public class


extends Object
implements IssueUpdater
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.DefaultIssueUpdater


Public Constructors
DefaultIssueUpdater(OfBizDelegator ofBizDelegator, IssueEventManager issueEventManager)
Public Methods
void doUpdate(IssueUpdateBean iub, boolean generateChangeItems)
Stores any changes to the issue optionally including a changelog and conditionally dispatches an IssueUpdate event if the changes were real and made to significant fields.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.IssueUpdater

Public Constructors

public DefaultIssueUpdater (OfBizDelegator ofBizDelegator, IssueEventManager issueEventManager)

Public Methods

public void doUpdate (IssueUpdateBean iub, boolean generateChangeItems)

Stores any changes to the issue optionally including a changelog and conditionally dispatches an IssueUpdate event if the changes were real and made to significant fields.

iub the description of the change.
generateChangeItems if true, a changelog group is created.