Class JpaUtils.CriteriaVersionUpdater<E,​R,​T>

  • Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class JpaUtils.CriteriaVersionUpdater<E,​R,​T>
    extends Object
    Creates a custom wrapper that initialises commonly used JPA variables in order to increment entity's root version. You can customise the version update through apply() and run it with the incrementRootVersion methods.
    • Field Detail

      • cb

        protected final javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder cb
      • q

        protected final javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<R> q
      • entity

        protected final javax.persistence.criteria.Root<? extends E> entity
    • Constructor Detail

      • CriteriaVersionUpdater

        public CriteriaVersionUpdater​(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                      Class<? extends E> entity,
                                      Class<R> result,
                                      VersioningSupplement<T> versioningSupplement)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        protected abstract void apply()
        It should fetch the unique, single entry whose root version needs to be incremented.
      • incrementRootVersion

        public void incrementRootVersion()
        Triggers root version incrementation if the root exists.