public interface


implements PluginInstaller
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A type of PluginInstaller that supports reverting plugin artifacts installed during the current running. Specifically, it is used during upgrades of plugins that use modules that require a restart, and therefore, is of no use to environments that have no such descriptors. Only plugins that were installed while the current instance has existed are eligible to be reverted. In other words, no state is persisted across restarts.


Public Methods
abstract void clearBackups()
Clears any backed up artifacts from the previous run.
abstract void revertInstalledPlugin(String pluginKey)
Reverts a plugin artifact that was installed to its original state.
Inherited Methods
From interface com.atlassian.plugin.PluginInstaller

Public Methods

public abstract void clearBackups ()

Clears any backed up artifacts from the previous run.

public abstract void revertInstalledPlugin (String pluginKey)

Reverts a plugin artifact that was installed to its original state. If the artifact had already existed before it was upgraded, the old artifact should be returned to its place. If the artifact hadn't existed previously, then the installed plugin artifact should just be deleted. Calling this method after multiple installs or upgrades for a given plugin key during an instance will simple restore the original artifact, if any.

pluginKey The plugin key to revert