public abstract class


extends Object
implements AutowireCapablePlugin Plugin Comparable<T>
   ↳ com.atlassian.plugin.impl.AbstractDelegatingPlugin

Class Overview

Delegating plugin that supports easy wrapping


Inherited Fields
From interface com.atlassian.plugin.Plugin
Public Constructors
AbstractDelegatingPlugin(Plugin delegate)
Public Methods
void addModuleDescriptor(ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor)
<T> T autowire(Class<T> clazz, AutowireCapablePlugin.AutowireStrategy autowireStrategy)
Creates and autowires a class with a specific autowire strategy
<T> T autowire(Class<T> clazz)
Creates and autowires a class using the default strategy.
void autowire(Object instance, AutowireCapablePlugin.AutowireStrategy autowireStrategy)
Autowires an existing object with a specific autowire strategy
void autowire(Object instance)
Autowires an existing object using the default strategy.
void close()
Free any resources held by this plugin.
int compareTo(Plugin o)
boolean containsSystemModule()
void disable()
Disables the plugin.
void enable()
Enables the plugin.
boolean equals(Object obj)
ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Get the classloader for the plugin.
Date getDateLoaded()
The date this plugin was loaded into the system.
Plugin getDelegate()
String getI18nNameKey()
Returns the i18nKey used to get an internationalised name for this plugin.
String getKey()
ModuleDescriptor<?> getModuleDescriptor(String key)
Get the ModuleDescriptor for a particular key.
Collection<ModuleDescriptor<?>> getModuleDescriptors()
<M> List<ModuleDescriptor<M>> getModuleDescriptorsByModuleClass(Class<M> moduleClass)
Get the descriptors whose module class implements or is assignable from the supplied Class.
String getName()
Returns the non-localised name of this plugin if defined.
PluginInformation getPluginInformation()
PluginState getPluginState()
Returns this plugin's current state.
int getPluginsVersion()
Gets the version of the plugins system to handle this plugin
Set<String> getRequiredPlugins()
URL getResource(String path)
Retrieve the URL of the resource from the plugin.
InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name)
Load a given resource from the plugin.
ResourceDescriptor getResourceDescriptor(String type, String name)
Get a ResourceDescriptor of a particular type and name.
List<ResourceDescriptor> getResourceDescriptors()
Get a List of all the descriptors .
List<ResourceDescriptor> getResourceDescriptors(String type)
Get a list of all descriptors of a particular type.
ResourceLocation getResourceLocation(String type, String name)
Get a ResourceLocation of a particular type and name.
int hashCode()
void install()
Installs the plugin into any internal, managing container.
boolean isBundledPlugin()
Whether the plugin is a "bundled" plugin that can't be removed.
boolean isDeleteable()
Should the plugin file be deleted on unistall?
boolean isDynamicallyLoaded()
Whether or not this plugin is loaded dynamically at runtime.
boolean isEnabled()
boolean isEnabledByDefault()
boolean isSystemPlugin()
Whether the plugin is a "system" plugin that shouldn't be made visible to the user.
boolean isUninstallable()
Whether or not this plugin can be 'uninstalled'.
<T> Class<T> loadClass(String clazz, Class<?> callingClass)
Get the plugin to load a specific class.
void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
void setEnabledByDefault(boolean enabledByDefault)
void setI18nNameKey(String i18nNameKey)
Sets the i18nKey used to get an internationalised name for this plugin.
void setKey(String aPackage)
void setName(String name)
Sets the non-localised name of this plugin.
void setPluginInformation(PluginInformation pluginInformation)
void setPluginsVersion(int version)
Sets the version of the plugins system
void setResources(Resourced resources)
void setSystemPlugin(boolean system)
String toString()
void uninstall()
Uninstalls the plugin from any internal container.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.plugin.AutowireCapablePlugin
From interface com.atlassian.plugin.Plugin
From interface com.atlassian.plugin.Resourced
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Public Constructors

public AbstractDelegatingPlugin (Plugin delegate)

Public Methods

public void addModuleDescriptor (ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor)

public T autowire (Class<T> clazz, AutowireCapablePlugin.AutowireStrategy autowireStrategy)

Creates and autowires a class with a specific autowire strategy

clazz The class to create
autowireStrategy The autowire strategy
  • The created and wired bean
UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying delegate doesn't implement AutowireCapablePlugin

public T autowire (Class<T> clazz)

Creates and autowires a class using the default strategy.

clazz The class to create
  • The created and wired bean
UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying delegate doesn't implement AutowireCapablePlugin

public void autowire (Object instance, AutowireCapablePlugin.AutowireStrategy autowireStrategy)

Autowires an existing object with a specific autowire strategy

instance The object to autowire
autowireStrategy The autowire strategy, must not be constructor
UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying delegate doesn't implement AutowireCapablePlugin

public void autowire (Object instance)

Autowires an existing object using the default strategy.

instance The object to inject
UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying delegate doesn't implement AutowireCapablePlugin

public void close ()

Free any resources held by this plugin. To be called during uninstallation of the Plugin.

public int compareTo (Plugin o)

public boolean containsSystemModule ()

public void disable ()

Disables the plugin. Unless an exception is thrown, the plugin should be in the DISABLED state. If the plugin is already in the DISABLED state, nothing will happen.

public void enable ()

Enables the plugin. Unless an exception is thrown, the plugin should then be in either the ENABLING or ENABLED state. If the plugin is already in the ENABLING or ENABLED state, nothing will happen.

public boolean equals (Object obj)

public ClassLoader getClassLoader ()

Get the classloader for the plugin.

  • The classloader used to load classes for this plugin

public Date getDateLoaded ()

The date this plugin was loaded into the system.

  • The date this plugin was loaded into the system.

public Plugin getDelegate ()

public String getI18nNameKey ()

Returns the i18nKey used to get an internationalised name for this plugin.

This corresponds to the value of the i18n-name-key field in the plugin's XML configuration file.

You would expect a plugin developer to fill in one of either name, or i18n-name-key, but the framework does no validation and makes no guarantees that this is the case.

  • the i18n Name Key for this plugin if defined, or null.

public String getKey ()

public ModuleDescriptor<?> getModuleDescriptor (String key)

Get the ModuleDescriptor for a particular key. Returns null if the plugin does not exist.

Note: The getModule() may throw ClassCastException if the expected type is incorrect.

key the String complete key of the module, in the form "org.example.plugin:module-key".

public Collection<ModuleDescriptor<?>> getModuleDescriptors ()

Get the Collection of descriptors.

The iteration order of the collection is the order that the modules will be enabled, and should be the same order that the modules appear in the plugin descriptor.

  • the modules contained by this plugin in the order they are to be enabled

public List<ModuleDescriptor<M>> getModuleDescriptorsByModuleClass (Class<M> moduleClass)

Get the descriptors whose module class implements or is assignable from the supplied Class.

Note: The getModule() may throw ClassCastException if the expected type is incorrect. Normally this method would not be supplied with anything other than Object or <?>, unless you are confident in the super type of the module classes this Plugin provides.

moduleClass the super class the descriptors return.

public String getName ()

Returns the non-localised name of this plugin if defined.

This corresponds to the value of the name field in the plugin's XML configuration file.

You would expect a plugin developer to fill in one of either name, or i18n-name-key, but the framework does no validation and makes no guarantees that this is the case.

  • the non-localised name of this plugin if defined, or null.

public PluginInformation getPluginInformation ()

public PluginState getPluginState ()

Returns this plugin's current state.

  • the current state of the plugin.

public int getPluginsVersion ()

Gets the version of the plugins system to handle this plugin

  • The plugins version. If undefined, assumed to be 1.

public Set<String> getRequiredPlugins ()

public URL getResource (String path)

Retrieve the URL of the resource from the plugin.

path the name of the resource to be loaded
  • The URL to the resource, or null if the resource is not found

public InputStream getResourceAsStream (String name)

Load a given resource from the plugin. Plugins that are loaded dynamically will need to implement this in a way that loads the resource from the same context as the plugin. Static plugins can just pull them from their own classloader.

name The name of the resource to be loaded.
  • An InputStream for the resource, or null if the resource is not found.

public ResourceDescriptor getResourceDescriptor (String type, String name)

Get a ResourceDescriptor of a particular type and name.

  • the specified resource descriptor if found, null otherwise.

public List<ResourceDescriptor> getResourceDescriptors ()

Get a List of all the descriptors .

Note: since 2.2 this list must be immutable, previously modifying this list could modify the underlying list.

  • all resource descriptors this object supports.

public List<ResourceDescriptor> getResourceDescriptors (String type)

Get a list of all descriptors of a particular type.

Note: since 2.2 this list must be immutable, previously this list was modifiable but modifications would not be reflected in the underlying list.

  • all resource descriptors this object supports.

public ResourceLocation getResourceLocation (String type, String name)

Get a ResourceLocation of a particular type and name.

  • the specified resource location if found, null otherwise.

public int hashCode ()

public void install ()

Installs the plugin into any internal, managing container. This method will be called on every startup. Unless an exception is thrown, the plugin should be in the INSTALLED state. If the plugin is already in the INSTALLED state, nothing will happen.

public boolean isBundledPlugin ()

Whether the plugin is a "bundled" plugin that can't be removed.

  • true if this plugin is a "bundled" plugin.

public boolean isDeleteable ()

Should the plugin file be deleted on unistall?

  • true if this plugin file should be deleted on unistall.

public boolean isDynamicallyLoaded ()

Whether or not this plugin is loaded dynamically at runtime.

  • true if this plugin is loaded dynamically at runtime.

public boolean isEnabled ()

public boolean isEnabledByDefault ()

public boolean isSystemPlugin ()

Whether the plugin is a "system" plugin that shouldn't be made visible to the user.

  • true if this plugin is a "system" plugin.

public boolean isUninstallable ()

Whether or not this plugin can be 'uninstalled'.

  • true if this plugin can be 'uninstalled'.

public Class<T> loadClass (String clazz, Class<?> callingClass)

Get the plugin to load a specific class.

clazz The name of the class to be loaded
callingClass The class calling the loading (used to help find a classloader)
  • The loaded class.

public void setEnabled (boolean enabled)

public void setEnabledByDefault (boolean enabledByDefault)

public void setI18nNameKey (String i18nNameKey)

Sets the i18nKey used to get an internationalised name for this plugin.

i18nNameKey the i18n Name Key.

public void setKey (String aPackage)

public void setName (String name)

Sets the non-localised name of this plugin.

name the name.

public void setPluginInformation (PluginInformation pluginInformation)

public void setPluginsVersion (int version)

Sets the version of the plugins system

version The version

public void setResources (Resourced resources)

public void setSystemPlugin (boolean system)

public String toString ()

public void uninstall ()

Uninstalls the plugin from any internal container. This method will be called on every shutdown. Unless an exception is thrown, the plugin should be in the UNINSTALLED state. If the plugin is already in the UNINSTALLED state, nothing will happen.