Interface WebViewService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal public interface WebViewService
  • Method Details

    • forContent

      @Deprecated WebView forContent(String contentId)
      Since 5.5. Use forContent(ContentId).
      Provides a new WebView. The contentId is used to enrich the underlying WebInterfaceContext depending on what type of content is provided.
      contentId - the id of the CEO or null for a generic WebView
      the web view
    • forContent

      WebView forContent(ContentId contentId)
      Provides a new WebView. The contentId is used to enrich the underlying WebInterfaceContext depending on what type of content is provided.
      contentId - the id of the CEO or null for a generic WebView
    • forSpace

      WebView forSpace(String spaceKey)
    • forContent

      WebView forContent(ContentId contentId, Map<String,Object> additionalContext)
      Provides a new WebView. The contentId is used to enrich the underlying WebInterfaceContext depending on what type of content is provided.
      contentId - the id of the CEO or null for a generic WebView
      additionalContext - additional context, which will also enrich the context passed to the resulting WebView if it contains parameters that reference content
    • forGeneric

      WebView forGeneric()
      Provides a new generic WebView. Suitable for fetching web items for parts of confluence that do not have a specific entity context.