Class DefaultDraftService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultDraftService extends Object implements DraftService
Note that this implementation of the DraftService does not perform any permission checking. This has always been the case in Confluence - if you want to change this, be aware that UI for certain operations could break (used to be necessary for copy page but this is not the case anymore - see CONFDEV-227 for details).
  • Method Details

    • saveDraftFromEditor

      public Draft saveDraftFromEditor(Long draftId, Long parentPageId, String title, DraftService.DraftType type, String content, Long contentId, String spaceKey, int pageVersion) throws NotValidException
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Create and store a draft for the current user with the supplied details.
      Specified by:
      saveDraftFromEditor in interface DraftService
      content - the editor formatted content (will be converted into storage format).
      contentId - as a String since NEW is taken to represent a new draft
      The Draft model object that was created and saved. The content of this draft will be in storage format
      NotValidException - if the data for the draft is incomplete or the content identified does not exist
    • saveDraftFromEditor

      @Deprecated public Draft saveDraftFromEditor(Long draftId, String title, DraftService.DraftType type, String content, Long contentId, String spaceKey, int pageVersion) throws NotValidException
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Create and store a draft for the current user with the supplied details.
      Specified by:
      saveDraftFromEditor in interface DraftService
      content - the editor formatted content (will be converted into storage format).
      contentId - as a String since NEW is taken to represent a new draft
      The Draft model object that was created and saved. The content of this draft will be in storage format
      NotValidException - if the data for the draft is incomplete or the content identified does not exist
    • findDraftForEditor

      public Draft findDraftForEditor(long contentId, DraftService.DraftType type, String spaceKey)
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Find and return a draft of the specified content Id and type for the current user. The draft will be returned in a format suitable for the Confluence editor
      Specified by:
      findDraftForEditor in interface DraftService
      the draft is found, otherwise null.
    • createNewContentDraft

      public Draft createNewContentDraft(String spaceKey, DraftService.DraftType type)
      Specified by:
      createNewContentDraft in interface DraftService
    • removeDraft

      public Long removeDraft(long abstractPageId, long draftId)
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Removes the draft specified by the given page id or draft id for the current user. Looks at the draftId by preference, and reverts to the abstractPageId if the draftId is 0. Throws IllegalStateException if the draftId is 0 and the abstract page cannot be found.
      Specified by:
      removeDraft in interface DraftService
      abstractPageId - the id of the abstract page the draft is an edit for.
      draftId - the draft of the id to remove, this is necessary if abstractPageId = 0.
      the id of the removed draft or null if neither a matching page nor draft could be found.
    • removeDraft

      public Long removeDraft(long draftId)
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Removes the draft with the specified ID if it is found, and returns the same ID passed.
      Specified by:
      removeDraft in interface DraftService
      draftId - a draft to remove
      draftId removed or null.
    • findDrafts

      public List<Draft> findDrafts(int limit, int offset) throws NotValidException
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Finds the users drafts.
      Specified by:
      findDrafts in interface DraftService
      limit - - the maximum number of drafts to return
      offset - - the offset of results
    • getDraft

      public Draft getDraft(long draftId) throws NotAuthorizedException, NotValidException
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      gets the draft by id for the authenticated user
      Specified by:
      getDraft in interface DraftService
      the draft with id draftId if it is owned by the authenticated user
      NotAuthorizedException - - if the owner of the draft is not the authenticated user
      NotValidException - - if no draft exists with this id
    • isDraftContentChanged

      @Deprecated public boolean isDraftContentChanged(Long draftId, String title, String content, Long contentId) throws NotAuthorizedException, NotValidException
      Description copied from interface: DraftService
      Compares the content of a draft to an existing page. If the draft is for a new page returns true when Draft.isBlank() returns false and the draft has no attachments
      Specified by:
      isDraftContentChanged in interface DraftService
      true if the draft content is different to it's pages content, or not blank when a new draft.