Class ReIndexTask

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReIndexTask

        public ReIndexTask​(ReIndexer reIndexer,
                           SearchableDao searchableDao,
                           EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                           int jobID)
        reIndexer - The re-indexer to use.
        searchableDao - The data access object for searchable entities.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        jobID - the identifier for this task.
      • ReIndexTask

        public ReIndexTask​(ReIndexer reIndexer,
                           SearchableDao searchableDao,
                           EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                           Optional<SearchQuery> searchQuery,
                           int jobID)
        reIndexer - The re-indexer to use.
        searchableDao - The data access object for searchable entities.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        searchQuery - Optional. A query that may be used to load the entities to be re-indexed. Pass null to index all entities from the database.
        jobID - the identifier for this task.
      • ReIndexTask

        public ReIndexTask​(ReIndexer reIndexer,
                           SearchableDao searchableDao,
                           List<String> spaceKeys,
                           EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                           Optional<SearchQuery> searchQuery,
                           int jobID)
        reIndexer - The re-indexer to use.
        searchableDao - The data access object for searchable entities.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        searchQuery - Optional. A query that may be used to load the entities to be re-indexed. Pass null to index all entities from the database.
        jobID - the identifier for this task.
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getCompactElapsedTime

        public String getCompactElapsedTime()
      • getProgress

        public Progress getProgress()
      • isFinishedReindexing

        public boolean isFinishedReindexing()
      • getJobID

        public int getJobID()
      • getStartTime

        public long getStartTime()