Class QueueResource

  extended by

public class QueueResource
extends java.lang.Object

Lists all the builds waiting in the build queue, adds or removes a build from the build queue. May be used also to resume build on manual stage or rerun failed jobs.

Constructor Summary
QueueResource(PlanService planService, BambooUserManager bambooUserManager, BuildQueueManager buildQueueManager, PlanExecutionManager planExecutionManager, ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager)
Method Summary
 RestQueuedBuild continueBuild(java.lang.String projectKey, java.lang.String buildKey, java.lang.Integer buildNumber, java.lang.String stageName, boolean executeAllStages, uriInfo, authenticationContext)
          Continue partially done build.
 RestQueuedBuilds getBuildQueue( uriInfo)
          Provide list of build scheduled for execution and waiting in build queue.
 RestQueuedBuild startBuild(java.lang.String projectKey, java.lang.String buildKey, java.lang.String stageName, boolean executeAllStages, uriInfo, authenticationContext, java.lang.String fakeParam,<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> formParams)
          Fire build execution for specified plan. stopBuild(java.lang.String projectKey, java.lang.String buildKey, int buildNumber)
          Stop build execution, however only if build has not been started yet - so if is waiting in the build queue.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueueResource(PlanService planService,
                     BambooUserManager bambooUserManager,
                     BuildQueueManager buildQueueManager,
                     PlanExecutionManager planExecutionManager,
                     ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager)
Method Detail


public RestQueuedBuilds getBuildQueue(@Context
Provide list of build scheduled for execution and waiting in build queue.

uriInfo -


public RestQueuedBuild startBuild(java.lang.String projectKey,
                                  java.lang.String buildKey,
                                  java.lang.String stageName,
                                  boolean executeAllStages,
                                  java.lang.String fakeParam,
                        <java.lang.String,java.lang.String> formParams)
Fire build execution for specified plan. Effectively, this method adds build to the build queue, so is not guarantied that build would be executed immediately. Depending on currently executed builds and length of build queue, build may be executed when queue would be drained. Additional variables could be passed to this method either as form encoded POST payload or query parameters. PLEASE note: Query parameters are more important - override those stored in form payload. Variables defined in Bamboo as global variables or plan variables MUST be prefixed with bamboo.variable ie. bamboo.variable.myVariable=valueForMyVariable. When global or plan variables would be passed to this method, will override default values for variables.

projectKey - project key
buildKey - plan key (only top level plan key, can not be job key)
stageName - name of the stage that should be executed even if defined as manual stage. Execution will follow to the next manual stage after this or end of plan if no subsequent manual stage
executeAllStages - enforce executing all stages in a plan, even if defined as manual stages. Execution will follow and include latest stage, unless some stage will fail.
fakeParam - unused form parameter
uriInfo -
authenticationContext -
formParams - payload of additional variables passed to build start (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). Variables may be passed as HTTP POST form or optionally as URL query parameter=value collection. Variables defined in Bamboo as global variables or plan variables MUST be prefixed with bamboo.variable ie. bamboo.variable.myVariable=valueForMyVariable


public RestQueuedBuild continueBuild(java.lang.String projectKey,
                                     java.lang.String buildKey,
                                     java.lang.Integer buildNumber,
                                     java.lang.String stageName,
                                     boolean executeAllStages,
Continue partially done build. Effectively, this method adds build to the build queue, so is not guarantied that build would be executed immediately. Depending on currently executed builds and length of build queue, build may be executed when queue would be drained. Additional variables could be passed to this method only query parameters (variableName=variableValue). Variables defined in Bamboo as global variables or plan variables MUST be prefixed with bamboo.variable ie. bamboo.variable.myVariable=valueForMyVariable. When global or plan variables would be passed to this method, will override values valid for previous build execution (override).

projectKey - project key
buildKey - plan key (only top level plan key, can not be job key)
buildNumber - build number to resume/rerun
stageName - name of the stage that should be executed even if manual stage. Execution will follow to the next manual stage after this or end of plan if no subsequent manual stage
executeAllStages - enforce executing all stages in a plan, even if defined as manual stages. Execution will follow and include latest stage, unless some stage will fail.
uriInfo -
authenticationContext -


public stopBuild(java.lang.String projectKey,
                                           java.lang.String buildKey,
                                           int buildNumber)
Stop build execution, however only if build has not been started yet - so if is waiting in the build queue. If build does not exist in the queue anymore, method has no effect.

projectKey - project key
buildKey - plan key - IMPORTANT: as build queue contains only jobs not top level plans, plan key here MUST be a job key as opposite to other methods in this resource.
buildNumber - build number

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