public interface


Class Overview

Information about a user's login history


Public Methods
abstract int getCurrentFailedLoginCount()
Return the number of failed login attempts for the username userName.
abstract Date getLastFailedLoginDate()
abstract Date getLastSuccessfulLoginDate()
abstract int getTotalFailedLoginCount()
abstract boolean requiresElevatedSecurityCheck()
This is called to see whether the user requires an extended security check (such as CAPTCHA)

Public Methods

public abstract int getCurrentFailedLoginCount ()

Return the number of failed login attempts for the username userName.

  • number of failed login attempts

public abstract Date getLastFailedLoginDate ()

  • the date of the last failed login or null if its not known

public abstract Date getLastSuccessfulLoginDate ()

  • the date of the last successful login or null if its not been recorded

public abstract int getTotalFailedLoginCount ()

  • the number of total number of times the user has failed to login ever or -1 if its not recorded

public abstract boolean requiresElevatedSecurityCheck ()

This is called to see whether the user requires an extended security check (such as CAPTCHA)

  • true if the user with the user name userName requires an extended security check