Class LuceneFullReindexManager

    • Method Detail

      • reIndex

        public ReIndexTask reIndex()
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Triggers a system-wide reindex of all content and changes. Entities are loaded from the database. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
        Specified by:
        reIndex in interface FullReindexManager
      • reIndex

        public ReIndexTask reIndex​(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                                   SearchQuery searchQuery)
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Triggers a system-wide re-index where entities are loaded using provided searchQuery. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
        Specified by:
        reIndex in interface FullReindexManager
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        searchQuery - A query that is used to load the entities to be re-indexed.
      • reIndex

        public ReIndexTask reIndex​(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                                   @NonNull List<String> spaceKeys)
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Triggers a re-index where entities are loaded using provided searchQuery. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
        Specified by:
        reIndex in interface FullReindexManager
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        spaceKeys - Keys of the spaces to be re-indexed
        the ReIndexTask
      • getLastReindexingTask

        public ReIndexTask getLastReindexingTask()
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Retrieve the last reindexing task. This task will provide all of the information required to track the progress/state of the reindexing process.
        Specified by:
        getLastReindexingTask in interface FullReindexManager
        the last executed reindex task, or null if no reindex has occured.
      • isReIndexing

        public boolean isReIndexing()
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Returns true if the current node is currently performing reindexing.
        Specified by:
        isReIndexing in interface FullReindexManager
        true if full reindex is in progress, false otherwise.
      • unIndexAll

        public void unIndexAll()
        Description copied from interface: FullReindexManager
        Drop everything from the search index. If the operation can't be performed, does nothing.
        Specified by:
        unIndexAll in interface FullReindexManager