


BatchResource Interface for plugin resources that serve batches. 
PluginResource Represents a plugin resource. 
PluginResourceLocator Assists in locating plugin resources in different ways. 
ResourceBatchingConfiguration Resource batching configuration for the WebResourceManagerImpl
WebResourceFilter An interface for filtering web resources. 
WebResourceIntegration The integration layer between Plugin's Web Resource Handler, and specific applications (eg JIRA, Confluence). 
WebResourceManager Manage 'css', 'javascript' and other 'resources' that are usually linked at the top of pages using <script> and <link> tags. 
WebResourceManager.IncludeMode This interface is deprecated. Since 2.2  


BatchPluginResource Represents a batch of plugin resources. 
DefaultResourceBatchingConfiguration Default configuration for the plugin resource locator, for those applications that do not want to perform any super-batching. 
DefaultWebResourceFilter A Web Resource Filter that allows for css and javascript resources. 
PluginResourceLocatorImpl Default implementation of PluginResourceLocator
SinglePluginResource Represents a single plugin resource. 
SuperBatchPluginResource Creates a batch of all like-typed resources that are declared as "super-batch="true"" in their plugin definitions. 
SuperBatchSubResource Represents a plugin resource that is a subordinate of the super batch. 
WebResourceManagerImpl A handy super-class that handles most of the resource management. 
WebResourceModuleDescriptor A way of linking to web 'resources', such as javascript or css. 


UrlMode A formatting mode for URLs. 


UrlParseException An UrlParseException is thrown when a web resource url cannot be parsed correctly.