public final class


extends Object
implements WasClause
   ↳ com.atlassian.query.clause.WasClauseImpl

Class Overview

Represents the clause for the "WAS mode" of change history querying. This clause selects issues on the basis of a previous value of a field being equal to a given value (the 'operand').


Public Constructors
WasClauseImpl(String field, Operator operator, Operand operand, HistoryPredicate predicate)
WasClauseImpl(WasClause clause)
Public Methods
<R> R accept(ClauseVisitor<R> visitor)
Allows us to perform operations over the clauses based on the passed in visitor.
boolean equals(Object o)
List<Clause> getClauses()
String getDisplayString()
String getField()
String getName()
The name of the individual clause, this should be unique amongst the implementations otherwise the clauses will be treated as the "same" type of clause.
Operand getOperand()
Operator getOperator()
HistoryPredicate getPredicate()
int hashCode()
String toString()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.query.clause.Clause
From interface com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause
From interface com.atlassian.query.clause.WasClause

Public Constructors

public WasClauseImpl (String field, Operator operator, Operand operand, HistoryPredicate predicate)

public WasClauseImpl (WasClause clause)

Public Methods

public R accept (ClauseVisitor<R> visitor)

Allows us to perform operations over the clauses based on the passed in visitor. This method calls the visit method on the visitor with this reference.

visitor the visitor to accept.
  • the result of the visit operation who's type is specified by the incoming visitor.

public boolean equals (Object o)

public List<Clause> getClauses ()

public String getDisplayString ()

public String getField ()

public String getName ()

The name of the individual clause, this should be unique amongst the implementations otherwise the clauses will be treated as the "same" type of clause.

  • the name of the individual clause.

public Operand getOperand ()

public Operator getOperator ()

public HistoryPredicate getPredicate ()

public int hashCode ()

public String toString ()