public class


extends Object
implements IssueChangeHolder
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.DefaultIssueChangeHolder

Class Overview

Default implementation of a change holder.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
void addChangeItem(ChangeItemBean changeItemBean)
Convenience method for adding a single ChangeItemBean to the list of change items.
void addChangeItems(List<ChangeItemBean> changeItems)
Add the provided list of change items to the current change items.
boolean equals(Object o)
List<ChangeItemBean> getChangeItems()
Get all the change items registered with this object.
Comment getComment()
Get the comment associated with this group of changes.
int hashCode()
boolean isSubtasksUpdated()
Returns true if any subtasks of this issue where updated and therefore need to be re-indexed.
void setChangeItems(List<ChangeItemBean> changeItems)
Set the change items of this object to the provided param.
void setComment(Comment comment)
Set the comment associated with this change.
void setSubtasksUpdated(boolean subtasksUpdated)
Sets whether or not subtasks have been updated.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.IssueChangeHolder

Public Constructors

public DefaultIssueChangeHolder ()

Public Methods

public void addChangeItem (ChangeItemBean changeItemBean)

Convenience method for adding a single ChangeItemBean to the list of change items.

changeItemBean the changeItemBean to add

public void addChangeItems (List<ChangeItemBean> changeItems)

Add the provided list of change items to the current change items.

changeItems to add to this objects change items

public boolean equals (Object o)

public List<ChangeItemBean> getChangeItems ()

Get all the change items registered with this object.

  • a list of ChangeItemBean objects

public Comment getComment ()

Get the comment associated with this group of changes.

  • the Comment that represents the comment for this group of changes.

public int hashCode ()

public boolean isSubtasksUpdated ()

Returns true if any subtasks of this issue where updated and therefore need to be re-indexed. Currently this is only necessary when changing the issue level security on a parent (as the subtask has to have the same security level as the parent).

  • true if there are affected subtasks or false otherwise

public void setChangeItems (List<ChangeItemBean> changeItems)

Set the change items of this object to the provided param.

changeItems to set on this object

public void setComment (Comment comment)

Set the comment associated with this change.

comment the Comment

public void setSubtasksUpdated (boolean subtasksUpdated)

Sets whether or not subtasks have been updated.

subtasksUpdated true if this issue's subtasks have been updated.