Class WebResourceDependencies

    • Method Detail

      • getContexts

        public List<String> getContexts()
        A list of web resource contexts. These contexts are explicitly requested, or implicitly included for the content under question. It does _not_ include transitives. Suitable for use by WRM.requireContext() via client side javascript.
      • getKeys

        public List<String> getKeys()
        A list of web resource keys. These keys are explicitly requested by the rendering of the content under question. It does _not_ include dependencies that are not explicitly requested. Suitable for use by WRM.requireResoure() via client side javascript.
      • getUris

        public Map<ResourceType,​List<URI>> getUris()
        A map of UIRs keyed by the type of URI. Does not include ResourceType.DATA, as that type does not have a uri associated with it.
      • getTags

        public Map<ResourceType,​HtmlString> getTags()
        A map of the raw tags keyed by the type of the resource.