Class SpaceDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpaceDescription

        public SpaceDescription()
      • SpaceDescription

        public SpaceDescription​(Space space)
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayTitle

        public String getDisplayTitle()
        Description copied from class: ContentEntityObject
        Returns the display title. Some entities don't have titles for identification. For example, personal information objects use the user's fullname. Override this method to provide a custom title.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayTitle in interface Addressable
        getDisplayTitle in class ContentEntityObject
        the display title
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Description copied from class: ContentEntityObject
        An easy name for the type of this content: makes it easy for things like the #contentLink macro to work out what to draw.

        This is a bit of a hack, but it saves heaps of code elsewhere, especially since we tend to get back these objects wrapped in all sorts of Hibernate CGLIB stuff.

        Specified by:
        getType in interface ContentTypeAware
        Specified by:
        getType in class ContentEntityObject
        the content type
      • isPersonalSpace

        public boolean isPersonalSpace()
      • getAttachmentUrlPath

        public String getAttachmentUrlPath​(Attachment attachment)
        Description copied from class: ContentEntityObject
        Gets the path relative to Confluence's base URL to view the given attachment in the context of this content (for example, highlighted in the content's list of attachments). Generally you will want to call Attachment.getUrlPath() instead of this method: if we ever implement view pages for individual attachments, that's the method that will be changed to point to them.

        The default implementation just returns the view page for this content.

        getAttachmentUrlPath in class ContentEntityObject
        attachment - one of this content's attachments
        the path relative to the base url to view the attachment in the context of this content.