


CacheConfigManager Manages cache configuration changes (such as max cache size). 
CacheConfigurationLoader A Cache configuration loader. 
CacheManagerKeys This interface is deprecated. since 3.0 put cache keys in the class which uses the cache  
CacheStatistics Interface for reporting cache statistics  
ReadThroughCacheFactory Implemented by cache factories that can provide special read-through cache functionality. 


CacheAdapter Delegates to an underlying cache. 
CacheOperations A cache operation recorder. 
DeferredOperationsCache An implementation of com.atlassian.cache.Cache that records changes to a delegate cache, only actually performing them when sync() is called. 
ThreadLocalCache A generic cache for "stuff" that is only needed for the lifetime of a web request or scheduled job. 
ThreadLocalCacheAccessor<K, V> A type-safe way of accessing the threadlocal cache 
TransactionalCacheFactory A cache factory that produces transactional caches. 
WarnBeforeMethodAdvice Logs a warning before running the intercepted method.