public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Manage 'css', 'javascript' and other 'resources' that are usually linked at the top of pages using <script> and <link> tags.

By using the WebResourceManager, components can declare dependencies on javascript and css that they would otherwise have to embed inline (which means that it can't be cached, and are often duplicated in a page).


Nested Classes
interface WebResourceManager.IncludeMode This interface is deprecated. Since 2.2  
public static final WebResourceManager.IncludeMode DELAYED_INCLUDE_MODE This field is deprecated. Since 2.2. Use requireResource(String, Writer, UrlMode) instead.
public static final WebResourceManager.IncludeMode INLINE_INCLUDE_MODE This field is deprecated. Since 2.2. Use requireResource(String) instead.
Public Methods
abstract String getRequiredResources(UrlMode urlMode)
This is the equivalent of calling getRequiredResources(UrlMode, WebResourceFilter) with the given url mode and a default filter that is dependent on the implementation.
abstract String getRequiredResources()
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getRequiredResources(UrlMode)
abstract String getRequiredResources(UrlMode urlMode, WebResourceFilter webResourceFilter)
Returns the resource tags for the previously required resources called via requireResource(String) that match the specified web resource filter.
abstract String getResourceTags(String moduleCompleteKey, UrlMode urlMode)
Returns the resource tags of the specified resource.
abstract String getResourceTags(String moduleCompleteKey)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getResourceTags(String, UrlMode)
abstract String getStaticPluginResource(ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName, UrlMode urlMode)
A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources.
abstract String getStaticPluginResource(String moduleCompleteKey, String resourceName)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticPluginResource(String, String, UrlMode)
abstract String getStaticPluginResource(ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticPluginResource(ModuleDescriptor, String, UrlMode)
abstract String getStaticPluginResource(String moduleCompleteKey, String resourceName, UrlMode urlMode)
A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources.
abstract String getStaticPluginResourcePrefix(ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName)
This method is deprecated. Use #getStaticPluginResource instead
abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter, UrlMode urlMode)
A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources.
abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticResourcePrefix(String, UrlMode)
abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix(UrlMode urlMode)
A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources.
abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix()
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticResourcePrefix(UrlMode)
abstract void includeResources(Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)
This is the equivalent of calling includeResources(Writer, UrlMode, WebResourceFilter) with the given url mode and a default web resource filter that is dependent on the implementation.
abstract void includeResources(Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode, WebResourceFilter webResourceFilter)
Writes out the resource tags to the previously required resources called via requireResource(String) for the specified resource type.
abstract void includeResources(Iterable<String> moduleCompleteKeys, Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)
Writes out the resource tags for a specified set of required resources and their dependencies.
abstract void includeResources(Writer writer)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by includeResources(Writer, UrlMode)
abstract void requireResource(String moduleCompleteKey, Writer writer)
This method is deprecated. As of 2.3.0, replaced by requireResource(String, Writer, UrlMode)
abstract void requireResource(String moduleCompleteKey)
Indicates that a given plugin web resource is required.
abstract void requireResource(String moduleCompleteKey, Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)
Writes the resource tags of the specified resource to the writer.
abstract void requireResourcesForContext(String context)
Writes the resource tags of all resources that have the given context specified in their descriptor.
abstract void setIncludeMode(WebResourceManager.IncludeMode includeMode)
This method is deprecated. Since 2.2.


public static final WebResourceManager.IncludeMode DELAYED_INCLUDE_MODE

This field is deprecated.
Since 2.2. Use requireResource(String, Writer, UrlMode) instead.

public static final WebResourceManager.IncludeMode INLINE_INCLUDE_MODE

This field is deprecated.
Since 2.2. Use requireResource(String) instead.

Public Methods

public abstract String getRequiredResources (UrlMode urlMode)

This is the equivalent of calling getRequiredResources(UrlMode, WebResourceFilter) with the given url mode and a default filter that is dependent on the implementation.

  • the resource tags for all resources previously required

public abstract String getRequiredResources ()

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getRequiredResources(UrlMode)

Returns the resource tags for the previously required resources called via requireResource(String). If you are outputting the value to a Writer, use includeResources(Writer).

Example - if a 'javascript' resource has been required earlier with requireResource(), this method should return:
  <script type="text/javascript" src="$contextPath/scripts/javascript.js"></script>
Similarly for other supported resources

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getRequiredResources(UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
  • the resource tags for all resources previously required

public abstract String getRequiredResources (UrlMode urlMode, WebResourceFilter webResourceFilter)

Returns the resource tags for the previously required resources called via requireResource(String) that match the specified web resource filter. If you are outputting the value to a Writer, use includeResources(Writer, UrlMode).

Example - if a 'javascript' resource has been required earlier with requireResource() and this method is called with JavascriptWebResource.FILTER_INSTANCE, it should return:
  <script type="text/javascript" src="$contextPath/scripts/javascript.js"></script>
Similarly for other supported resources.

This method formats resource URLs in either relative or absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.

urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
webResourceFilter the web resource filter to filter resources on
  • the resource tags for all resources previously required

public abstract String getResourceTags (String moduleCompleteKey, UrlMode urlMode)

Returns the resource tags of the specified resource. If you are outputting the value to a Writer, use requireResource(String,, UrlMode).

This method formats resource URLs in either relative or absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
moduleCompleteKey The fully qualified plugin web resource module (eg jira.webresources:scriptaculous)
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
  • the resource tags for the specified resource

public abstract String getResourceTags (String moduleCompleteKey)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getResourceTags(String, UrlMode)

Returns the resource tags of the specified resource. If you are outputting the value to a Writer, use requireResource(String,

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getResourceTags(String, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
moduleCompleteKey The fully qualified plugin web resource module (eg jira.webresources:scriptaculous)
  • the resource tags for the specified resource

public abstract String getStaticPluginResource (ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName, UrlMode urlMode)

A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{plugin version}/_/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/ with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticPluginResource(descriptor, resourceName) %>

This method returns a URL in either a relative or an absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
moduleDescriptor plugin module descriptor that contains the resource
resourceName the name of the resource as defined in the plugin manifest
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
  • returns the url of this plugin resource

public abstract String getStaticPluginResource (String moduleCompleteKey, String resourceName)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticPluginResource(String, String, UrlMode)

A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{plugin version}/_/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/ with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticPluginResource(descriptor, resourceName) %>

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getStaticPluginResource(String, String, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
moduleCompleteKey complete plugin module key
resourceName the name of the resource as defined in the plugin manifest
  • A url that can be used to request 'plugin' resources.

public abstract String getStaticPluginResource (ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticPluginResource(ModuleDescriptor, String, UrlMode)

A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{plugin version}/_/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/ with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticPluginResource(descriptor, resourceName) %>

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getStaticPluginResource(ModuleDescriptor, String, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
moduleDescriptor plugin module descriptor that contains the resource
resourceName the name of the resource as defined in the plugin manifest
  • returns the url of this plugin resource

public abstract String getStaticPluginResource (String moduleCompleteKey, String resourceName, UrlMode urlMode)

A helper method to return a url for 'plugin' resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{plugin version}/_/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/download/resources/plugin.key:module.key/ with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticPluginResource(descriptor, resourceName) %>

This method returns a URL in either a relative or an absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
moduleCompleteKey complete plugin module key
resourceName the name of the resource as defined in the plugin manifest
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
  • A url that can be used to request 'plugin' resources.

public abstract String getStaticPluginResourcePrefix (ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor, String resourceName)

This method is deprecated.
Use #getStaticPluginResource instead

public abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix (String resourceCounter, UrlMode urlMode)

A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources. This method should be used for resources that change more frequently than system resources, and therefore have their own resource counter.

Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{resource counter}/_}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/styles/global.css with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticResourcePrefix(resourceCounter) %>/styles/global.css

This method returns a URL in either a relative or an absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
resourceCounter A number that represents the unique version of the resource you require. Every time this resource changes, you need to increment the resource counter
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
  • A prefix that can be used to prefix 'static system' resources.

public abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix (String resourceCounter)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticResourcePrefix(String, UrlMode)

A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources. This method should be used for resources that change more frequently than system resources, and therefore have their own resource counter.

Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/{resource counter}/_}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/styles/global.css with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticResourcePrefix(resourceCounter) %>/styles/global.css

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getStaticResourcePrefix(String, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
resourceCounter A number that represents the unique version of the resource you require. Every time this resource changes, you need to increment the resource counter
  • A prefix that can be used to prefix 'static system' resources.

public abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix (UrlMode urlMode)

A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/_}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/styles/global.css with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticResourcePrefix() %>/styles/global.css

This method returns a URL in either a relative or an absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
  • A prefix that can be used to prefix 'static system' resources.

public abstract String getStaticResourcePrefix ()

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by getStaticResourcePrefix(UrlMode)

A helper method to return a prefix for 'system' static resources. Generally the implementation will return

/s/{build num/{system counter}/_}

Note that the servlet context is prepended, and there is no trailing slash.

Typical usage is to replace:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>/styles/global.css with <%= webResourceManager.getStaticResourcePrefix() %>/styles/global.css

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling getStaticResourcePrefix(UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
  • A prefix that can be used to prefix 'static system' resources.

public abstract void includeResources (Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)

This is the equivalent of calling includeResources(Writer, UrlMode, WebResourceFilter) with the given url mode and a default web resource filter that is dependent on the implementation.

public abstract void includeResources (Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode, WebResourceFilter webResourceFilter)

Writes out the resource tags to the previously required resources called via requireResource(String) for the specified resource type. If you need it as a String to embed the tags in a template, use getRequiredResources(UrlMode).

Example - if a 'javascript' resource has been required earlier with requireResource() and this method is called with JavascriptWebResource.FILTER_INSTANCE, it should output:
  <script type="text/javascript" src="$contextPath/scripts/javascript.js"></script>
Similarly for other supported resources.

This method formats resource URLs in either relative or absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
writer the writer to write the links to
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide
webResourceFilter the web resource filter to filter resources on

public abstract void includeResources (Iterable<String> moduleCompleteKeys, Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)

Writes out the resource tags for a specified set of required resources and their dependencies. Does not write out tags for resources specified in calls to requireResource(String).

moduleCompleteKeys The set of web resource modules to include
writer the writer to write the links to
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide

public abstract void includeResources (Writer writer)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by includeResources(Writer, UrlMode)

Writes out the resource tags to the previously required resources called via requireResource(String). If you need it as a String to embed the tags in a template, use getRequiredResources().

Example - if a 'javascript' resource has been required earlier with requireResource(), this method should output:
  <script type="text/javascript" src="$contextPath/scripts/javascript.js"></script>
Similarly for other supported resources

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling includeResources(Writer, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
writer The writer to write the links to

public abstract void requireResource (String moduleCompleteKey, Writer writer)

This method is deprecated.
As of 2.3.0, replaced by requireResource(String, Writer, UrlMode)

Writes the resource tags of the specified resource to the writer. If you need it as a String to embed the tags in a template, use getResourceTags(String).

In general, the behavior of this method should be equivalent to calling requireResource(String, Writer, UrlMode) with a urlMode value of AUTO.
moduleCompleteKey The fully qualified plugin web resource module (eg jira.webresources:scriptaculous)
writer The writer to write the resource tags to.

public abstract void requireResource (String moduleCompleteKey)

Indicates that a given plugin web resource is required. All resources called via this method must be included when includeResources(Writer) is called.

moduleCompleteKey The fully qualified plugin web resource module (eg jira.webresources:scriptaculous)

public abstract void requireResource (String moduleCompleteKey, Writer writer, UrlMode urlMode)

Writes the resource tags of the specified resource to the writer. If you need it as a String to embed the tags in a template, use getResourceTags(String, UrlMode).

This method formats resource URLs in either relative or absolute format, depending on the value of urlMode. See UrlMode for details of the different options for URL format.
moduleCompleteKey The fully qualified plugin web resource module (eg jira.webresources:scriptaculous)
writer The writer to write the resource tags to.
urlMode specifies whether to use absolute URLs, relative URLs, or allow the concrete implementation to decide

public abstract void requireResourcesForContext (String context)

Writes the resource tags of all resources that have the given context specified in their descriptor.

context The name of the context for which you want to require resources (eg "atl.admin")

public abstract void setIncludeMode (WebResourceManager.IncludeMode includeMode)

This method is deprecated.
Since 2.2.

Whether resources should be included inline, or at the top of the page. In most cases, you want to leave this as the default. However, for pages that don't have a decorator, you will not be able to 'delay' including the resources (css, javascript), and therefore need to include them directly inline.

includeMode If there is no decorator for this request, set this to be INLINE_INCLUDE_MODE