Interface ReIndexer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ReIndexer
    Responsible for triggering re-indexing / rebuilding of the Confluence search index.

    Warning: Client code should use IndexManager.reIndex() instead of this class, because it will ensure proper locking is in place. Calling ReIndexer directly can result to races with other index operations.

    8.0 - This class is for internal use only. Please use IndexManager.reIndex() in plugins instead.
    • Method Detail

      • reIndex

        default void reIndex​(Progress progress)
        Triggers a system wide re-index.
        progress - object to track progress of re-index.
      • reIndex

        void reIndex​(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                     Progress progress)
        Triggers a system wide re-index all entities from the database.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        progress - object to track progress of re-index.
      • reIndex

        void reIndex​(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                     @NonNull SearchQuery searchQuery,
                     Progress progress)
        Triggers a system wide re-index all entities loaded from searchQuery.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        searchQuery - A query that may be used to load the entities to be re-indexed.
        progress - object to track progress of re-index.
      • reIndex

        void reIndex​(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options,
                     List<String> spaceKeys,
                     Progress progress)
        Triggers a re-index all entities from a space.
        options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
        spaceKey - The key of the space the entities is loaded from.
        progress - object to track progress of re-index.
      • reIndex

        void reIndex​(ReIndexSpec spec,
                     Progress progress)
        Trigger reindex large amount of content entities accoding to the given specification.
        spec -
        progress -