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Attributes Represents attributes that can be associated to users and groups. 
ConnectionPoolProperties The system-wide settings for LDAP connection pooling, as provided by JNDI. 
CrowdDirectoryService Provides the interface for performing Directory Operations in Crowd for applications embedding Crowd. 
CrowdService Provides the interface for performing User and Group operations in Crowd for applications embedding Crowd. 
Directory Represents a Directory configuration in Crowd. 
Group Represents a group. 
GroupWithAttributes Represents a group with attributes. 
Query<T> Represents a search query for user management. 
SearchRestriction Marker interface representing a search restriction. 
UnfilteredCrowdService Provides the interface for performing unfiltered User and Group operations in Crowd. 
User Represents a user. 
UserWithAttributes Combination of a User and the user's Attributes. 


DirectorySynchronisationInformation Simple object to store synchronisation information for synchronisable directories  
DirectorySynchronisationRoundInformation Information of a directory synchronisation round. 
GroupComparator Comparator for a Group. 
PasswordCredential Password based authentication information. 
UserComparator Supplies re-useable methods for equals, hashcode and compareTo that can be shared with different implementations of User in order to be compatible. 


OperationType Represents the type of operations allowed to be performed on a directory. 
PermissionOption Options in the UI for different types of permission configurations for an LDAP directory. 
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