AddressableExtractor |
Extractor for CHANGE index, responsible for indexing the title and url path of
Addressable content.
AttachmentExtractedTextExtractor |
Attempts to add an attachment extracted text into default searchable text if it is available, otherwise requests
a text extraction, wait for its completion and reattempt.
AttachmentMetadataExtractor |
Extracts metadata for attachments.
AttachmentMimeTypeExtractor |
Adds a field for attachment mime type.
AttachmentOwnerContentTypeExtractor |
Extracts and indexes the classname of the content that owns an attachment.
CommentExtractor |
Extracts the url, title and content type of the entity which contains a comment.
ConfluenceAttachmentMetadataExtractor |
Extracts metadata of attachments including the data of their owners.
ContentEntityMetadataExtractor |
ContentModifiersBulkExtractor |
ContentPermissionExtractorHelper |
A utility class for helping with the extraction and indexing of content permissions.
ContentPermissionsBulkExtractor |
Extracts the content permissions set on searchable objects.
ContentPermissionsExtractor |
Extracts the content permissions set on a searchable object.
CustomContentSearchExtractor |
Extracts some base "all content needs this" fields from the CustomContentEntityObject.
DefaultSearchableContentExtractor |
An extractor responsible for extracting the body content from various Confluence content types and
adding it to the defaultSearchableText.
DeletingRetentionPolicyExtractor |
Extract 2 fields to tell whether a space retention policy may delete historical versions or trash.
EntityDateExtractor |
Extracts the creation and last modification dates.
HomePageExtractor |
Extracts Home Page status.
IndexablePermissionSetFilter |
LabelExtractor |
Extract label data from content entity objects.
LastModifierNameContentExtractor |
LastModifierNameExtractor |
LimitedTextContentExtractor |
PersonalInformationExtractor |
Extracts indexed and stored fields relating to personal information.
RetentionPolicyPropertyExtractor |
SpaceDescriptionExtractor |
Adding the "content-name-unstemmed" field to the index document for a SpaceDescription object
SpaceDescriptionUsernameExtractor |
Adding the "username" field to SpaceDescription index documents will allow them to be sorted together with PersonalInformation documents in People Directory search.
SpaceExtractor |
Extracts and indexes a Space represented by the searchable object.
SpaceKeyAndNameExtractor |
Extracts and indexes the space key and name for searchables that belong to a space.
SpaceTypeExtractor |
Extracts and indexes the SpaceType of
the space given searchable object belongs to.
TitleExtractor |
Responsible for extracting titles for various entities.
UntokenizedTitleExtractor |
Extracts and indexes an untokenized title for sorting.
VersionCommentExtractor |
Appends the version comment of a ContentEntityObject to its searchable text.
VersionNumberExtractor |
Extracts and indexes content version