Interface BuildQueueManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BuildQueueManager

Thie interface defines the work that the queue manager can do. Implementors must be threadsafe.

Field Summary
Method Summary
 void addBuildToQueue(BuildContext buildContext)
          Attempts to add the build to a queue.
 java.util.List<BuildContext> getBuildQueue()
          Returns a thread safe list of BuildContext objects representing the builds that is in the queue
 BuildQueuePosition getQueuePosition(PlanResultKey planResultKey)
          Returns information on position of plan result in the queue.
 boolean queueContains(PlanKey planKey)
          Indicates whether a build of a given build plan is in the queue.
 void reconstructBuildQueue()
          Reconstructs the build queue.
 void removeAllBuildsForPlanFromQueue(PlanKey planKey)
          Removes all the BuildContext associated with the planKey to be removed from the queue.
 void removeBuildFromQueue(PlanResultKey buildResultKey)
          Removes the BuildContext associated with the buildResultKey to be removed from the queue.
 void reorderBuildInQueue(java.lang.String planKey, int index)
          Reorders the build queue.
 boolean reorderBuildInQueue(java.lang.String buildResultKey, java.lang.String prevBuildResultKey, java.lang.String nextBuildResultKey)
          Moves a given build in a queue in between two given builds.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String DISABLE_BUILD_SYSTEM_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void addBuildToQueue(@NotNull
                     BuildContext buildContext)
Attempts to add the build to a queue. A BuildQueuedEvent is fired if queuing was successful and a BuildRejectedFromQueueEvent iif rejected. A lock on the build is obtained from the BuildExecutionManager.

buildContext - @NotNull


void removeBuildFromQueue(@NotNull
                          PlanResultKey buildResultKey)
Removes the BuildContext associated with the buildResultKey to be removed from the queue. A BuildDeQueuedEvent is fired. The lock on the build is not released. The caller should call BuildExecutionManager#finishProcess to release this lock when ready.

buildResultKey -


void removeAllBuildsForPlanFromQueue(@NotNull
                                     PlanKey planKey)
Removes all the BuildContext associated with the planKey to be removed from the queue. A BuildDeQueuedEvent is fired. The lock on the build is not released. The caller should call BuildExecutionManager#finishProcess to release this lock when ready.

planKey -


void reorderBuildInQueue(java.lang.String planKey,
                         int index)
Reorders the build queue. BuildContext associated with the planKey is moved to new position in the queue indicated by the zero-based index parameter. If index is < 0 or >= size of queue then BuildContext is positioned at the beginning or at the end of the queue respectively.

planKey - Plan key of the build that shall be repositioned in the queue.
index - New position of a BuildContext associated with the planKey in the queue.


java.util.List<BuildContext> getBuildQueue()
Returns a thread safe list of BuildContext objects representing the builds that is in the queue

List of BuildContext. Changes to this List is not reflected in the queue.


boolean queueContains(PlanKey planKey)

Indicates whether a build of a given build plan is in the queue.

planKey - The build plan key
true if a build of the given build plan is in the queue, false otherwise.


void reconstructBuildQueue()
Reconstructs the build queue. This needs to happen in the following scenarios: - Agent capability gets updated - Agent enabled/disabled - Plan configuration (requirements) updated.


boolean reorderBuildInQueue(@NotNull
                            java.lang.String buildResultKey,
                            java.lang.String prevBuildResultKey,
                            java.lang.String nextBuildResultKey)
Moves a given build in a queue in between two given builds. Required because: - By the time a user requests a reorder that plan may already have shifted up the queue (possibly by a considerable number of positions) thus it may be that be reordering to position 3 your may have actually pushed it down the queue rather than up where you wanted it. By reordering between two plans on the queue you basically eliminate this problem. - It allows us to check that the target position of the queue is as the user expects, so we can detect if there was a queue repositioning clash (by another user reordering the queue remotely). You must specify buildResultKey and either prevBuildResultKey or nextBuildResultKey (or both).

buildResultKey -
prevBuildResultKey -
nextBuildResultKey -
true if queue has been successfully reordered and false otherwise (e.g. previous and next builds were not adjacent)


BuildQueuePosition getQueuePosition(@NotNull
                                            PlanResultKey planResultKey)
Returns information on position of plan result in the queue.

planResultKey - identifies plan result
the [@link BuildQueuePosition} object

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