Interface AuditLogService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuditLogService

Service allowing you to register audit messages against the system or against plans. Audit messages allow you to track changes to configuration.

Nested Class Summary
static interface AuditLogService.FieldChange
          Simple interface that provides information about a changed field.
Method Summary
 java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(Plan plan)
          Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan.
 java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages()
          Provide a list of all audit log messages written against the system.
 void log(AuditLogEntry msg)
          Add a log to the audit log.
 void log(java.util.Collection<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes, PlanKey plan)
          Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String msg)
          Add a message to the system audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String msg, PlanKey plan)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void log(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.lang.String msg)
          Add a message to the system audit log.
 void log(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.lang.String msg, PlanKey plan)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(Plan plan)
          Deletes all log messages for a given plan

Method Detail


void log(@NotNull
         AuditLogEntry msg)
Add a log to the audit log.

msg - (fully populated) to be logged


void log(@NotNull
         java.lang.String msg)
Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context.

msg - the text of the message to add.


void log(@NotNull
         java.util.Collection<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes,
         PlanKey plan)
Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.

changes -
plan -


void log(@Nullable
         com.atlassian.user.User user,
         java.lang.String msg)
Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)

user - who caused the event being logged
msg - the text of the message to add.


void log(@NotNull
         java.lang.String msg,
         PlanKey plan)
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)

msg - to log
plan - to log it against


void log(@Nullable
         com.atlassian.user.User user,
         java.lang.String msg,
         PlanKey plan)
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against provided user

user - who caused the event being logged
msg - to be logged
plan - to log the message against.


java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull
                                                         Plan plan)
Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan.

plan - to find audit messages for
List of audit log entries for the given plan


java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages()
Provide a list of all audit log messages written against the system.

a list of audit log entries for the system


void removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull
                                   Plan plan)
Deletes all log messages for a given plan

plan - to delete messages for

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