public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.util.ClassLoaderStack

This class is deprecated.
Moved to atlassian-plugins-core: com.atlassian.plugin.util.ClassLoaderStack. This impl delegates to the new impl.

Class Overview

This utility provides a thread local stack of ClassLoaders. The current "top" of the stack is the thread's current context class loader. This can be used when implementing delegating plugin java.util.logging.Filters or javax.servlet.Servlets that need to set the ClassLoader to the PluginClassLoader the filter or servlet is declared in.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static ClassLoader pop()
Pops the current ContextClassLoader off the stack, setting the new ContextClassLoader to the previous one on the stack.
static void push(ClassLoader loader)
Makes the given classLoader the new ContextClassLoader for this thread, and pushes the current ContextClassLoader onto a ThreadLocal stack so that we can do a pop() operation later to return to that ContextClassLoader.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ClassLoaderStack ()

Public Methods

public static ClassLoader pop ()

Pops the current ContextClassLoader off the stack, setting the new ContextClassLoader to the previous one on the stack.

  • If the stack is not empty, then the current ClassLoader is replaced by the previous one on the stack, and then returned.
  • If the stack is empty, then null is returned and the current ContextClassLoader is not changed.
  • the previous ContextClassLoader that was just replaced, or null if the stack is empty.

public static void push (ClassLoader loader)

Makes the given classLoader the new ContextClassLoader for this thread, and pushes the current ContextClassLoader onto a ThreadLocal stack so that we can do a pop() operation later to return to that ContextClassLoader.

Passing null is allowed and will act as a no-op. This means that you can safely pop() a ClassLoader and push(ClassLoader) it back in and it will work safely whether the stack was empty at time of pop() or not.

loader The new ClassLoader to set as ContextClassLoader.