Class ContentPermissionSet

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentPermissionSet

        public ContentPermissionSet()
    • Method Detail

      • addContentPermission

        public void addContentPermission​(ContentPermission contentPermission)
      • removeContentPermission

        public void removeContentPermission​(ContentPermission contentPermission)
        Remove the given content permission from this set. Does nothing if the permission is not in the set.
      • isPermitted

        public boolean isPermitted​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        true this user passes at least one of the permissions in this set
      • getType

        public String getType()
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • size

        public int size()
      • setOwningContent

        public void setOwningContent​(ContentEntityObject owningContent)
        Hibernate setter.
      • getGroupNames

        public List<String> getGroupNames()
        Returns the names of all groups in this Content Permission Set as a list of Strings.
        the names of all groups in this Content Permission Set as a list of Strings.
      • getUserNames

        public List<String> getUserNames()
        since 5.3 Use {@link #getUserKeys)}
        Returns the names of all users in this Content Permission Set as a list of Strings.
      • getUserKeys

        public List<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> getUserKeys()
        Returns the names of all users in this Content Permission Set as a list of Strings.
      • getContentPermissionsCopy

        public<ContentPermission> getContentPermissionsCopy()
        since 7.0.1. Use contentPermissionsCopy()
        Retrieve a copy of the content permissions. We create a copy of the contentPermissions to prevent the original collection from being modified.
        A copy of the contentPermissions
      • contentPermissionsCopy

        public Collection<ContentPermission> contentPermissionsCopy()
        Retrieve a copy of the content permissions. We create a copy of the contentPermissions to prevent the original collection from being modified.
        A copy of the contentPermissions