Deprecated API
Terminally Deprecated ElementsElementDescriptionsince 9.1, no replacement.since 8.8, use insteadsince 8.6since 8.3since 8.4 Replaced by
since 8.4since 8.3since 8.3since 8.2since 8.3 UseClusterEventService
since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 8.6since 8.6since 8.8since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead. See: Preparing for secure endpoints for details.since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead. See: Preparing for secure endpoints for details.since 8.9 for removal in 10.0since 8.7since 8.6 replaced byHibernateMappingResourcesFactory
since 8.6since 8.6 UseHibernateObjectDao.getSessionFactory()
since 9.0
since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.4.2. UseSearchUsersEvent(boolean, SearchTermType)
instead.since 8.4.2. UseSearchUsersEvent.getType()
instead.since 8.4 useHibernateManagedCacheSupplier
since 8.4 no replacementsince 8.4 to be removedsince 8.3since 8.0 UseSchemaInformationService.getDialect()
since 7.5. This job is only required for cloud, so it will be removed from server.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.7.0since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead.since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 9.0.4, do not allow opting out of XSRF protection.since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.3.0since 8.7, not supported on OpenSearch.since 9.0. No replacementsince 9.0. No replacementsince 9.0. No replacementsince 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.7 usePageDaoInternal
since 8.8, no replacementsince 9.1, useAttachment
directly.since 9.1, useDefaultAttachmentManager
directly.since 9.1 seePluginManagerConfiguration#pluginManager()
since 8.6since 8.6since 8.3 no replacementsince 8.6 replaced byVelocityEngineRenderingService
since 9.1since 8.6since 8.6since 8.3.0since 9.1, useMacroUtils.newConfluenceActionSupport()
instead.since 9.0. UseAbstractSearch(AbstractBuilder)
since 9.0. UseAbstractSearch(AbstractBuilder)
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseDefaultSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseDefaultSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 8.7.0since 8.6 useDateRangeQuery.Builder.fromDate(Date)
since 8.6since 8.6 useDateRangeQuery.Builder.toDate(Date)
since 9.0This is a temporary solution for backward compatibility purposes, and will be removed in a future version.since 8.9. UseSearchFieldMappings.PERMISSION_SETS
instead.since 8.9. UseLowercaseFieldSort(StringFieldMapping, Order)
instead. On OpenSearch, this will result in a script-sort, which is inefficient.since 8.9 because it's very inefficient on Lucene, and is not supported on OpenSearch.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.0 UseSystemInformationService.getDatabaseInfo()
since 8.0since 8.6since 8.6since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1, useCompositeContext
instead.since 9.1, useRawTextResult
instead.since 9.1 replaced byApplyDecoratorDirective
since 9.1 Replaced byParamDirective
since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 9.1, useSpace
directly.since 9.1, useSpaceManager
directly.since 8.5.7since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 9.1 useThemedDecorator.getDecorator()
since 8.6since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.0.2, usePeopleDirectoryAction.getQueryString()
instead.since 9.0.2, usePeopleDirectoryAction.getQueryString()
instead.since 9.1, useConfluenceUserImpl
directly.since 8.8since 7.7 for removal in 10.0since 8.0since 8.8since 7.0.1. UseLazyMap.fromSuppliersMap(Map)
since 8.6 useBeanUtils.describe(Object)
since 8.6since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 8.6.0 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0 UseRequestFactory
instead.since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 8.8since 9.1,<? super T, ? extends R>)
instead.since 8.6since 9.1 useConfluenceDecoratorSelector
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshDecorator
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshErrorDecorator
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshNoDecorator
since 9.1 useProfilingSiteMeshFilter
since 8.0 Does nothingsince 8.0 Does nothingsince 9.1 useVelocitySitemeshPage
since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6 for removal in 9.0 UseVelocityHelperService
since 8.6 useUrlUtils.appendAmpersandOrQuestionMark(String)
since 6.5, for removal in 10.0. UseReturnValueAnnotation
instead.since 6.5, for removal in 10.0 alongsideHtmlSafe
. UseHtmlAnnotationEscaper
instead.since 6.5, for removal in 10.0. UseHtmlSafe
instead.since 9.0, for removal in 10.0 alongsideHtmlSafe
.since 8.6
Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionsince 6.10.0. Use
instead.since 6.10.0. UseUserAccessor
since 7.20 UseContentBlueprintInstanceFactory
since 7.20 useContentTemplateFactory
since 7.0.1, there is no substitution for it.since 7.14.0since 7.14.0since 7.14.0since 7.5 UseManagedCache.getStatistics()
since 8.3 UseClusterEventService
since 8.2since 8.2Since 5.3. No replacement.Please using classReferencesFromBodyContentExtractorMarkerV2
insteadsince 5.1.4 SeeStorageFormatCleaner
instead.since 5.2. If you want a JSON-producing REST endpoint, then use a proper JAX-RS resource.since 8.8since 8.9 for removal in 10.0since 7.17.0. Will be moved to internal package in the future.since 8.4 useHibernateManagedCacheSupplier
since 8.0.0since 8.1 UseAttachmentDataFileSystem
since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0. No replacement. The class is not used from Confluence 8.3.0.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
insteadsince 7.17.0 because of Hibernate 2 usage.since 7.17.0. Will be moved to 'impl' package in the future.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 7.18 UseFollowManager
since 7.0 useSearchSort.expand()
instead.since 2.10 - UseDefaultJsonator
with anAbstractCommandAction
instead.This interface is used as a convenience to indicate that an action can provide its result in JSON format. It's not strictly needed as the result uses reflection but is provided anyway as a convenience.
since 7.0.1 , useContentLabelService
since 7.0.1 useContentService
where applicablesince 7.0.1 , useContentLabelService
since 7.0.1 , useContentLabelService
since 7.0.1 , usePersonService
since 8.8, no replacementsince 7.14since 8.7 usePageDaoInternal
since 8.8, no replacementsince 8.0.0since 8.6. Useinstead
since 9.0. UseRemoteManyFetcher
instead.since 9.0. UseRemoteSingleFetcher
instead.since 5.10. No longer neededsince 8.3 unused, no replacementsince 7.7 UsePluginSettingsFactory
since 7.7 Use one of the more specific super-typessince 2.8. Please avoid this interface. Instead overrideConfluenceActionSupport.isPermitted()
and usePermissionManager.hasPermission(User, Permission, Object)
instead.This will make it easier to determine the permissions required to invoke an action as they would be more explicit and in one place (you won't have to check whether the class or its super class implements this interface). Also implement
and call:BreadcrumbGenerator
's getSpaceAdminBreadcrumb methodin 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 8.6since 5.9.
instead.since 8.8since 8.8Since 5.9.1 Responsible for converting status text into displayable HTML. Will auto-link URLs, wiki inline markup and hash-tags.Since 5.9.1 Callback to receive tags and their positionssince 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0 UseRequestFactory
instead.since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 8.6since 8.8 no replacement
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionsince 6.10.0. Use
instead.since 6.10.0. UsePaginationService
instead.since 7.20. Will be relocated tocom.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate
packagesince 6.10.0. Usecom.atlassian.confluence.user.UserAccessor
since 8.8, use insteadsince 7.9 because Confluence now has multiple index queues. UseViewChangeIndexQueueAction
since 7.5.0. New atlassian-audit-api should be usedsince 7.5.0. Use AuditResource from atlassian-audit-apisince 7.5.0. Use AuditEntity from atlassian-audit-apisince 7.5.0. Use ChangedValue from atlassian-audit-apisince 7.5.0. Use AuditRetentionConfig from atlassian-audit-apisince 6.10.0, useContentId
since 5.9since 5.9. Don't use it since it causes ehcache stats to be held in memory indefinitelysince 8.4 Replaced byHibernateManagedCacheAwareCacheManager
since 8.3since 8.2since 8.2since 8.3 Replaced byTopicEventPublisher
since 8.2since 8.2since 8.2since 5.1.4 SeeStorageFormatCleaner
instead.since 5.1.4 SeeStorageFormatCleaner
instead.Since 4.3. This class is only public because it is used by ContentTypesDisplayMapper. Avoid using this class directly and use a ContentUiSupport object instead. This class will be made private whenContentTypesDisplayMapper
is removed.since 8.8 useDateFormatService.getFormattedRelativeTime(Instant)
since 8.9since 7.0.1. UseNone
since 8.6 replaced byHibernateMappingResourcesFactory
since 7.17.0. Will be moved to internal package in the future.since 8.0.0since 5.9. No longer used.IndexAction
now performs the necessary redirection, rather than delegating to this action.since 8.3 Replaced byThreadPoolEventExecutorFactory
since 5.10. UseAsyncExportFinishedEvent
insteadsince 8.9 no replacement, events do not need to extend this any more, but they should still be Serializablesince 5.5. Use the synchronous eventssince 5.5. Use the synchronous eventssince 7.2.0since 5.5. Use the synchronous eventssince 5.5. Use the synchronous eventssince 7.0.1. UseDefaultFollowManager.CanUserUseConfluence
since 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 8.4 No longer requiredsince 8.3since 7.19 Replaced byApplicationConfigurationFileStoreFactory
since 8.6, but cannot be removed due to references in existing installed confluence.cfg.xml files.since 8.0.0since 8.0.0since 8.1.0. UseContentDirectoryStructureAttachmentDataFileSystemV004
insteadsince 5.3 UseMemoryAwareImageRenderPredicate
.since 7.5. This job is only required for cloud, so it will be removed from server.since 5.2. Instead please use the REST endpoint that is provided by the 'Confluence QuickNav' Bundled Plugin. Please use /rest/quicknav/1/search instead. It accepts the exact same arguments and is thus API compatible with this class. You should be able to swap them out directly.since 7.9 because Confluence now has multiple index queues. UseFlushContentIndexQueueAction
since 5.9since 7.9 UseIndexManager
methods instead of calling corresponding methods on queue directly. This class is deprecated because Confluence will no longer have only one index queue.since 7.20. UseMatchAllDocsQuery
instead. This filter will be removed in 8.0 with CONFSRVDEV-23162since 7.0 userLowercaseFieldSortMapper
.since 7.0 useFieldSortMapper
.since 7.20, seeSpacePermissionQuery
which will also be removed.since 8.7.0since 8.0, useDefaultSpacePermissionQueryFactory
instead.since 8.0, useSpacePermissionQueryFactory.create(ConfluenceUser)
since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead.since 7.15 Unused.since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 5.10. Code should be delegating to a product-managed executor service instead.since 7.20since 7.17.0. Will be removed in the future withImportExportManager
.since 7.17.0. Will be removed in the future withImportExportManager
.since 7.17.0. Will be removed in the future withImportExportManager
.since 7.17.0. Will be moved to 'impl' package in the future.since 7.17.0.since 7.3.0 will be removed in 8.0.since 7.17.0. UserBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 8.3.0. seeBandanaXStreamUpgradePreprocessor
since 8.3.0since 7.14 Replaced byAbstractFileXmlExporter
since 7.14 Replaced bycom.atlassian.confluence.impl.importexport.SpaceBackupExporter
since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
insteadsince 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.14 unusedsince 7.4 unusedsince 7.14 unusedsince 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0. Will be moved to impl package.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0. Has to be moved to impl package.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0. UseBackupRestoreManager
instead.since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.xmlimport.persister.HibernateContentPermissionPersisterFactorysince 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.17.0.since 7.5.0. Audit records should be persisted via atlassian-audit-pluginsince 8.0. Use #instead
since 8.7, not supported on OpenSearch.since 7.0.1. UseModuleDescriptorOfClassPredicate
instead.since 7.0.1. UseModuleDescriptorOfClassPredicate
instead, and filter the results forAbstractLuceneMapperModuleDescriptor.handles(String)
.since 7.20 useBooleanQuery.Builder
instead orTermQuery
.since 5.9. UseDefaultSearchResults
since 8.6.0. Use a JAX-RS resource instead.since 8.6.0. Use a JAX-RS resource instead.since 6.9.0. Use the newLabelPermissionEnforcer
if possiblesince 7.20 Replaced byDefaultLocaleManager
since 7.0.1 , useContent
since 7.0.1 , useContentBody
since 7.0.1 , useLink
since 7.0.1 , useContent
since 7.0.1 , useContentType
since 7.0.1 , useVersion
since 7.0.1 , useHistory
since 7.0.1 , useLabel
since 7.0.1 , useContentLocator
since 7.0.1 , useContentLocatorBuilder
since 7.0.1 , usePageResponse
since 7.0.1 , useAnonymous
since 7.0.1 , useKnownUser
since 7.0.1 , usePerson
since 7.0.1 , useUnknownUser
since 7.0.1 , useUser
since 7.0.1 , useSpace
since 7.0.1 , useExpansion
since 7.0.1 , useExpansions
since 7.0.0, it will be removed in futuresince 7.6.0, this is used by mail-archiving only, we should consider moving it theresince 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsinace 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsince 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsince 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsince 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsince 5.3 this class is intermittent bridge for safe migration from sync to async event processing and not intended to long term usage. In next releases sync version will be removed and async version of events will be published from PageManagersince 7.5.0since 7.17.0. Has to be changed and moved to the internal package: 6.10.0. UsePaginationService
instead.Since 5.5 Usecom.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.filesystem.FileSystemAttachmentDataDao
since 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 9.1, useAttachment
directly.since 9.1, useDefaultAttachmentManager
directly.since 5.3 UseImageDimensions
insteadsince 7.0.1. Should be removed in 8.0 when we finally start using constructor injection for everything.since 7.0.1. All these constructions are dirty hacks which exist because we can't convert everything at once to constructor injection. In version 8.0.0 we will have to convert all the things to constructor injection and after that we can get rid of all these constructs and just use pure Plugins Framework instruments for injection.since 7.0.1. UsePredicate.and(Predicate)
instead.since 8.3 no replacementsince 5.10, useJobConfigModuleDescriptor
instead.since 5.10, useJobConfigModuleDescriptor
insteadsince 8.7.0since 7.0.1. It uses deprecated spring wiring.since 7.0.1. All uses ofPluginAccessor.getEnabledModuleDescriptorsByClass(Class)
are cached now.since 8.6 replaced byVelocityEngineRenderingService
since 9.1since 5.11. UseCreatePageOrBlogpostCondition
since 8.6. UseEdgeIndexFieldMappings
instead.since 8.6. UseBinaryFieldMapping.createField(byte[])
instead.since 8.6. UseDoubleFieldMapping.createField(double)
instead.since 8.6. UseFloatFieldMapping.createField(float)
instead.since 8.6. UseFloatFieldMapping.createField(float)
instead.since 8.6. UseLongFieldMapping.createField(long)
insteadsince 8.6. UseLongFieldMapping.createField(long)
insteadsince 8.6since 8.6. UseFieldMapping
and set index=false instead.since 8.6. UseStringFieldMapping.createField(String)
insteadsince 8.6. UseTextFieldMapping.createField(String)
insteadsince 5.10. UseSiteLogoChangedEvent
since 7.0.0, it will be removed in future.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 7.5.0. Use AuditRestResource from atlassian-audit-pluginsince 5.8. Please use cross product helpUrl function instead.since 7.0.1. Fugue options shouldn't be used in REST API.OptionalDeserializer
is doing the same thing for deserialisingOptional
since 7.0.1. Fugue options shouldn't be used in REST API.OptionalSerializer
is doing the same thing for serialisingOptional
Since 2.7. useRemoteContentPermission
insteadsince 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 7.20 No replacement. Should not be used outside of the xml-rpc plumbing.since 8.0. UseJobId
instead.Known deletion blockers:
since 5.10, useRange
insteadThis is a temporary solution for backward compatibility purposes, and will be removed in a future version.since 8.9 because it's very inefficient on Lucene, and is not supported on OpenSearch.since 7.17since 7.12 No replacement.since 7.14 No longer used.Since 5.6. UseLicenseService
instead.since 7.0.1, it will be removed by: Just fields declare, no need setter for bandanasince 7.7, replaced byDelegatingLegacySettingsManager
since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1, useCompositeContext
instead.since 9.1, useRawTextResult
instead.since 9.1 replaced byApplyDecoratorDirective
since 9.1 Replaced byParamDirective
since 7.10.0 Use ConfluenceXStreamManager's bean(DefaultConfluenceXStreamManager) insteadSince 5.3 - use the new rest APIs from the Create Content pluginSpaceBlueprintResource
in 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 9.1, useSpace
directly.since 9.1, useSpaceManager 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them. Note: NotExportable added to skip groups on XML restoresince 8.2 unused, no replacementsince 8.6since 8.6since 8.6since 5.9. UseContentHasExplicitPermissionsSetCondition
since 7.0.1 , useContentBody.ContentBodyBuilder
since 7.0.1 , useContent.ContentBuilder
since 7.0.1 , useKnownUser.Builder
since 7.0.1 , useSpace.SpaceBuilder
since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 7.0.1 , no replacementsince 7.0.1 , no replacementsince 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 7.0.1 , no replacementsince 7.0.1 ,
since 5.9.
instead.since 5.10. Use the official REST API that lives in confluence-rest-resources.since 7.0.1 , useContentLabelService
since 7.0.1 , useContentService
since 7.0.1 , no replacementsince 7.0.1 , useContentLabelService
since 7.0.1 , useContentService
since 7.0.1 , usePersonService
since 3.5.9 UseHibernateDdlExecutor
and associatedDdlCommand
s, orHibernateConfig
if your code still needs to know which DB type its using.since 9.0.2, usePeopleDirectoryAction.getQueryString()
instead.since 7.6.0, use confluence-notifications-api insteadsince 9.1, useConfluenceUserImpl
directly.Since 5.9.1Since 5.9.1Since 5.9.1since 5.0, we don't display the Dashboard breadcrumb. If you keep including the DashboardBreadcrumb, it will be filtered out. SeeBreadcrumbGenerator
for more information.since 7.20since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 8.6.0 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 7.0.1 will be removed in 9.0since 8.8since 5.2 UseI18NBeanFactory.getI18NBean()
since 4.0. This class is spun from purest evil. Use the LongRunningTaskManager directly instead.since 8.6since 9.1 useConfluenceDecoratorSelector
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshDecorator
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshErrorDecorator
since 9.1 useConfluenceSitemeshNoDecorator
since 9.1 useProfilingSiteMeshFilter
since 9.1 useVelocitySitemeshPage
since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.6.1, useAdditionalAnswers.returnsArgAt(int)
instead.since 7.20 no replacementsince 7.20 no replcementsince 7.20. UseProfilingTestRule
instead.since 7.20 no replacementsince 7.20 useRestoreSystemProperties
since 7.20 no replacementsince 7.20 no replacementsince 7.20 no replacementSince 5.4.since 8.6since 8.6 for removal in 9.0 UseVelocityHelperService
since 6.5, for removal in 10.0 alongsideHtmlSafe
. UseHtmlAnnotationEscaper
instead.since 6.5. UseHtmlFragment
instead.since 9.0, for removal in 10.0 alongsideHtmlSafe
.since 8.8 no replacementsince 8.8 no replacementsince 8.8 no replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.0.1 because atlassian-embedded-crowd-atlassian-user module was removed. No replacementsince 7.17.0, useHibernateMembership
insteadsince 7.17.0, useGroupPersistentType
insteadsince 7.17.0, useOperationPersistentType
insteadsince 8.6
Deprecated Enum ClassesEnum ClassDescriptionsince 7.0.1 , use
since 7.0.1 , useOperation
since 7.6.0 , no replacementsince 7.6.0, no replacementsince 8.7.0
Deprecated ExceptionsExceptionsDescriptionsince 7.0.1 , use
since 7.0.1 , usePermissionException
since 7.0.1 , useInvalidRepresentationException
since 8.6
Deprecated Annotation InterfacesAnnotation InterfaceDescriptionsince 9.0.0 please use
insteadsince 9.0.0 please useAnonymousSiteAccess
insteadsince 9.0.0 please useLicensedOnly
insteadsince 9.0.0 please useLicensedOnly
insteadsince 6.5, for removal in 10.0. UseReturnValueAnnotation
instead.since 6.5, for removal in 10.0. UseHtmlSafe
instead.since 7.2.0. UsePermittedMethods
instead.since 8.0.0
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionsince 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 7.20 use
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.RETENTION_POLICY_DELETE_TRASH
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.RETENTION_POLICY_DELETE_VERSION
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.HOME_PAGE
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.INHERITED_LABEL
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.INHERITED_LABEL_TEXT
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.LABEL
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.LABEL_TEXT
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.ANONYMOUS_LAST_MODIFIER_ID 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.RETENTION_POLICY
instead.since 7.20 useSearchFieldMappings.IN_SPACE
instead.since 7.14 useSearchConstants.BODY_FIELD_NAME
since 7.9.0. Use spring dependency injection to get this instead of reffering static fieldsince 7.9.0. Use spring dependency injection to get this instead of reffering static fieldsince 5.10. UseLabelParser.INVALID_LABEL_CHARACTERS
since 5.2, use#getDefaultTemplateLocation(String)
since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 7.12 useThumbnailManagerInternal.THUMBNAIL_DIR_NAME
since 7.5. No replacement.since 2.8 seeWebInterfaceContext
since 5.9since 5.9since 5.9since 4.0. There is only a single output type of HTML supported.since 4.0. There is only a single output type of HTML supported beyond 4.0.since 8.7.0. UseAbstractRemoteContentService.AbstractRemoteContentFinder.getStatuses()
instead.since 5.7. This date format will follow that provided
since 5.7. This date time format will follow that provided byISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()
since 8.9. UseSearchFieldMappings.PERMISSION_SETS
instead.since 8.6. This field is redundant because CONTENT and CHANGE have been split to separate indexes.since 5.10 UseNotPermittedAction.JSON_CONTENT_TYPES2
since 5.9. UseSpacePermission.BROWSE_USERS_PERMISSION
instead.Since 5.6Since 5.6since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0since 6.9.0Space homepage titles are internationalised since Confluence 4.3. See the keysince 5.10since 9.2since 9.2since 6.7since 6.7since 6.7since 6.7since 6.7since 8.7. UseAbstractUsersAction.getUser()
instead.since 6.7 useProfilePictureInfo.ADGS_ANONYMOUS_PROFILE_PATH
since 6.7 useProfilePictureInfo.ADGS_DEFAULT_PROFILE_PATH
since 5.2. Use @link{#getAllDefaultGroupNames()} instead.since 5.2. Use @link{com.atlassian.confluence.setup.settings.Settings#getDefaultUsersGroup()} instead.since 5.10. Don't. Just don't.since 5.10. UseAuthenticator.getPropertyNames()
instead.since 7.5 UseConfluenceUsageInfoInstrumentProvider.CACHE_NAME
since 5.1, useUserChecker.isUnlimitedUserLicense()
instead.since 5.10. Use a private slfj Logger instead.
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionsince 5.2. Use Confluence core UserAccessor.getUserByName(String) instead.since 3.5 use
UserAccessor.createUser(User, Credential)
since 7.7. Plugins should useUserSettingsService
since 7.7. Plugins should useUserSettingsService
since 6.9.0 UseAboutPageAction.getBuildYear()
insteadsince 9.1, no replacement.since 5.6, useLicenseService.retrieve()
since 5.0 use ConfluenceVelocityResourceCache or rely on CustomLayoutManager to do this automatically for you.since 5.10 Consider bulk evaluating meta-data by implementing getMetadataForAll. Remove your implementation of the getMetadata method, which will cause Confluence to call the getMetadataForAll method instead.since 6.12.0 - Must implement getProperties() on this interface. New implementations can return empty list here.since 6.5.0 use {ContentLabelServiceImpl.removeLabel(ContentId, Label)
}since 5.9 - we use the same method for publishing drafts for new pages and for page editssince 7.9. UseTreeSorter.depthFirstPreOrdered(Collection, Function, Comparator)
instead.since 5.10. UseContent.buildReference(ContentSelector)
since 5.10. UseContent.getSelector()
.since 5.10. UseContentBody.ContentBodyBuilder.content(ContentSelector)
since 5.10. CRA-1305: to be removed prior to 6.0 release. UseContentSelector.from(Content)
wherever possible.since 6.10.0 useContentId.of(long)
since 5.6 Don't use. UseJsonContentPropertyId.deserialise(String)
instead.Since 5.5.1 UseSpace.getDescription()
.since 5.6 useVersion.buildReference(int)
since 5.7.2. No longer used.since 5.7.2. No longer used.since 5.9since 5.9since 5.11. UseValidatingRelationDescriptor.canRelate(Relatable, Relatable)
insteadsince 5.9 UseSearchResult.getResultParentContainer()
instead.since 5.10 please useSimpleMergeValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful()
since 5.10 please useSimpleMergeValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful(String)
since 5.10 please useSimpleMergeValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful(String)
since 5.10 please useValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful()
since 5.10 please useValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful(String)
since 5.10 please useValidationResult.throwIfNotSuccessful(String)
since 5.8.10 UseWebItemView.Builder.setIcon(Optional)
since 5.10. UseWebItemView.Builder.setModuleKey(java.lang.String)
since 5.10. UseWebItemView.getModuleKey()
since 5.10. Has no effect. UseWebPanelView.Builder.create(String)
since 5.10. UseWebPanelView.Builder.setModuleKey(java.lang.String)
since 5.10 UseNavigation.content(ContentSelector)
.since 5.10. UseNavigation.ExperimentalNav.content(ContentSelector)
.since 6.5.0, useContentLabelService.removeLabel(ContentId, Label)
since 5.8, useContentMacroService.MacroInstanceFinder.withMacroId(String)
since 9.1.0, for removal in 10.0.0. UseSpaceLabelService.findAllContentLabelsPaginated(java.lang.String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.pagination.PageRequest)
since 9.1.0, for removal in 10.0.0. UseSpaceLabelService.findPopularContentLabelsPaginated(java.lang.String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.pagination.PageRequest)
since 9.1.0, for removal in 10.0.0. UseSpaceLabelService.findRecentContentLabelsPaginated(java.lang.String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.pagination.PageRequest)
since 9.1.0, for removal in 10.0.0. UseSpaceLabelService.findRelatedContentLabelsPaginated(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.pagination.PageRequest)
since 7.18since 6.13.0, use {SingleFetcher.fetchOrNull()
}Since 5.5. UseWebViewService.forContent(ContentId)
.since 8.8 useContentMatchers.createdDateAfter(OffsetDateTime)
since 8.8 useContentMatchers.createdDateBefore(OffsetDateTime)
since 8.8 useContentMatchers.lastModifiedAfter(OffsetDateTime)
since 8.8 useContentMatchers.lastModifiedBefore(OffsetDateTime)
since 7.5 No longer usedsince 7.5 UseManagedCache.getStatistics()
since 7.5 UseManagedCache.getStatistics()
since 7.12since 5.7, since it's deprecated in atlassian-cache library 2.5.0since 7.2. UseEhCacheManager.getManagedCaches()
instead.since 7.5 UseTransactionalCacheFactory.getTxCache(String)
since 7.5 UseTransactionalCacheFactory.getTxCache(String)
since 7.5 UseTransactionalCacheFactory.getTxCache(String)
since 8.2Since 4.2. No replacement.since 8.7since 8.6since 7.5.0, useConversionContext.getRenderContext()
instead.since 7.0.1. UseDefaultConversionContext.getImmutableProperties()
since 5.2. UseUserResourceIdentifier.getUserKey()
UseContentTransformerFactory.getTransformer(MacroDefinitionHandler, MacroDefinitionMarshallingStrategy)
instead. Since v5.0.Since 5.3. No replacement.since 5.1, useStorageFormatCleaner.cleanQuietly(String)
since 7.0.1. UseStreamables.withCountingCharacters(Streamable, Consumer)
since 5.1, useXhtmlCleaner.cleanQuietly(String)
since 5.7. No replacement (should stop being used).since 6.9. See MovePageAbstractCommand.listOfPermittedPageTitlesAlreadyExist listOfPermittedPageTitlesAlreadyExist does not take into account permissions When we move a page with restricted children, we should not check the existence of those children in the destination space because we will not move restricted pages thereSince 4.3 This method is only public because it is used by ContentTypesDisplayMapper. Avoid using this method directly and use a ContentUiSupport object instead. This method will be made private whenContentTypesDisplayMapper
is removed.TODO Undeprecate and make this private when ContentTypesDisplayMapper is removed.
since 5.10. UseResource.contentLength()
instead.since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead. See: Preparing for secure endpoints for details.since 9.0. Use Atlassian annotations instead. See: Preparing for secure endpoints for details.Since 5.2. Seeinstead
. If you need a username you would retrieve it by id from the UserAccessor.Since 5.2. Seeinstead
. If you need a username you would retrieve it by id from the UserAccessor.since 5.2. UseConfluenceEntityObject.setCreator(ConfluenceUser)
instead.since 5.2. CallConfluenceEntityObject.setLastModifier(ConfluenceUser)
insteadsince 7.5.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
for plugins, or useContentEntityManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
for plugins, or useContentEntityManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
for plugins, or useContentEntityManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
for plugins, or useContentEntityManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 2.6 - use getContentPermissionSetSince 6.13. use AttachmentManager.getLatestVersionsOfAttachments(page) instead.since 2.6 - useContentEntityObject.getContentPermissionSet(String)
since 5.10since 5.8. useContentPermissionManager.getContentPermissionSets(ContentEntityObject, String)
passing permission typeContentPermission.VIEW_PERMISSION
since 5.8. useDefaultContentPermissionManager.getContentPermissionSets(ContentEntityObject, String)
passing permission typeContentPermission.VIEW_PERMISSION
since 7.5since 7.5 indexing performed via eventssince 8.7since 6.0. Use theDefaultSaveContext.builder()
instead.since 6.0. Use theDefaultSaveContext.builder()
instead.since 7.14. No. Just no.since 7.14since 7.14 UseEntityRemover.removeAllPersistentObjectsByType(Class)
since 7.14 useContentEntityObjectDao.getAllModifiers(Collection)
since 6.10.0 useContentEntityObjectDao.getTrashedContents(String, int, int)
since 6.4.0since 5.10. UseExporterAnyTypeDao.findAllPersistentObjectsHibernateHandles(Collection)
insteadsince 8.6since 6.10.0. UseHibernateObjectDao.findNamedQueryStringParams(String, Cacheability, int, int, Object[])
instead.since 5.8 Use the equivalent method that uses theHibernateObjectDao.Cacheability
enum instead of the cacheable boolean flagsince 5.2. Entity ID comparison is not a recommended way to select a result. UseHibernateObjectDao.uniqueResult(java.util.List)
, or manually handle it yourself.since 7.0.1. UseDataAccessUtils.intResult(Collection)
instead.since 8.6 UseHibernateObjectDao.getSessionFactory()
since 9.0
since 8.6since 5.8 Use the equivalent method that uses theHibernateObjectDao.Cacheability
enum instead of the cacheable boolean flagsince 7.0.1. UsePluginDataSourceFactory.FilterByType.test(ResourceView)
instead.since 6.0. UseDefaultSaveContext.builder()
instead.since 6.0. UseDefaultSaveContext.builder()
instead.since 5.7. UseTimeZoneManager.getDefaultTimeZone()
} instead.since 7.0.0since 6.4.0 useVersionHistorySummary.getContributorSet()
since 5.11. UseVersionHistorySummary.getContributors()
insteadsince 5.2. SeeVersionHistorySummary.getLastModifier()
instead.since 5.6. Use the POST.since 5.6. Use the POST.since 8.6since 8.6since 7.5since 7.14.0 UseContentReconciliationManager.reconcileIfNeeded(ContentEntityObject, SaveContext)
instead.since 7.5.0since 5.10. UseReindexStageFinishedEvent.getOption()
since 5.10. UseReindexStageStartedEvent.getOption()
since 8.4.2. UseSearchUsersEvent.getType()
instead.since 7.0.1. UseHttpRequestStats.logDbRequest(Duration)
since 5.11.0, useContentEvent(Object, boolean)
since 5.10since 7.5.0 useAuditEvent.fromI18nKeys(String, String, CoverageLevel, CoverageArea)
instead.since 7.20.0 useTableAndFieldNameValidator
instead.since 8.2.0since 5.10since 5.10since 8.4 no replacementsince 8.4 to be removedsince 5.5.1. UseDefaultPageManager.getDescendants(Page)
since 8.0 UseSchemaInformationService.getDialect()
since 8.7since 8.1.0 as it is used only in a deprecated v003 attachment formatsince 8.3.0since 8.1.0since 8.1.0since 8.1.0since 8.1.0since 7.14 useAttachmentDataFileSystemV003.getPathForSpace(Long)
since 8.1.0. Space is no longer a part of the attachment path since storage v004.since 8.1.0since 8.1.0. Space is no longer a part of the attachment path since storage v004.since 8.1.0since 8.1.0. Migration DB <-> FS should be already done and is not supported in 8.1.since 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storage because we do not move files in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, the DB storage is deprecated since 5.4.since 8.3.0since 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storage because we do not move files in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storagesince 8.1.0, not needed in v004 storage because no action needed for v004 migrationsince 7.0.1 , useThumbnailRenderer.dimensions(File)
since 7.0.1 , useThumbnailRenderer.dimensions(InputStream)
since 7.14since 7.14since 7.14since 8.5.5, useReadOnlyWebLink.getAccessKey(Map)
instead.since 9.1, no replacement.since 7.9.0. Please useIndexManager.getQueueSize()
since 5.9, useSpacePermissionsFilterDao.getPermittedSpaceKeys(
instead. This function does not correctly determine what users with unlicensed access can see.since 8.9.0 in favor ofQueryStringQueryMapper.setAutoCorrectRawQueryTransformer(LuceneAutoCorrectRawQueryParser)
since 8.9.0 in favor ofQueryStringQueryMapper.setAutoCorrectRawQueryTransformer(LuceneAutoCorrectRawQueryParser)
since 5.10. Don't use this. You don't need it.since 7.12.3 UseDefaultTomcatConfigHelper.getAllMaxHttpThreads()
since 6.0. Partitions are not supported in Confluence Serversince 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 7.15 obtainContentPermissionManager
via injectionsince 5.1.4. UseExportUtils.getTitleAsFilename(ContentEntityObject)
instead (see CONF-27260)since 7.12since 5.10 UseBackupImporter.setCacheFlusher(CacheFlusher)
since 7.5 unusedsince 6.4.0since 7.9. useNoOpIndexTask.getChangeInstance()
since 8.1.1 without replacement, there is no real need to close writer while keeping reader opensince 5.9: only here to support
.since 5.9: only here to support
. UseConfluenceAccessManager.getUserAccessStatus(com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser)
instead.since 5.10. UseMBeanExportOperations.unregisterManagedResource(
instead.since 5.10. UseMBeanExporterWithUnregisterImpl.unregisterManagedResource(
instead.since 5.2. SeeLabel.getOwnerUser()
instead.since Confluence 5.1, do not use.since 5.3. Use a method likeLabelManager.getContentForLabel(int, int, Label)
that provides a specific return type.since 5.3. UseLabelManager.getContentForAllLabels(int, int, Label...)
instead.since 5.3. UseLabelManager.getContentForLabel(int, int, Label)
.since 5.3. Use theLabelManager.getContentInSpaceForLabel(int, int, String, Label)
.since 6.0. UseLabelParser.parse(String, User)
instead.since 5.3. Use a findContentForAllLabels variant with an offset and maxResults.since 5.3. UseLabelDao.findForAllLabels(Class, int, int, Label...)
since 6.0, useLabelValidationHelper.validateLabels(Collection)
since 5.10 UseDefaultLocaleManager.setCacheFactory(VCacheFactory)
since 7.0.1. UseLicenseService.retrieveForProduct(Product)
since 7.0.1. UseLicenseService.retrieveForProduct(Product)
since 5.9.1. UseProductLicense.isClusteringEnabled() since 5.9.1. UseConfluenceLicense.getMaximumNumberOfClusterNodes()
instead.since 6.13. useLikeEntityDao.removeAllLikesFor(UserKey)
insteadsince 6.13. UserLikeManager.removeAllLikesFor(UserKey)
instead.since 7.7 unusedsince 7.7 unusedsince 7.7 unusedsince 7.7 unusedsince 7.7 unusedsince 5.9 useDefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List)
insteadsince 5.9 useRelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List)
insteadsince 5.5. UseMacroFormDetails.getDocumentationLink()
instead.since 9.0. No replacementsince 9.0. No replacementsince 9.0. No replacementsince 6.7.3. UseMacroParameter.getEnumToI18nKeyMapping()
instead.since 5.5. No replacement.since 7.2. UseDefaultImagePlaceholder.getImageDimensions()
instead.since 4.0. This is a transition method that will be removed fairly quickly after the 4.0 release since we expected admin's to manually fix their user macros to no longer use wiki templates.since 4.0. Rendering wiki macro templates is no longer supported. You will need to manually fix any macros with wiki templates.since 7.2. UseImagePlaceholder.getImageDimensions()
instead.since 3.1: this class is not thread safe and should not be mutatedsince 3.1: this class is not thread safe and should not be mutatedsince 3.1: this class is not thread safe and should not be mutatedsince 5.3. UseNotification.isNetworkNotification()
instead.since 5.8. UseNotificationEmailHelper(com.atlassian.mail.server.MailServerManager)
instead.since 8.7, use component injectionsince 5.2, usePreRenderedMailNotificationQueueItem.with(User, String, String)
insteadsince 5.2, usePreRenderedMailNotificationQueueItem.with(User, String, String)
insteadsince 5.10since 5.10 useAbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.getDraftAsCEO()
since 5.10 only use if still transitioning from legacy drafts, otherwise useAbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.getContentDraft()
since 5.3 (but really did nothing for a long time before then)since 5.3. This hasn't been used for a long time.since 5.3. Not used for some time. You can check whetherAbstractEditPageAction.getConflictingVersion()
if you need this.since 5.3 (but really did nothing for a long time before then)since 5.3. This hasn't actually been used in Confluence since 4.0. This does nothing.Date paths for blogs are deprecated. The method exists for backward compatibility only and should not be used in the new code.Date paths for blogs are deprecated. The method exists for backward compatibility only and should not be used in the new code.since 3.5 this method is not called anywhere and should not be usedsince 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 5.3 (and really much much longer)since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, useFileStorer.processMultipartRequest(AtlassianMultiPartRequest)
instead.since 8.2.0, useSuggestedLabels.getSuggestedLiteLabels(String, User, int)
since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 5.10, useGetPagePermissionsAction.getContentPermissions()
since 5.10, useGetPagePermissionsAction.getContentPermissions()
since 7.0.1. UsePageInfoAction.getIncomingLinksBySpace()
since 7.0.1. UsePageInfoAction.getOutgoingLinksBySpace()
since 6.2.0since 7.5.0 UsePagePermissionsActionHelper.createPermissions(String, List, List)
insteadsince 5.10. Unused.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 5.10. No longer used.Since 5.7. UseContentEntityObject.getVersionComment()
insteadsince 5.5. UseAttachmentManager.getAttachmentData(Attachment)
Since 5.7. UseAttachment.getMediaType()
insteadSince 5.7. UseAttachment.setMediaType(java.lang.String)
insteadsince 7.5.0, useAttachmentService
instead in plugins, or useAttachmentManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useAttachmentService
instead in plugins, or useAttachmentManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useAttachmentService
instead in plugins, or useAttachmentManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.5.0, useAttachmentService
instead in plugins, or useAttachmentManagerInternal
in core where applicableSince 5.5. UseAttachmentManager.getAttachmentData(Attachment)
since 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins orCommentManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins orCommentManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 5.9 UseContentEntityObject.getExcerpt()
since 5.10since 5.7. No replacement.since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 5.5.1. UsePage.getDescendants()
Since 1.1. Do not call this method. It exists solely for hibernate to use. Use #setParentPage instead. I would have made this method private, but CGLIB was complaining.since 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 5.5.1. UsePageManager.getDescendants(Page)
since 5.8 do not use. Implementation detail mistakenly added to manager interface.since 7.0.0 , no replacement This should be removed as the result of this ticket 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useContentService.find(Expansion...)
from plugins, or usePageManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 6.6.0, usePageManager.getUndefinedLinks(String)
since 5.8 do not use. Implementation detail mistakenly added to manager interface.since 6.0 UsePageManager.trashPage(AbstractPage, DeleteContext)
since 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 8.8, no replacementsince 7.14 useHierarchicalContentFileSystemHelper.getDirectory(File, long)
since 6.6.0, useHibernatePageDao.getUndefinedLinks(String)
since 7.0.0, no replacementThis should be removed as the result of this ticket
since 6.6.0, usePageDao.getUndefinedLinks(String)
since 7.14com.atlassian.confluence.pages.thumbnail.DefaultThumbnailManager.setSettingsManager(SettingsManager) since 7.12 useThumbnailManagerInternal.getThumbnailFile(long, int, long)
since 8.6since 5.9. UseDefaultWebInterfaceContext.getPage()
since 5.9. Use only if you still need access to legacy drafts, otherwise useDefaultWebInterfaceContext.getPage()
since 5.9. Use proper permissions checks on the contentsince 5.9. Use proper permissions checks on the contentsince 5.9. UseWebInterfaceContext.getPage()
since 5.9. Use only if you still need access to legacy drafts, otherwise useWebInterfaceContext.getPage()
since 5.9. Use proper permissions checks on the contentsince 7.0.1since 7.0.1since 7.0.1com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.webresource.ConfluenceWebResourceIntegration.getPluginEventManager()since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getRequiredResources()
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getRequiredResources()
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getResourceTags(String)
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix()
instead.since 5.5. UseWebResourceUrlProvider.getStaticResourcePrefix(com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode)
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix(String)
instead.since 5.5. UseWebResourceUrlProvider.getStaticResourcePrefix(String, com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode)
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.includeResources(
instead.since 5.5. UseVelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.requireResource(String,
instead.since 9.1since 9.1since 9.1since 7.0.1. UseWebResourceDependenciesRecorder.recordResources(Callable)
since 5.6 UseLikeNotificationManager.getNotifications(LikePayload)
Since 3.5. UseDashboardMacroSupport.getPermittedSpacesBuilder()
.since 9.1, useMacroUtils.newConfluenceActionSupport()
instead.since 4.0. There will be only one output type of HTML beyond 4.0.since 4.0. There will be only one output type of HTML beyond 4.0.since 9.0. UseRemoteCQLSearchService.countContentCompletionStage(String)
instead.since 9.0. UseRemoteCQLSearchService.countContentCompletionStage(String, SearchContext)
instead.since 5.6.5. UseRestList.newRestList(PageResponse)
instead.since 5.6.5. UseRestList.newRestList(PageRequest)
instead.since 5.6.5. UseRestList.newRestList(PageResponse)
instead.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 7.17.0 because ofImportExportManager
deprecation.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 7.17.0 because ofImportExportManager since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 4.2.7 will be removed in a future releasesince 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 7.9.0 UseIndexManager
methods instead of calling corresponding methods on queue directly. This method is deprecated because Confluence will no longer have only one index queueSince 5.6. Use instead.Since 5.6. Use instead.since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 9.0. UseISearch.toBuilder()
since 8.6 useDateRangeQuery.Builder.fromDate(Date)
since 8.6since 8.6 useDateRangeQuery.Builder.toDate(Date)
since 9.0since 5.10. This method on one hand is rarely used on the other hand is not efficient to implement in ES.since 5.2. UseSearchResult.getCreatorUser()
insteadsince 5.2. UseSearchResult.getLastModifierUser()
insteadsince 9.1, no replacement.since 7.17since 7.17since 5.9, with no replacementsince 5.9. No longer used.since 8.7since 8.7since 5.2. UseContentPermission.getUserSubject()
instead.since 7.0.1. UseContentPermissionSet.contentPermissionsCopy()
since 5.3 Use {@link #getUserKeys)}since 8.7since 8.7since since 8.0 UseSystemInformationService.getDatabaseInfo()
since 8.8 usePermissionDelegate.canCreate(ConfluenceUser, Object)
since 8.8 usePermissionDelegate.canView(ConfluenceUser)
since 8.8 usePermissionDelegate.canView(ConfluenceUser, Object)
since 8.8 usePermissionManager.isSystemAdministrator(ConfluenceUser)
since 5.2. UseSpacePermission.getUserSubject()
instead.since 5.9. Use one of the factory methods such asSpacePermission.createGroupSpacePermission(java.lang.String, com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.Space, java.lang.String)
instead.since 5.2. SeeSpacePermission.setUserSubject(ConfluenceUser)
instead.As of 2.7.2, usePermissionRow.buildParameterName(String, String)
.since 7.7 unusedsince 2.7since 6.0. queryParameters is always passed null, useConvertedPath.getPath()
insteadsince 6.0. UsePathConverter.getPath(String, String)
instead.since 6.0. UsePathConverter.handles(String, String)
instead.Since 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer usedSince 6.6.0, no longer used,Since 6.6.0, no longer usedsince 5.9since 5.9since 5.9.1since 5.9.1. Clustering is always supported.since 5.9.1com.atlassian.confluence.setup.BootstrapManager.bootstrapSharedConfiguration(SharedConfigurationMap) since 5.9since 7.14. UseApplicationProperties.getHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or confluenceHome Spring bean (core)since 7.14. UseApplicationProperties.getHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or confluenceHome Spring bean (core)since 7.14. UseApplicationProperties.getLocalHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or localHome Spring bean (core)since 5.5. UseApplicationProperties.getHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or confluenceHome Spring bean (core)since 7.14 UseConfluenceDirectories
since 7.14 UseApplicationProperties.getLocalHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or the localHome Spring bean (core)since 7.14 UseApplicationProperties.getSharedHomeDirectory()
(plugins) or the sharedHome Spring bean (core)since 7.14 UseContextPathHolder.getContextPath()
since 7.14 UseContextPathHolder.getContextPath()
since 7.14since 7.14since 6.5, UseDatabaseVerifier.verifyDatabase(String, Connection)
insteadsince 6.5, UseDatabaseVerifier.verifyDatabase(String, Connection)
insteadsince 5.9since 5.9since 7.1. Get theConfluenceSchemaCreator
from Spring.since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 7.14 UseConfluenceDirectories.getLuceneIndexDirectory()
since 7.14 UseConfluenceDirectories.getLuceneIndexDirectory()
since 7.14 UseConfluenceDirectories.getTempDirectory()
since 7.14 UseConfluenceDirectories.getTempDirectory()
since 5.10. Inlines to false.since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 5.0 because default space homepage content is now fetched from a global templatesince 5.0 because default space homepage content is now fetched from a global templatesince 7.20 useSettings.getMaxThumbnailDimensions()
since 7.0.1, it will be removed by: 5.0 The welcome message is now a system template. UseWelcomeMessageService
since 5.7. Do not use this method, useTimeZoneManager.getDefaultTimeZone()
since 7.0.1, it will be removed by this ticket: 7.0.1, it will be removed by this ticket: 5.10, turning off antixss mode is not supportedsince 6.11since 5.0 because default space homepage content is now fetched from a global templatesince 5.0 because default space homepage content is now fetched from a global templatesince 4.0since 5.2 because we don't use did you mean anymoresince 5.0. We always serve javascript at the top.since 4.0since 4.0since 4.0since 4.0since 7.0.1, it will be removed by: 5.1. "Shared mode" no longer supported. Do not use.since 5.0 The welcome message is now a system templatesince 4.0since 5.0since 5.8 - WebDAV attachment storage functionality removedsince 5.8 - WebDAV attachment storage functionality removedsince 5.8 - WebDAV attachment storage functionality removedsince 7.10.0 UseConfluenceXStream
instead.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.since 4.3. Use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)} insteadsince 7.5 indexing now peformed via eventssince 5.0 Do not use anymore. Get default space home content via theSystemTemplateManager
now.since 5.0 Do not use anymore. Get default space home content via theSystemTemplateManager 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 7.5 remove in 8.0since 6.10.0, use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)}since 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 7.3.0, useSpaceService.find(Expansion...)
in plugins andSpaceManagerInternal
in core where applicablesince 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use 5.9 Permissions are checked based on all groups the user is a member of (if a user is specified), which is determined in the implementation, so this is effectively ignored (and has been for a long time).in 5.9 Permissions are checked based on all groups the user is a member of (if a user is specified), which is determined in the implementation, so this is effectively ignored (and has been for a long time).in 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use 5.9.SpaceGroup
and related classes likeSpaceGroupManager
will be removed. Please do not use them.since 5.9, no replacement. Permissions are checked based on all groups the user is a member of (if a user is specified), which is determined in the implementation, so this is effectively ignored (and has been for a long time).since 6.13 useSystemCompatibilityService.getSupportedJavaRuntimes()
since 5.10 because PermGen no longer exists in Java8since 5.10 because PermGen no longer exists in Java8since 5.10 because PermGen no longer exists in Java8since 9.1, useServletActionContext.getActionContext()
instead.since 7.0.1. UseSystemTenant.getTenant()
since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use, String) since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client, String, String) since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use the REST resource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.since 5.10since 5.10since 9.2 No longer customisablesince 6.7. No longer usedsince 9.2 No longer customisable.since 6.7. No longer customisable.since 6.7. No longer customisable.since 6.7. No longer customisable.since 6.7. No longer customisable.since 6.7. No longer used.since 9.2 No longer customisable.since 8.7 No longer customisablesince 7.7 useDefaultThemeManager.setThemeKeyDao(ThemeKeyDao)
with aBandanaThemeKeyDao
since 7.20 useDefaultThemeManager.setUpgradedFlag(UpgradedFlag)
since 5.0 - with the common header themes shouldn't specify their own top navigation anymore. This method is no longer called from anywhere within Confluence.since 9.1 useThemedDecorator.getDecorator()
since 5.9since 7.13.17since 8.6since 7.18.0 due to Hibernate 2 removal. UseDataAccessUtils.getJdbcTemplate(org.hibernate.Session)
instead.since 8.8 useAbstractUserProfileAction.userPreferences()
since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.1, no replacement.since 9.0.2, usePeopleDirectoryAction.getQueryString()
instead.since 5.10 useProfilePictureInfo.getUriReference()
since 3.3. UseUserAccessor.getMemberNames(Group)
directly instead.since 6.13.0 Usecom.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpaceManager#getSpacesContainingCommentsBy(String)
instead.since 6.13.0 Usecom.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpaceManager#getSpacesContainingPagesEditedBy(String)
instead.since 6.13.0 Usecom.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpaceManager#getAuthoredSpacesByUser(String)
instead.since 7.5.0. Please usecom.atlassian.confluence.plugins.restapi.resources.ContentResource#delete()
insteadsince 5.10. UseViewMyDraftsAction.getContentDrafts()
since 6.13.0, because we now show all directories a user account might be present in instead of just the first match. UseViewUserAction.getDirectories()
instead.since 5.2. UseAuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get()
instead.since 5.2. UseAuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.set(ConfluenceUser)
instead.since 8.8 No. Just, no.Since 5.2. This method is vague and returns a collection containing the result ofSettings.getDefaultUsersGroup()
. Clients should explicitly decide what they need and use that.since 5.2. UseSettings.getDefaultUsersGroup()
.since 7.0.0, useDefaultUserContentManager.hasAuthoredContent(ConfluenceUser)
Since 5.5. UsePersonalInformation.getUser()
Since 5.5. UsePersonalInformation.getUser()
Since 5.5. UsePersonalInformation.getUser()
Since 5.2. This method is vague and returns a collection containing the result ofSettings.getDefaultUsersGroup()
. Clients should explicitly decide what they need and use that.since 5.2. UseSettings.getDefaultUsersGroup()
.since 7.7 for removal in 10.0since 5.2 for removal in 10.0since 5.2. SeeUserAccessor.getUserByName(String)
since 7.17 UseDisabledUserManager.isDisabled(User)
since 7.17 UseDisabledUserManager.isDisabled(String)
since 7.17 useUserChecker.isLicensedToAddMoreUsers()
since 3.5since 7.0.0, useUserContentManager.hasAuthoredContent(ConfluenceUser)
since 8.0since 9.1, useAttachFileHelper.getUploadedFilesList()
instead.since 7.0.1since 7.0.1. UseLazyMap.fromSuppliersMap(Map)
since 8.7 useCompleteURLEncoder.encode(String, Charset)
since 5.10 UseProductLicense.isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers()
since 5.10since 7.20 UseContentExcerptUtils.extractTextFromXhtmlContent(String)
since 8.6 useBeanUtils.describe(Object)
since 8.6since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.completeUrlEncode(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.reencodeURL(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.urlDecode(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.urlDecode(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.urlEncode(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useHtmlUtil.urlEncode(String, Charset)
since 7.0.1 useRequestFactory.createRequest(, java.lang.String)
instead.since 7.0.1 useRequestFactory.createRequest(, java.lang.String)
instead.since 7.0.1since 7.0.1 useRequestFactory.createRequest(, java.lang.String)
instead.since 7.0.1since 7.0.1since 7.0.1since 5.2 UseI18NBean.getText(String)
since 5.2 UseI18NBean.getText(String, Object[])
since 6.0 , use {LabelUtil.countParsedLabelNamesWithoutFavourites(Collection)
}since 9.1,<? super T, ? extends R>)
instead.since 7.0.1. UseLabelUtil.labelPredicate(User, boolean)
since 6.0, useLabelUtil.isFavouriteLabel(ParsedLabelName)
since 5.1. UseLabelUtil.syncState(String, LabelManager, User, Labelable)
since 7.1 UseConfluenceMonitoring.fetchCounter(String, Map)
since 7.1 UseConfluenceMonitoring.startSplit(String, Map)
since 8.0 Does nothingsince 8.0 Does nothingsince 8.7 useQueryStringUtil.toMap(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useQueryStringUtil.toMap(String, Charset)
since 8.7 useQueryStringUtil.toString(Map, Charset)
since 5.10.since 9.1.0, useStrutsUtil.localizeMultipartErrorMessages(Collection)
instead.since 9.1.0, useStrutsUtil.localizeMultipartErrorMessages(Collection)
instead.since 7.5.0. Limited mode is no longer supported since 7.5.0since 7.12.3 useTomcatConfigHelper.getAllMaxHttpThreads()
Returns the maximum number of threads that can be used by Tomcat's default (first) HTTP connector.since 8.6 useUrlUtils.appendAmpersandOrQuestionMark(String)
since 6.10.0, No replacementsince 7.3.0, useStringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(String)
combined withHtmlUtil.htmlEncode(String)
or template-level automatic escapingsince 8.7 UseLicenseService.retrieve()
since 7.0. UseTimers.start(String)
and a try-finally block.since 7.0. UseTimers.start(String)
.since 6.0. Partitions are not supported in Confluence Serversince 7.0.1. UseMacroDefinition.getMacroIdentifier()
since 7.0.1. UseMacroDefinition.setMacroIdentifier(MacroId)
since 7.0.1since 7.0.1. UseMacroDefinitionBuilder.withMacroIdentifier(String)
since 5.8. Use the the following DTD declaration instead: <!DOCTYPE content-root SYSTEM "xhtml.ent">since 5.8. Use the the following DTD declaration instead: <!DOCTYPE content-root SYSTEM "xhtml.ent">since 5.9, SAL 3.0. UseConfluenceLicenseHandler.addProductLicense(String, String)
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionsince 8.6since 5.9 , use
since 5.9 , useContentBody.contentBodyBuilder()
since 5.9 , useContentBody.contentBodyBuilder()
since 5.9 , useContentBody.contentBodyBuilder()
since 5.5. UseAnonymous(Icon, String)
instead.since 5.5. UseKnownUser(Icon, String, String, UserKey)
instead.since 6.5.0. Use theKnownUser.builder()
instead.since 5.6 usePerson(Icon, String)
insteadsince 5.6. UseUser(Icon, String, String, UserKey)
instead.since 5.6 use @{link Reference#Reference(boolean)}since 8.6since 7.12 UseCacheSettingsManagerFactory
since 5.9.1 UseCacheSettingsManagerFactory
since 8.3since 8.4since 8.3since 8.6since 8.5.13since 5.6since 5.6since 5.6. CallRichTextMacroBody.withStorage(Streamable)
orRichTextMacroBody.withStorageAndTransform(Streamable, Streamable)
instead.since 5.6. CallRichTextMacroBody.withStorage(Streamable)
orRichTextMacroBody.withStorageAndTransform(Streamable, Streamable)
instead.since 5.10. UseDefaultLink.builder()
since 5.10. UseDefaultLink.builder()
since 5.10since 5.10since 8.1since 5.10since 5.10since 5.10since 5.10since 5.10since 5.10since 8.1since 6.0. Use theDefaultSaveContext.builder()
or one of the final, pre-constructed contexts.since 6.0. Use theDefaultSaveContext.builder()
or one of the final, pre-constructed contexts.since 7.9. UseInputStreamExceptionDecorator(InputStream, Function)
instead.since 6.0 Use TransientHibernateHandle.create as an alternativesince 6.0 Use TransientHibernateHandle.create as an alternativesince 9.1, useUploadedResource(UploadedFile, String)
instead.since 9.1, useUploadedResource(UploadedFile, String)
instead.since 9.1, useUploadedResource(File, String, String, String, boolean, boolean)
instead.since 6.4.0since 6.4.0since 8.6since 9.1.0. Use another constructor.since 8.0since 5.10since 7.14since 7.14since 5.10. UseReindexStageFinishedEvent(Object, String)
since 7.14since 5.10. UseReindexStageStartedEvent(Object, String)
since 7.14since 7.14since 8.2.0since 7.14since 8.4.2. UseSearchUsersEvent(boolean, SearchTermType)
instead.since 5.9since 7.1.0, useBlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useBlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useBlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext)
since 6.0 useBlogPostEvent(Object, BlogPost, boolean)
since 7.1.0since 6.2.0since 6.0, useBlogPostTrashedEvent(Object, BlogPost, User, boolean)
insteadsince 7.1.0, useBlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useBlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useBlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext)
since 6.2.0since 7.1.0, useCommentCreateEvent(Object, Comment, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useCommentEvent(Object, Comment, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useCommentUpdateEvent(Object, Comment, Comment, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, useCommentUpdateEvent(Object, Comment, Comment, OperationContext)
since 5.11.0 , useContentEvent(Object, boolean)
since 7.1.0, useContentEvent(Object, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, usePageCreateEvent(Object, Page, Map, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, usePageCreateEvent(Object, Page, Map, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, usePageCreateEvent(Object, Page, Map, OperationContext)
since 7.1.0, usePageCreateEvent(Object, Page, Map, OperationContext)
since 6.0, usePageEvent(Object, Page, boolean)
insteadsince 7.1.0, usePageEvent(Object, Page, OperationContext)
since 6.2.0since 6.0, usePageTrashedEvent(Object, Page, User, boolean)
insteadsince 7.1.0, usePageUpdateEvent(Object, Page, AbstractPage, OperationContext)
since 6.2.0since 7.5, please useAbstractPageHierarchyEvent(Object, Page, ConfluenceUser, boolean, int)
instead.since 7.5, please useCopyPageHierarchyStartEvent(Object, Page, Page, ConfluenceUser, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean)
instead.since 7.5, please useDeletePageHierarchyFinishEvent(Object, Page, ConfluenceUser, boolean, int)
instead.since 7.5, please useDeletePageHierarchyStartEvent(Object, Page, ConfluenceUser, boolean, int)
instead.since 6.3.0since 7.9, useV2QueryExecutionEvent(long, long, int, int, int, Set)
since 7.11, useV2QueryExecutionEvent(long, long, long, int, int, int, Set)
since 5.10since 8.3.0since 8.3.0since 7.0.1 , useThumbnailRenderer(Thumber, Predicate)
since 8.7since 5.2. UseEnglishAnalyzer(Version)
instead.since 7.16 useContentPermissionsFilter(UserKey, Iterable)
.since 7.17since 7.12since 7.12since 5.2.since 5.2. UseLabel(String, Namespace, com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser)
instead.since 5.2.since 7.5since 8.7since 5.8. UseMacroMetadata.builder()
.since 5.3. UseDefaultImagePlaceholder(String, boolean, ImageDimensions)
instead.since 9.1, useAttachmentUploadRequest(AtlassianMultiPartRequest)
instead.since 5.2, use {@link #DefaultAttachmentManager(AttachmentDaoInternal, ContentEntityObjectDaoInternal<>, EventPublisher, UserPreferencesAccessor, NotificationManager, RelationManager, RetentionFeatureChecker, ContentReconciliationManager)}since 8.0.0since 9.1 seePluginManagerConfiguration#pluginManager()
since 8.6since 5.6 UseMacroMetadataParser()
insteadsince 8.6since 8.6since 7.16
instead.since 8.6. UseFieldDescriptor(FieldMapping, String)
instead.since 8.3.0since 4.3. The ability to have an original context is likely to be removed in a future versionsince 9.0. UseAbstractSearch(AbstractBuilder)
since 9.0. UseAbstractSearch(AbstractBuilder)
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseChangesSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseContentSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseDefaultSearch.builder()
since 9.0. UseDefaultSearch.builder()
since 2.3.11 usenew BoostingQuery(new SiteSearchQuery())
since 8.9. UseLowercaseFieldSort(StringFieldMapping, Order)
instead. On OpenSearch, this will result in a script-sort, which is inefficient.since 3.0, as passing both group and userName leads to an invalid permissionsince 8.0since 8.6since 4.3. The resolver parameter is no longer necessary. We prefer to construct ConvertedPath by simply appending query parameters rather than rendering Velocitysince 7.10.0 Use Bandana Manager directly as it contains deserialization capabilities or use XStreamBandanaSerializer(ConfluenceXStream confluenceXStream) insteadsince 7.12No-arg constructor is only here for deserialization.since 7.20since 7.16since 8.3since 8.6since 7.10.0. Use XStreamManager(Map<String, String> aliases, ClassLoader classLoader, XStreamSecurityConfigurator securityConfigurator) instead.since 7.10.0. Use XStreamManager(Map<String, String> aliases, ClassLoader classLoader, XStreamSecurityConfigurator securityConfigurator) instead.since 8.0since 8.5.7since 6.11. UseUsageInfo.builder()
instead.since 7.13.17since 7.13.17since 7.13.17since 7.9.0 use UseUpgradeException(String, URL)
since 7.9.0 use UseUpgradeException(String, URL, Throwable)
since 8.1.2since 8.1.2since 9.1, useAttachFileHelper(AtlassianMultiPartRequest, int)
instead.since 5.2. Don't construct these directly, useDefaultI18NBeanFactory.getI18NBean(java.util.Locale)
since 5.2. Don't construct these directly, useDefaultI18NBeanFactory.getI18NBean(java.util.Locale)
since 7.20since 7.20since 7.14
Deprecated Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionsince 5.8 - Hibernate query caching isn't cluster-friendly and should be avoidedsince 9.0.4, do not allow opting out of XSRF protection.