@PublicApi public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


This interface is designed for plugins to consume (call its methods).

Clients of @PublicApi can expect that programs compiled against a given version will remain binary compatible with later versions of the @PublicApi as per each product's API policy as long as the client does not implement/extend @PublicApi interfaces or classes (refer to each product's API policy for the exact guarantee---usually binary compatibility is guaranteed at least across minor versions).

Note: since @PublicApi interfaces and classes are not designed to be implemented or extended by clients, we may perform certain types of binary-incompatible changes to these classes and interfaces, but these will not affect well-behaved clients that do not extend/implement these types (in general, only classes and interfaces annotated with @PublicSpi are safe to extend/implement).

Class Overview

Represents a node in the tree that gets generated for a Query. The tree of these will be used to generate an overall search.


Public Methods
<R> R accept(ClauseVisitor<R> visitor)
Allows us to perform operations over the clauses based on the passed in visitor.
List<Clause> getClauses()
String getName()
The name of the individual clause, this should be unique amongst the implementations otherwise the clauses will be treated as the "same" type of clause.
String toString()
Return a string representation of the clause.

Public Methods

public R accept (ClauseVisitor<R> visitor)

Allows us to perform operations over the clauses based on the passed in visitor. This method calls the visit method on the visitor with this reference.

visitor the visitor to accept.
  • the result of the visit operation who's type is specified by the incoming visitor.

public List<Clause> getClauses ()

  • child clauses if the clause has any, empty list if it has none.

public String getName ()

The name of the individual clause, this should be unique amongst the implementations otherwise the clauses will be treated as the "same" type of clause.

  • the name of the individual clause.

public String toString ()

Return a string representation of the clause. This string representation should not be used to represent the clause to the user as it may not be valid. For example, this method makes no attempt to escape invalid names and strings.

  • the string representation of the clause.