AbstractDelegatingEntityWithAttributes | Abstract class providing a delegating implementation of the Attributes interface. |
AccountNotFoundException | Thrown when the account could not be found during an authentication attempt. |
ApplicationNotFoundException | Thrown when an application is not found. |
Attributes | Represents attributes that can be associated to users and groups. |
CommunicationException | A specific extension of the Runtime OperationFailedException that is thrown when the host application is unable to communicate with the remote User Directory. |
ConnectionPoolProperties | The system-wide settings for LDAP connection pooling, as provided by JNDI. |
ConnectionPoolPropertyConstants | Class containing the properties related to a connection pool. |
ConnectionPoolPropertyUtil | |
CrowdDirectoryService | Provides the interface for performing Directory Operations in Crowd for applications embedding Crowd. |
CrowdException | CrowdException is the superclass of Crowd-specific exceptions
that must be caught. |
CrowdRuntimeException | CrowdRuntimeException is the superclass of Crowd-specific exceptions that may be thrown but not
necessarily caught. |
CrowdService | Provides the interface for performing User and Group operations in Crowd for applications embedding Crowd. |
DefaultConnectionPoolProperties | Form-backing bean used to set default values in the connection pool UI and convert the values for storage as application attributes. |
DelegatingGroupWithAttributes | Implementation of GroupWithAttributes that simply delegates to an underlying Group and Attributes object. |
DelegatingUserWithAttributes | Implementation of UserWithAttributes that simply delegates to an underlying User and Attributes object. |
Directory | Represents a Directory configuration in Crowd. |
DirectoryCurrentlySynchronisingException | Thrown when an operation failed because the directory is currently synchronising. |
DirectoryInstantiationException | Exception when a com.atlassian.crowd.directory.RemoteDirectory implementation can not be loaded by a Directory. |
DirectoryNotFoundException | Thrown when a directory could not be found |
DirectorySynchronisationInformation | Simple object to store synchronisation information for synchronisable directories |
DirectorySynchronisationRoundInformation | Information of a directory synchronisation round. |
DirectoryType |
ExpiredCredentialException | Thrown when the credentials have expired. |
FailedAuthenticationException |
Group | Represents a group. |
GroupComparator | Comparator for a Group. |
GroupNotFoundException | Thrown when the specified group could not be found. |
GroupNotFoundException | Thrown when the specified group could not be found. |
GroupWithAttributes | Represents a group with attributes. |
IdentifierMap<V> | This class behaves like a HashMap with lower-case String keys. |
IdentifierSet | This class behaves like a HashSet with lower-case String values. |
IdentifierUtils | |
InactiveAccountException | Thrown when the account is inactive. |
InvalidCredentialException | Thrown when the supplied credential is not valid. |
InvalidCrowdServiceException | Thrown when a Crowd client is not communicating with a valid Crowd service. |
InvalidGroupException | An exception to denote an invalid application/embedded group. |
InvalidMembershipException | Thrown when a user tries to create a Nested Group membership that is not valid. |
InvalidUserException |
MembershipNotFoundException | Used to denote that a particular USER-GROUP or GROUP-GROUP membership does not exist. |
MembershipNotFoundException | Used to denote that a particular USER-GROUP or GROUP-GROUP membership does not exist. |
ObjectNotFoundException | Thrown when an entity is not found. |
OperationFailedException | Represents an error when executing an operation on the remote directory failed for some reason. |
OperationFailedException | Thrown when an operation failed for some reason. |
OperationNotPermittedException | Thrown when the operation is not permitted. |
OperationNotSupportedException | Checked exception thrown if the requested operation is not supported. |
OperationType | Represents the type of operations allowed to be performed on a directory. |
PasswordCredential | Password based authentication information. |
PermissionOption | Options in the UI for different types of permission configurations for an LDAP directory. |
Query<T> | Represents a search query for user management. |
ReadOnlyGroupException | Thrown when a directory is asked to modify a group or its memberships which cannot be modified. |
SearchRestriction | Marker interface representing a search restriction. |
SystemConnectionPoolProperties | Represents the LDAP connection pool properties which are set as system properties. |
UnfilteredCrowdService | Provides the interface for performing unfiltered User and Group operations in Crowd. |
UnsupportedCrowdApiException | Failure because this API call is only supported by a later version of Crowd. |
User | Represents a user. |
UserComparator | Supplies re-useable methods for equals, hashcode and compareTo that can be shared with different implementations of
User in order to be compatible. |
UserNotFoundException | Thrown when the specified user could not be found. |
UserNotFoundException | Thrown when the user is not found. |
UserWithAttributes | Combination of a User and the user's Attributes. |