASK
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static BambooEntityOid create​(long oid)
        Create a new OID object instance from it's serialized representation.
        oid - serialized OID
        IllegalArgumentException - if the OID is invalid
      • create

        public static BambooEntityOid create​(int serverKey,
                                             @NotNull BambooEntityType type,
                                             long entityOid)
        Create a new OID object instance based on server key, entity type and entity oid (unique within the server, within entity type).
        serverKey - server key
        type - entity type
        entityOid - OID of this entity within the server and the type
        IllegalArgumentException - if the server key or entity OID are invalid
      • createFromExternalValue

        public static BambooEntityOid createFromExternalValue​(String externalValue)
      • minOidOfType

        public static @NotNull BambooEntityOid minOidOfType​(int serverKey,
                                                            @NotNull BambooEntityType type)
        Obtain minimal allowed entity OID for the given server key and entity type.
      • maxOidOfType

        public static @NotNull BambooEntityOid maxOidOfType​(int serverKey,
                                                            @NotNull BambooEntityType type)
        Obtain maximal allowed entity OID for the given server key and entity type.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toExternalValue

        public String toExternalValue()
      • getServerKey

        public int getServerKey()
        Return server key represented by this OID.
      • getEntityType

        public @NotNull BambooEntityType getEntityType()
        Return entity type represented by this OID.
      • getEntityOid

        public long getEntityOid()
        Return unique entity OID from this OID object. The returned value is unique within the server, within entity type.
        See Also:
        getServerKey(), getEntityType()
      • getValue

        public long getValue()
        Returns the serialized representation of this OID object.