Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
ReadOnlyAccessAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RestEntity<Space> |
DefaultApiRestEntityFactory.buildRestEntityFrom(Space space,
Expansions expansions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterable<RestEntity> |
DefaultApiRestEntityFactory.buildRestEntityFromSpaces(Iterable<Space> spaces,
Expansions expansions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceFactory.buildFrom(Space space,
Expansions expansions) |
Map<String,Object> |
SpaceMetadataFactory.makeMetadata(Space space,
Fauxpansions fauxpansions)
Makes metadata for a space
Map<String,Object> |
DefaultSpaceMetadataFactory.makeMetadata(Space space,
Fauxpansions fauxpansions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Collection<CustomContentEntityObject> |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findAllInSpace(Space space)
@NonNull Collection<CustomContentEntityObject> |
CustomContentManager.findAllInSpace(Space space)
Since 4.2. No replacement.
@NonNull Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findCurrentInSpace(Space space,
String pluginContentKey,
int offset,
int maxResults,
CustomContentManager.SortField sortField,
CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
@NonNull Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> |
CustomContentManager.findCurrentInSpace(Space space,
String contentModuleKey,
int offset,
int maxResults,
CustomContentManager.SortField sortField,
CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
Get an iterator of all the current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.
int |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findTotalInSpace(Space space,
String pluginContentKey)
int |
CustomContentManager.findTotalInSpace(Space space,
String contentModuleKey)
Get the total count of current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.
void |
DefaultCustomContentManager.removeAllInSpace(String pluginContentKey,
Space space)
void |
CustomContentManager.removeAllInSpace(String contentModuleKey,
Space space)
Remove all plugin content of a particular type from a given space.
void |
DefaultCustomContentManager.removeAllPluginContentInSpace(Space space)
void |
CustomContentManager.removeAllPluginContentInSpace(Space space)
Remove all plugin content (of all types) from a given space.
Constructor and Description |
PluginContentWillBeRemovedForSpaceEvent(Object src,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceResourceIdentifierResolver.resolve(SpaceResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier,
ConversionContext conversionContext)
Resolves a SpaceResourceIdentifier to a Space if a Space for the given spacekey exists.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MovePageCommandHelper.childPageTitleAlreadyExists(Page sourcePage,
Space targetSpace) |
List<String> |
MovePageCommandHelper.listOfPageTitlesAlreadyExist(Page sourcePage,
Space targetSpace)
since 6.9. See MovePageAbstractCommand.listOfPermittedPageTitlesAlreadyExist
listOfPermittedPageTitlesAlreadyExist does not take into account permissions
When we move a page with restricted children, we should not check the existence
of those children in the destination space because we will not move restricted
pages there
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
KeySpaceLocator.getSpace() |
Space |
DeleteSpaceCommand.getSpace() |
Space |
SpaceLocator.getSpace() |
Space |
SpaceProvider.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
ContentPermissionSummary.getSpace() |
Space |
SpaceContentEntityObject.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RestEntity<Space> |
ApiRestEntityFactory.buildRestEntityFrom(Space space,
Expansions expansions)
Build a REST API entity from a hibernate Space object.
static PageContext |
ContentEntitySimulacrum.createContextForTemplateView(Space space,
String title,
String content)
Map<Long,Boolean> |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.getPermissionSets(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
Map<Long,Boolean> |
ContentPermissionManager.getPermissionSets(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Retrieves the configured permissions regarding whether the specified user can view the pages inside a space.
DataSource |
DataSourceFactory.getSpaceLogo(Space space)
Encapsulates the logo for the given
Space in a DataSource . |
DataSource |
DefaultDataSourceFactory.getSpaceLogo(Space space) |
protected boolean |
ConfluenceActionSupport.hasPermissionForSpace(List permissionTypes,
Space space) |
boolean |
SpaceContentEntityObject.isInSpace(Space space) |
void |
SpaceContentEntityObject.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterable<RestEntity> |
ApiRestEntityFactory.buildRestEntityFromSpaces(Iterable<Space> spaces,
Expansions expansions)
Build a list of REST API entity objects from hibernate Space objects.
Constructor and Description |
ContentEntitySimulacrum(Space space,
String title,
String content)
ContentPermissionSummary(long id,
Space space,
ConfluenceUser creator) |
Constructor and Description |
AttachmentListViewEvent(Object src,
Space space,
@Nullable String fileExtension) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Space |
BlogPostMovedEvent.getCurrentSpace() |
@NonNull Space |
BlogPostMovedEvent.getOriginalSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostMovedEvent(Object src,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
BlogPost blogPost,
Space originalSpace,
Space currentSpace) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceNotificationEvent.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Space |
PageMoveEvent.getOldSpace() |
@NonNull Space |
PageMoveCompletedEvent.getOldSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
PageListViewEvent(Object src,
Space space,
String viewType) |
PageMoveCompletedEvent(Page sourcePage,
List<Page> movedPageList,
Space oldSpace) |
PageMoveEvent(Object src,
Page movedPage,
List<Page> movedPageList,
@Nullable Space oldSpace,
@Nullable Page oldParentPage,
@Nullable Integer oldPosition,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User theMover,
boolean movedBecauseOfParent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
LabelListViewEvent.getSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
LabelListViewEvent(Object src,
Space space,
String viewType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpacePermissionsRemoveFromSpaceEvent.getSpace() |
Space |
SpacePermissionRemoveEvent.getSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
SpacePermissionRemoveEvent(Object src,
SpacePermission permission,
Space space)
We keep a reference to the space separately so that when the permission is deleted, event handlers are still aware
of which space the event is referring to.
SpacePermissionsRemoveFromSpaceEvent(Object src,
Space space,
List<SpacePermission> permissions) |
SpacePermissionsRemoveFromSpaceEvent(Object src,
Space space,
List<SpacePermission> permissions,
SpaceUpdateTrigger updateTrigger) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceRetentionPolicyEvent.getSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
SpaceRetentionPolicyChangedEvent(SpaceRetentionPolicy oldPolicy,
SpaceRetentionPolicy newPolicy,
Space space) |
SpaceRetentionPolicyCreatedEvent(SpaceRetentionPolicy newPolicy,
Space space) |
SpaceRetentionPolicyDeletedEvent(SpaceRetentionPolicy oldPolicy,
Space space) |
SpaceRetentionPolicyEvent(RetentionPolicy oldPolicy,
RetentionPolicy newPolicy,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Space | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceUpdateEvent.getOriginalSpace() |
Space |
SpaceEvent.getSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
TemplateListViewEvent(Object src,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.DefaultAuditHandler<Space> |
AuditHandlerFactory.createSpaceHandler(com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.AuditHandler<SpaceDescription> spaceDescriptionHandler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.AuditHandler<PageTemplate> |
AuditHandlerFactory.createPageTemplateHandler(com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.AuditHandler<Space> spaceAuditHandler) |
com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.DefaultAuditHandler<SpacePermission> |
AuditHandlerFactory.createSpacePermissionHandler(com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.AuditHandler<Space> spaceAuditHandler,
com.atlassian.confluence.impl.audit.handler.AuditHandler<com.atlassian.user.User> userAuditHandler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Collection<CustomContentEntityObject> |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findAllInSpace(Space space)
This method is required for space exports to work properly.
@NonNull Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findCurrentInSpace(Space space,
String pluginContentKey,
int offset,
int maxResults,
CustomContentManager.SortField sortField,
CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder) |
int |
DefaultCustomContentManager.findTotalInSpace(Space space,
String pluginContentKey) |
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull List<BlogPost> |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
@NonNull PageResponse<BlogPost> |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost>... filters)
@NonNull Collection<Long> |
DefaultPageManager.getPageIds(Space space) |
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page>... filters)
@NonNull List |
DefaultPageManager.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPagesWithPermissions(Space space) |
@NonNull List |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPages(Space space) |
Collection<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest) |
long |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space) |
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount) |
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount) |
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount) |
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount) |
@NonNull Iterator |
DefaultCommentManager.getRecentlyUpdatedComments(Space space,
int maxResults) |
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPages(Space space) |
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest) |
@NonNull ListBuilder<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPagesBuilder(Space space)
NOTE: Despite our best intentions, we still have to retrieve all the top level pages and order them outside the
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getUnsortedTopLevelPages(Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.movePageToTopLevel(Page oldPage,
Space destinationSpace) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space space,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress) |
void |
DefaultCustomContentManager.removeAllInSpace(String pluginContentKey,
Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllPages(Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllPages(Space space,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress)
removes all the pages in a space (including all dependencies like attachments and notifications)
void |
DefaultCustomContentManager.removeAllPluginContentInSpace(Space space) |
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.scanFilteredPages(Space space,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super Page>... filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract List<Space> |
Returns the List of Spaces that should be included in the export
protected List<Space> |
In this implementation, we want to find out the root entity and include the Space
from that.
protected List<Space> |
In this implementation, we want to include all Spaces, so return an empty list
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractRendererExporterImpl.exportSpace(Space space,
String baseExportPath) |
protected void |
HtmlExporter.exportSpace(Space space,
String baseExportPath) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getFavouriteSpaces(String username) |
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Label> |
CachingLabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findAllNotificationsBySpace(Space space)
Notification |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Notification |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type)
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Iterable<Long> |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AttachmentRef.Space |
Refs.ref(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page |
ReadThroughCachingPageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
Page |
ReadThroughCachingPageDao.getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DefaultRetentionPolicyPermissionManager.canEditSpacePolicy(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
Space space) |
boolean |
DefaultRetentionPolicyPermissionManager.canViewSpacePolicy(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space) |
protected Iterable<String> |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType) |
protected Set<String> |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType) |
protected abstract Iterable<String> |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType) |
protected Set<String> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType) |
Map<String,Long> |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Map<String,Long> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsForPermissionType(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
Map<String,Long> |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.getUsersForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Map<String,Long> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getUsersForPermissionType(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.groupHasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
String group) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasAllPermissions(List<String> permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionForSpace(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user,
List permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space) |
boolean |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space)
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space) |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
protected void |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissionsFromDao(Space space) |
protected void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissionsFromDao(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |<? extends Space> spaces) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<SpacePermission> |
AbstractEditPermissionsAdministrator.buildPermissionsFromWebForm(Space space,
Map<String,?> formParameters,
String parameterQualifier)
Private implementation that doesn't check to ensure space key is null
void |
EditSpacePermissionsAdministrator.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
RecoveryAwareCachingSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
RecoveryAwareCGCachingSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SetupColourSchemeManager.getColourSchemeSetting(Space space) |
ColourScheme |
SetupColourSchemeManager.getSpaceColourScheme(Space space) |
void |
SetupColourSchemeManager.resetColourScheme(Space space) |
void |
SetupColourSchemeManager.saveSpaceColourScheme(Space space,
BaseColourScheme baseColourScheme) |
void |
SetupColourSchemeManager.setColourSchemeSetting(Space space,
String string) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DecoratorUtil.setSidebarContext(Space space,
AbstractPage page,
String pageId,
String context,
String contextKey,
String collectorKey)
Page/blogpost context should be saved for deferred (sitemesh) sidebar execution, because main sitemesh decorator
is executed under
DecoratorAction , which does not contain
page/space context of the main request. |
Constructor and Description |
SideBarContext(Space space,
AbstractPage page,
String pageId,
String context,
String contextKey,
String collectorKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentTree |
DefaultImportExportManager.getContentTree(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
ContentTree |
ImportExportManager.getContentTree(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Returns a tree of content including pages for a space.
ContentTree |
DefaultImportExportManager.getPageBlogTree(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
ContentTree |
ImportExportManager.getPageBlogTree(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Returns a tree of content including pages and blog posts for a space.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract List<Space> |
Returns the List of Spaces that should be included in the export
protected List<Space> |
In this implementation, we want to include all Spaces, so return an empty list
protected List<Space> |
In this implementation, we want to find out the root entity and include the Space
from that.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractRendererExporterImpl.exportSpace(Space space,
String baseExportPath)
protected void |
HtmlExporter.exportSpace(Space space,
String baseExportPath)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findAllNotificationsBySpace(Space space) |
Notification |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
Notification |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Iterable<Long> |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.findNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageManagerInternal.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost>... filter)
default @NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getFilteredAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns all content in the space within any of the specified statuses and content types, limited to the pagination request.
default @NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getFilteredAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns pages and blog posts that belong to the space, exactly match the given title, are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given predicate, limited to the pagination request.
default @NonNull PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageManagerInternal.getFilteredBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super BlogPost>... filter)
Returns all the current blog posts in the space, limited to the pagination request.
default @NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
PageManagerInternal.getFilteredPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super Page>... filter)
Returns all the current pages in the space, limited to the pagination request.
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
PageManagerInternal.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page>... filter)
Collection<Page> |
PageManagerInternal.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest)
Pagination permission pages for particular Space
long |
PageManagerInternal.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space)
Get total number of permission pages for particular Space
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
PageManagerInternal.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest)
Returns the current top-level pages in a space, limited to the pagination requested.
default @NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
PageManagerInternal.scanFilteredPages(Space space,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super Page>... filter)
Returns all pages in the space which has specified content statuses, limited to the pagination request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Retrieves a page response for all content (pages and/or blog posts) in the given space, within any of the
specified statuses and content types.
default PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages from a space that exactly match the given title and are in any of the specified
statuses, and match the given filter, limited to the pagination request.
default PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super BlogPost> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all the current blog posts in the give space.
default PageResponse<Page> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super Page> filter)
Retrieves a page response of the current content in the given space.
default PageResponse<Page> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<? super Page> predicate) |
Collection<Page> |
PageDaoInternal.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest)
Pagination permission pages for particular Space
long |
PageDaoInternal.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space)
Get total number of permission pages for particular Space
PageResponse<Page> |
PageDaoInternal.scanFilteredPages(Space space,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super Page> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all pages in space with specified content statuses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ThreadLocalPermissionsCacheInternal.cacheSpacePermission(com.atlassian.user.User user,
String permission,
Space space,
boolean hasPermission) |
static Boolean |
ThreadLocalPermissionsCacheInternal.hasSpacePermission(String permission,
Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User user) |
void |
SpacePermissionManagerInternal.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes all permissions belonging to space
Constructor and Description |
SpaceScope(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
LabelManager.getFavouriteSpaces(String username) |
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getFavouriteSpaces(String username)
List<Space> |
DefaultLabelManager.getFavouriteSpaces(String username) |
List<Space> |
LabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
Look up the spaces that have been labelled by the specific label.
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
List<Space> |
DefaultLabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
LabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label)
Spaces cannot be directly labelled.
List<Space> |
CachingLabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label)
List<Space> |
DefaultLabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Label |
SpaceLabelManager.addLabel(Space space,
String labelName)
Adds a label to a space.
Label |
SpaceLabelManagerImpl.addLabel(Space space,
String labelName) |
List |
SpaceLabelManager.getLabelsOnSpace(Space space)
Returns the labels for the given space (excluding team labels)
List |
SpaceLabelManagerImpl.getLabelsOnSpace(Space space) |
List |
SpaceLabelManager.getSuggestedLabelsForSpace(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Returns the labels available for the given space (excluding team labels)
List |
SpaceLabelManagerImpl.getSuggestedLabelsForSpace(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Label> |
LabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces)
Retrieve all of the team labels used to label content in the specified spaces.
List<Label> |
CachingLabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces)
List<Label> |
DefaultLabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
RemoveSpaceFromFavouriteAjaxAction.getSpace() |
Space |
AddSpaceToFavouriteAjaxAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RemoveSpaceFromFavouriteAjaxAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
AddSpaceToFavouriteAjaxAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
LabelDao.findSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
LabelDao.findSpacesWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
LabelDao.getFavouriteSpaces(String username) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Label> |
LabelDao.findByDetailsInSpaces(String name,
String namespace,
String owner,
Collection<Space> spaces)
Find all labels for a specific space, based on the details passed in.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
HibernateLabelDao.findSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
HibernateLabelDao.findSpacesWithLabel(Label label) |
List<Space> |
HibernateLabelDao.getFavouriteSpaces(String username) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Label> |
HibernateLabelDao.findByDetailsInSpaces(String name,
String namespace,
String owner,
Collection<Space> spaces) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List<Page> movedPageList,
Space previousSpace)
since 5.9 use
RelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List) instead |
void |
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List<Page> movedPageList,
Space previousSpace)
since 5.9 use
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.contractAbsoluteReferencesInContent(List) instead |
void |
RelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferences(SpaceContentEntityObject content,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle)
Update all the references in the supplied content when the content has moved or renamed from 'previousSpace'
and/or had it's title changed from 'previousTitle'.
void |
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferences(SpaceContentEntityObject content,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle) |
void |
RelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferencesForMovingPage(SpaceContentEntityObject content,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle)
Update all the references in the supplied content when the content has moved from 'previousSpace'
and/or had it's title changed from 'previousTitle'.
void |
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferencesForMovingPage(SpaceContentEntityObject content,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle) |
void |
RelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferrers(SpaceContentEntityObject referee,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle)
Iterate through all the content that currently links to 'referee' and renames all the links, saving the changed
content as it goes.
void |
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferrers(SpaceContentEntityObject referee,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle) |
void |
RelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferrersForMovingPage(SpaceContentEntityObject referee,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle,
List<Page> movedPageList)
Iterate through all the content that currently links to 'referee' and renames all the links, saving the changed
content as it goes.
void |
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferrersForMovingPage(SpaceContentEntityObject referee,
Space previousSpace,
String previousTitle,
List<Page> movedPageList) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
Notification.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Notification |
NotificationManager.addSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
@Nullable Notification |
DefaultNotificationManager.addSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
@Nullable Notification |
NotificationManager.addSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Add a space notification for a particular content type.
@Nullable Notification |
DefaultNotificationManager.addSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Iterable<Long> |
NotificationManager.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space)
Retrieves ids of all notifications in a space.
Iterable<Long> |
DefaultNotificationManager.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space) |
Notification |
NotificationManager.getNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Return a notification if the user is watching the entire space.
Notification |
DefaultNotificationManager.getNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
Notification |
NotificationManager.getNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Notification |
DefaultNotificationManager.getNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
List<Notification> |
NotificationManager.getNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
List<Notification> |
DefaultNotificationManager.getNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
boolean |
NotificationManager.isUserWatchingPageOrSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
AbstractPage page)
Returns true if:
a) the user is watching the AbstractPage
b) the user is watching the space, or
c) the user is watching the contentType of the AbstractPage for the Space
boolean |
DefaultNotificationManager.isUserWatchingPageOrSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
AbstractPage page) |
void |
NotificationManager.removeAllNotificationsForSpace(Space space)
Remove all of the notifications set up for this space.
void |
DefaultNotificationManager.removeAllNotificationsForSpace(Space space) |
void |
NotificationManager.removeSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
void |
DefaultNotificationManager.removeSpaceNotification(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
void |
DefaultNotificationsSender.sendSpaceNotifications(Space space,
NotificationData notificationData,
ConversionContext conversionContext) |
void |
NotificationsSender.sendSpaceNotifications(Space space,
NotificationData notificationData,
ConversionContext conversionContext)
Sends space based notifications.
void |
Notification.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
NotificationManager.getNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
List<Notification> |
DefaultNotificationManager.getNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
ListWatchersAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
NotificationDao.findAllNotificationsBySpace(Space space)
Find all notifications linked to the specified space regardless of type specified.
Notification |
NotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Find any user notification linked to the specified space regardless of type.
Notification |
NotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Find the user notification linked to the specified space with a type specified - may be null if watching the
whole space.
List<Notification> |
NotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Find all notifications linked to the specified space for a certain type.
Iterable<Long> |
NotificationDao.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space)
Retrieves ids for all notifications in a space.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
NotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type)
Find all notifications linked to the specified spaces for a certain type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
HibernateNotificationDao.findAllNotificationsBySpace(Space space) |
Notification |
HibernateNotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
Notification |
HibernateNotificationDao.findNotificationByUserAndSpaceAndType(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
List<Notification> |
HibernateNotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpaceAndType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Iterable<Long> |
HibernateNotificationDao.findPageAndSpaceNotificationIdsFromSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Notification> |
HibernateNotificationDao.findNotificationsBySpacesAndType(List<Space> spaces,
ContentTypeEnum type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceReport.getSpace() |
Constructor and Description |
SpaceReport(@NonNull Space space,
ChangeDigestReport report) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
Attachment.getSpace() |
Space |
Comment.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentTree |
TreeBuilder.createPageBlogTree(Space space)
Creates a tree of content that includes the pages and the blog posts from the space.
ContentTree |
TreeBuilder.createPageTree(Space space)
Creates a tree of content that just includes the pages of the space.
void |
DefaultTrashManager.emptyTrash(Space space) |
void |
TrashManager.emptyTrash(Space space)
Purge all of the trash in a given space.
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
@NonNull List<BlogPost> |
PageManager.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
@NonNull List<BlogPost> |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly)
@NonNull PageResponse<BlogPost> |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost>... filters)
int |
DefaultTrashManager.getNumberOfItemsInTrash(Space space) |
int |
TrashManager.getNumberOfItemsInTrash(Space spaceKeypace)
Retrieve the total number of items in the trash for a given space.
@NonNull Collection<Long> |
PageManager.getPageIds(Space space)
Get the ids of all pages (current and historical) in the given space.
@NonNull Collection<Long> |
DefaultPageManager.getPageIds(Space space)
@NonNull List<Page> |
PageManager.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly)
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page>... filters)
@NonNull List |
PageManager.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
@NonNull List |
DefaultPageManager.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s)
List<Page> |
PageManager.getPagesWithPermissions(@NonNull Space space)
Get all current pages in a space and eagerly fetch permissions at the same time.
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPagesWithPermissions(Space space)
@NonNull List |
PageManager.getPermissionPages(Space space)
Retrieve all pages within a particular space that have page level permissions applied to them.
@NonNull List |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPages(Space space)
Collection<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest)
long |
DefaultPageManager.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space)
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
PageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for blogs in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version.
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount)
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
PageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version.
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleBlogRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String blogTitle,
int maxResultCount)
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
PageManager.getPossibleRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version.
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleRedirectsInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount)
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
PageManager.getPossibleRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version.
@NonNull List<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getPossibleRedirectsNotInSpace(Space space,
String pageTitle,
int maxResultCount)
@NonNull Iterator |
DefaultCommentManager.getRecentlyUpdatedComments(Space space,
int maxResults)
@NonNull Iterator |
CommentManager.getRecentlyUpdatedComments(Space space,
int maxResults) |
@NonNull List |
PageManager.getTopLevelPages(Space space)
Get all the pages in a space that do not have a parent page.
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPages(Space space)
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest)
@NonNull ListBuilder<Page> |
PageManager.getTopLevelPagesBuilder(Space space)
Get the pages in a space that do not have a parent page.
@NonNull ListBuilder<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getTopLevelPagesBuilder(Space space)
NOTE: Despite our best intentions, we still have to retrieve all the top level pages and order them outside the
List<ContentEntityObject> |
DefaultTrashManager.getTrashContents(Space space,
int offset,
int count) |
List<ContentEntityObject> |
TrashManager.getTrashContents(Space space,
int offset,
int count)
Retrieve a subset of the contents of the trash for a particular space.
@NonNull List<Page> |
DefaultPageManager.getUnsortedTopLevelPages(Space space)
void |
PageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space)
Move a blog post to the top level of
targetSpace . |
void |
DefaultPageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space)
void |
PageManager.movePageToTopLevel(Page page,
Space space)
Move a page to the top level of
targetSpace . |
void |
DefaultPageManager.movePageToTopLevel(Page oldPage,
Space destinationSpace)
void |
PageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space space)
void |
PageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space spaceToBeRemoved,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress)
Remove all blog posts in a space with a progress meter
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllBlogPosts(Space space,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress)
void |
PageManager.removeAllPages(Space space)
Removes all pages in the space.
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllPages(Space space)
void |
PageManager.removeAllPages(Space space,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress)
Removes all pages in the space.
void |
DefaultPageManager.removeAllPages(Space space,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progress)
removes all the pages in a space (including all dependencies like attachments and notifications)
void |
Page.setSpace(Space newSpace) |
Constructor and Description |
AlternativePagesLocator(PageManager pageManager,
PermissionManager permissionManager,
Space space,
String title) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Space | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
CopyPageAction.getNewSpace() |
Space |
AbstractCreatePageAction.getNewSpace() |
Space |
ChildrenAction.getSpace() |
Space |
ReorderPageDialogAction.getSpace() |
Space |
CopyPageAction.SimpleSpaceProvider.getSpace() |
Space |
PageNotFoundAction.getSpace() |
Space |
BreadcrumbAction.getSpace() |
Space |
AbstractPageAwareAction.getSpace() |
Space |
MovePageDialogAction.getSpace() |
Space |
ViewPageAttachmentsAction.getSpace() |
Space |
AbstractCreatePageAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
MovePageDialogAction.getAvailableSpaces() |
Map<Space,Collection<SpaceContentEntityObject>> |
PageInfoAction.getIncomingLinksBySpace() |<Space,SpaceContentEntityObject> |
since 7.0.1. Use
PageInfoAction.getIncomingLinksBySpace() |<Space,SpaceContentEntityObject> |
since 7.0.1. Use
PageInfoAction.getOutgoingLinksBySpace() |
Map<Space,Collection<SpaceContentEntityObject>> |
PageInfoAction.getOutgoingLinksBySpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
CreatePageAction.assignSpace(ContentEntityObject page,
Space space) |
protected void |
AbstractCreatePageAction.assignSpace(ContentEntityObject draft,
Space space) |
static boolean |
ActionHelper.isSpaceAdmin(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser,
SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager) |
void |
ChildrenAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
ReorderPageDialogAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
GetPagePermissionsAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
AvailableSpaces.getAvailableSpaces(Space currentSpace,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
AvailableSpaces.getAvailableSpaces(Space currentSpace,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HibernatePageAncestorManager.rebuildSpace(Space space) |
void |
PageAncestorManager.rebuildSpace(Space space)
Rebuilds all the ancestors for pages within the given space.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Space> |
AbstractAttachmentCopier.getSpacesToInclude() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for blog posts in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
current or previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for blogs in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and
returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and
returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DelegatingPageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
@Nullable BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull String title,
@NonNull Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
Get the blog post by name and date.
List<Date> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPostDates(@NonNull Space space)
Returns a list of creation dates for all the blog posts in a space.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly)
Return an iterator for the specified space.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period)
Get the blog posts in a space for a particular period.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar postingDate,
int period,
int startIndex,
int maxResultCount)
Get list of blogPost by Date.
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
DelegatingPageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
Page |
PageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Get the page by space and title.
Page |
DelegatingPageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
Collection<Long> |
PageDao.getPageIds(Space space)
Get the ids of all pages (current and historical) in the given space.
Collection<Long> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPageIds(Space space) |
List<Page> |
PageDao.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
List<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
PageResponse<Page> |
PageDao.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> filter)
since 7.0.1. Use
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredPages(Space, LimitedRequest, Predicate) |
PageResponse<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> filter)
List<Page> |
PageDao.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
List<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
List<Page> |
PageDao.getPagesWithPermissions(Space space)
Get all current pages in a space and eagerly fetch permissions at the same time.
List<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPagesWithPermissions(Space space) |
Page |
PageDao.getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Get the page by space and title, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children.
Page |
DelegatingPageDao.getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
List<Page> |
PageDao.getPermissionPages(Space space) |
List<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPermissionPages(Space space) |
Collection<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest requeste) |
long |
DelegatingPageDao.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space) |
List<Page> |
PageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space) |
List<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space) |
PageResponse<Page> |
PageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super Page> predicate)
PageResponse<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super Page> predicate)
protected boolean |
AbstractAttachmentCopier.isSpaceIncluded(Space space)
Returns whether the space is in the inclusion List.
@NonNull PageResponse<Page> |
DelegatingPageDao.scanFilteredPages(Space space,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super Page> filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractAttachmentCopier.setSpacesToInclude(List<? extends Space> spaceList) |
void |
AttachmentDao.AttachmentMigrator.setSpacesToInclude(List<? extends Space> spaceList)
Set which Spaces should be included in the migration.
void |
AttachmentDao.AttachmentCopier.setSpacesToInclude(List<? extends Space> spaceList)
Set which Spaces should be included in the copy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AttachmentDataFileSystem.moveAttachments(ContentEntityObject contentEntity,
Space oldSpace,
Space newSpace)
Move all data for all versions of all attachments corresponding to the given content entity in the given
space, to the same entity in a different space.
void |
HierarchicalMultiStreamAttachmentDataFileSystem.moveAttachments(ContentEntityObject contentEntity,
Space oldSpace,
Space newSpace)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
List<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable<? super AbstractPage> filter)
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
@Nullable BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPost(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull String title,
@NonNull Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments) |
List<Date> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPostDates(@NonNull Space space) |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period) |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period,
int startIndex,
int maxResultCount) |
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
HibernatePageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
Page |
CachingPageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Page |
HibernatePageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
Page |
HibernatePageDao.getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle,
boolean eagerLoadComments) |
Collection<Long> |
HibernatePageDao.getPageIds(Space space) |
List<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPages(@Nullable Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
PageResponse<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> filter)
List<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
List<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPagesWithPermissions(@NonNull Space space) |
Page |
CachingPageDao.getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Page |
HibernatePageDao.getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle) |
List<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPermissionPages(Space space) |
Collection<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getPermissionPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest) |
long |
HibernatePageDao.getPermissionPagesCount(Space space) |
List<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space) |
PageResponse<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super Page> predicate)
PageResponse<Page> |
HibernatePageDao.scanFilteredPages(Space space,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
Predicate<? super Page> filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Long> |
AbstractHibernateAttachmentDao.findLatestVersionIds(List<Space> spacesToInclude)
Same as
AbstractHibernateAttachmentDao.findLatestVersionIdsIterator() but only gets the ids matching the list of spaces requested. |
Iterator<Long> |
AbstractHibernateAttachmentDao.findLatestVersionIdsIterator(List<Space> spacesToInclude)
Same as
AbstractHibernateAttachmentDao.findLatestVersionIdsIterator() but only gets the ids matching the list of spaces requested. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
The space this page template is constrained to.
Space |
PluginTemplateReference.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageTemplate |
PageTemplateManager.getPageTemplate(String name,
Space space) |
PageTemplate |
DefaultPageTemplateManager.getPageTemplate(String name,
Space space) |
List |
PageTemplateManager.getPageTemplates(Space space) |
List |
DefaultPageTemplateManager.getPageTemplates(Space space) |
void |
PageTemplateManager.removeAllPageTemplates(Space space) |
void |
DefaultPageTemplateManager.removeAllPageTemplates(Space space) |
void |
PageTemplate.setSpace(Space space) |
static PluginTemplateReference |
PluginTemplateReference.spaceTemplateReference(com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleCompleteKey moduleCompleteKey,
com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleCompleteKey referencingModuleCompleteKey,
Space space)
Create a reference to the space level customised version of the template
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageTemplate |
PageTemplateDao.findPageTemplateByNameAndSpace(String name,
Space space)
This will find a space page template with the given name and space
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageTemplate |
HibernatePageTemplateDao.findPageTemplateByNameAndSpace(String name,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NotificationContext.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
Returns the space related to the web interface state, or null if there is no space.
@Nullable Space |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.setSpace(@Nullable Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
EditorAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EditorAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
DashboardMacroSupport.getAllViewableSpaces() |
List<Space> |
DashboardMacroSupport.getFavouriteSpaces() |
List<Space> |
DashboardMacroSupport.getNewSpaces() |
Set<Space> |
Since 3.5. Use
DashboardMacroSupport.getPermittedSpacesBuilder() . |
ListBuilder<Space> |
Get an ListBuilder of all spaces the current user can see.
Map<String,List<Space>> |
SpacesListMacro.getSortedRecentlyCreatedSpaces(DashboardMacroSupport support) |
Set<Space> |
SpacesListMacro.getSpacesForLabels(String labels,
DashboardMacroSupport dashboardMacroSupport) |
List<Space> |
SpacesListMacro.getSpacesForTeam(String selectedTeam,
DashboardMacroSupport dashboardMacroSupport) |
List<Space> |
DashboardMacroSupport.getTeamSpaces() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SpaceEntity | space) |
static SpaceEntity |
DefaultContentEntityBuilder.createSpaceEntity(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SpaceEntity |
DefaultRestSpaceManager.getSpaceEntity(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PaginationSupport<Space> |
ViewSpaceDirectoryAction.getPaginationSupport() |
List<Space> |
ViewSpaceDirectoryAction.getSpaces() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewSpaceDirectoryAction.getLogoDownloadPath(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map<String,Object> |
MacroUtils.defaultVelocityContext(@Nullable Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
RetentionPolicyPermissionManager.canEditSpacePolicy(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
Space space) |
boolean |
RetentionPolicyPermissionManager.canViewSpacePolicy(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
RemoteSpace(Space space,
com.atlassian.renderer.WikiStyleRenderer renderer) |
RemoteSpaceSummary(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.retrieveSpace(String spaceKey)
Retrieves a given space, and throws RemoteException if the space is not found or the user has no view perm.
Space |
SoapServiceHelper.retrieveSpace(String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.assertCanAdminister(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelper.assertCanAdminister(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.assertCanCreateBlogPost(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelper.assertCanCreateBlogPost(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.assertCanCreatePage(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelper.assertCanCreatePage(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.assertCanExport(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelper.assertCanExport(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.assertCanView(Space space) |
void |
SoapServiceHelper.assertCanView(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
QueuingChangeIndexer.unIndexSpace(Space space) |
void |
ConfluenceIndexer.unIndexSpace(Space space)
Optimised unindex of all content in a space
void |
ChangeIndexer.unIndexSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SearchSiteAction.getSpace(String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
QueuingConfluenceIndexer.unIndexSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UnIndexSpaceChangeIndexTask |
IndexTaskFactory.createUnIndexSpaceChangeIndexTask(Space space) |
UnIndexSpaceContentIndexTask |
IndexTaskFactory.createUnIndexSpaceContentIndexTask(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
The space of this permission.
Space |
SpacePermissionDefaultsStore.getTemplateSpace() |
Space |
DefaultSpacePermissionDefaultsStore.getTemplateSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ThreadLocalPermissionsCache.cacheSpacePermission(com.atlassian.user.User user,
String permission,
Space space,
boolean hasPermission)
since 5.9, no replacement. This method is a no-op and does nothing.
boolean |
PermissionHelper.canCreateBlogPost(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
boolean |
PermissionHelper.canCreatePage(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createAnonymousSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createAuthenticatedUsersSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space)
Creates a permission which is granted to all authenticated users, including unlicensed users.
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space)
void |
SpacePermissionManager.createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createGroupSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
String group) |
Set<SpacePermission> |
SpacePermissionDefaultsStore.createPermissionsForSpace(Space space) |
Set<SpacePermission> |
DefaultSpacePermissionDefaultsStore.createPermissionsForSpace(Space space) |
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space)
void |
SpacePermissionManager.createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createUserSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
ConfluenceUser subject) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createUserSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
String userName)
SpacePermission |
PermissionsFormHandler.fromFormParameterName(String formParameterName,
Space space,
String parameterType)
Convert a form parameter name into a space permission.
@NonNull Set<String> |
SpacePermissionGroupNamesCache.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space space,
String permissionType)
protected Set<String> |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType)
protected abstract Iterable<String> |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType)
protected Set<String> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupNamesWithPermission(@Nullable Space targetSpace,
String permissionType)
Map<String,Long> |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.getGroupsForPermissionType(String arg0,
Space arg1) |
Map<String,Long> |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.getGroupsForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Map<String,Long> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsForPermissionType(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space)
Map<String,Long> |
SpacePermissionManager.getGroupsForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space arg0) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space)
Collection<com.atlassian.user.Group> |
SpacePermissionManager.getGroupsWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space)
Returns all groups which have permissions in a space or on a global level.
Map<String,Long> |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.getUsersForPermissionType(String arg0,
Space arg1) |
Map<String,Long> |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.getUsersForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Map<String,Long> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getUsersForPermissionType(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space)
Map<String,Long> |
SpacePermissionManager.getUsersForPermissionType(String permissionType,
Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space arg0) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space) |
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space)
Collection<com.atlassian.user.User> |
SpacePermissionManager.getUsersWithPermissions(@Nullable Space space)
Returns a collection of user objects with VIEWSPACE_PERMISSION in the space.
boolean |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.groupHasPermission(String arg0,
@Nullable Space arg1,
String arg2) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.groupHasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
String group) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.groupHasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
String group)
boolean |
SpacePermissionManager.groupHasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
String group)
Checks whether the given group has the given permission
boolean |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.hasAllPermissions(List<String> permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.hasAllPermissions(List<String> permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasAllPermissions(List<String> permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user)
boolean |
SpacePermissionManager.hasAllPermissions(List<String> permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user)
Determines if remoteUser has all of the given permissions in space
boolean |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.hasPermission(String arg0,
@Nullable Space arg1,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User arg2) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.hasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
boolean |
SpacePermissionManager.hasPermission(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Determines if remoteUser has the given permission in space
boolean |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionForSpace(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User arg0,
List arg1,
@Nullable Space arg2) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.hasPermissionForSpace(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user,
List permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionForSpace(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user,
List permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space)
boolean |
SpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionForSpace(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user,
List permissionTypes,
@Nullable Space space) |
boolean |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
boolean |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser) |
boolean |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
boolean |
SpacePermissionManager.hasPermissionNoExemptions(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Returns true if the user has the specified permission on the target space.
static Boolean |
ThreadLocalPermissionsCache.hasSpacePermission(String permission,
Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User user)
since 5.9. Use
PermissionManager.hasPermission(User, Permission, Object) instead. |
void |
SpacePermissionGroupNamesCache.invalidate(String permissionType,
@Nullable Space space)
static boolean |
PermissionUtils.isAdminUser(SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager,
com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser,
Space space) |
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space)
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeAllPermissions(Space space)
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space)
void |
SpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space)
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes all
SpacePermission 's from the specified space. |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissions(Space space,
SpacePermissionContext context)
protected void |
CachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissionsFromDao(Space space)
protected void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllPermissionsFromDao(Space space)
void |
SpacePermission.setSpace(@Nullable Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
SpacePermission(String type,
Space space)
SpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
String group)
SpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable String group,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser subject)
SpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable String group,
@Nullable String userName)
since 3.0, as passing both group and userName leads to an invalid permission
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
NotPermittedAction.getSpace() |
Space |
EditSpacePermissionsAction.getSpace() |
Space |
EditSpacePermissionDefaultsAction.getSpace() |
Space |
ViewSpacePermissionsAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Space> |
ViewSpacePermissionDefaultsAction.getSpaces() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ViewSpacePermissionDefaultsAction.hasSpacePermission(Space space) |
void |
EditSpacePermissionsAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
EditSpacePermissionDefaultsAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
ViewSpacePermissionsAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EditPermissionsAdministrator |
PermissionsAdministratorBuilder.buildEditSpaceAdministrator(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
List<String> usersToAdd,
List<String> groupsToAdd)
Returns a space edit permissions administrator and populates its fields.
protected Collection<SpacePermission> |
AbstractEditPermissionsAdministrator.buildPermissionsFromWebForm(Space space,
Map<String,?> formParameters,
String parameterQualifier)
Private implementation that doesn't check to ensure space key is null
PermissionsAdministrator |
PermissionsAdministratorBuilder.buildSpacePermissionAdministrator(Space space)
Returns a space permissions administrator (for viewiing) and populates its fields.
void |
EditSpacePermissionsAdministrator.setSpace(Space space)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Space |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
LabellingPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
PagePermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
CommentPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
DraftPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
AttachmentPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected abstract Space |
AbstractPermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
protected Space |
PageTemplatePermissionsDelegate.getSpaceFrom(Object target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canAdminister(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canEdit(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canExport(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canRemove(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canSetPermissions(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
boolean |
SpacePermissionsDelegate.canView(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
BulkPermissionService.getPermittedSpaces(SpacesQuery spaceQuery,
int offset,
int limit)
Returns a list of permitted spaces filters by spaceQuery.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
RegularEntitiesAndPermissionsHelper.getSpaceById(long spaceId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
DenormalisedPermissionFallbackServiceImpl.getPermittedSpaces(SpacesQuery spaceQuery,
int offset,
int limit)
Returns a list of permitted spaces filters by spaceQuery.
List<Space> |
DenormalisedPermissionRouter.getPermittedSpaces(SpacesQuery spaceQuery,
int offset,
int limit)
Returns a list of permitted spaces filters by spaceQuery.
List<Space> |
DenormalisedPermissionServiceImpl.getPermittedSpaces(SpacesQuery spaceQuery,
int offset,
int limit)
Returns a list of permitted spaces filters by spaceQuery.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
DenormalisedSpacePermissionDao.findPermittedSpaces(List<Long> sidList,
SpacePermissionType permissionType)
Retrieves all permitted spaces, filtered by space permissions and sid list
List<Space> |
DenormalisedSpacePermissionDao.getSpaces(Set<Long> sids,
SpacePermissionType permissionType,
SpacesQuery spaceQuery,
int offset,
int limit,
boolean permissionExempt)
Returns a list of permitted spaces
Spaces could be additionally filtered by provided optional filters
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<SpacePermission> |
SpacePermissionDao.findGroupPermissionsForSpace(Space space,
String permissionType)
Find all group permissions of type
permissionType for space . |
List<SpacePermission> |
SpacePermissionDao.findPermissionsForSpace(Space space)
Retrieves all permissions for space
void |
SpacePermissionDao.removePermissionsForSpace(Space space)
Removes all permissions in space
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<SpacePermission> |
HibernateSpacePermissionDao.findGroupPermissionsForSpace(Space space,
String permissionType) |
List<SpacePermission> |
HibernateSpacePermissionDao.findPermissionsForSpace(Space space) |
void |
HibernateSpacePermissionDao.removePermissionsForSpace(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
ConfluenceBandanaContext(Space space)
Create a space context
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createPersonalSpace(String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User owner)
Creates a personal space.
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createPersonalSpace(String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User owner) |
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createPrivatePersonalSpace(String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User owner)
Create a personal Space for which only the creator has any permissions
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createPrivatePersonalSpace(String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User owner) |
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createPrivateSpace(String key,
String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User creator)
Creates a Space for which only the creator has any permissions
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createPrivateSpace(String key,
String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User creator) |
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createSpace(Space space)
since 6.10.0, use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)}
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createSpace(Space space)
since 4.3. Use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)} instead
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createSpace(String key,
String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User creator) |
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createSpace(String key,
String name,
@Nullable String description,
com.atlassian.user.User creator) |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceManager.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
since 7.3.0, use
in plugins and SpaceManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Space |
Spaced.getSpace() |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceManager.getSpace(long id)
since 7.3.0, use
in plugins and SpaceManagerInternal in core where applicable |
Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.getSpace(long id) |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceManager.getSpace(@Nullable String spaceKey)
since 7.3.0, use
in plugins and SpaceManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.getSpace(@Nullable String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SpaceManager.archiveSpace(Space space)
Archive the space.
void |
DefaultSpaceManager.archiveSpace(Space space) |
@NonNull Space |
SpaceManager.createSpace(Space space)
since 6.10.0, use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)}
@NonNull Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.createSpace(Space space)
since 4.3. Use {#link #createSpace(String key, String name, String description, User creator)} instead
void |
SpaceManager.ensureSpaceDescriptionExists(Space space)
If the given Space does not have a description, creates one for it, and saves it.
void |
DefaultSpaceManager.ensureSpaceDescriptionExists(Space space) |
long |
SpaceManager.findPageTotal(Space space)
Get the number of pages in a space.
long |
DefaultSpaceManager.findPageTotal(Space space) |
String |
SpaceLogoManager.getLogoDownloadPath(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser)
String |
DefaultSpaceLogoManager.getLogoDownloadPath(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser) |
String |
SpaceLogoManager.getLogoUriReference(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser)
Return a "URI reference" (a URL that may be relative to the application's base URI including context path
or an absolute URL) for the logo of a given space.
String |
DefaultSpaceLogoManager.getLogoUriReference(Space space,
com.atlassian.user.User viewingUser) |
int |
SpaceManager.getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space)
Get the number of blog posts in a space.
int |
DefaultSpaceManager.getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space) |
@NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> |
SpaceManager.getSpaceAdmins(Space spaces)
Returns a list of administrators for a given space, sorted by full name
@NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> |
DefaultSpaceManager.getSpaceAdmins(Space space) |
@NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> |
SpaceManager.getSpaceAdmins(Space spaces,
int limit)
Returns a list of administrators for a given space, sorted by full name, up to the size limit
@NonNull List<com.atlassian.user.User> |
DefaultSpaceManager.getSpaceAdmins(Space space,
int limit) |
static boolean |
SpaceType.isGlobal(Space space) |
static boolean |
SpaceType.isPersonal(Space space) |
@NonNull Boolean |
SpaceManager.removeSpace(Space space)
Removes a space with a given space.
@NonNull Boolean |
DefaultSpaceManager.removeSpace(Space space) |
void |
SpaceManager.saveSpace(Space space) |
void |
DefaultSpaceManager.saveSpace(Space space) |
void |
SpaceManager.saveSpace(Space space,
Space originalSpace) |
void |
DefaultSpaceManager.saveSpace(Space space,
Space originalSpace) |
void |
SpaceManager.unarchiveSpace(Space space)
Un-archive the space.
void |
DefaultSpaceManager.unarchiveSpace(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
SpaceDescription(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Space | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
ConfigureSpaceLogoAction.getSpace() |
Space |
AbstractSpaceAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Label |
EditSpaceLabelAction.addLabel(Space space,
String labelName) |
void |
EditSpaceAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
ConfigureSpaceLogoAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
SpaceAware.setSpace(Space space)
IOC method for setting the space on the action.
void |
AbstractSpaceAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
SpaceActionForDecorating(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceDao.getById(long id) |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceDao.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceDao.getSpace(@Nullable String spaceKey)
Find a space by its space key.
@Nullable Space |
SpaceDao.getSpaceByContentId(long contentId)
Get the space that some content belongs to in a single db query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
SpaceDao.findPageTotal(Space space)
Fast way to count pages in a space without loading them.
int |
SpaceDao.getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space)
Fast way to count blog posts in a space without loading them.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SpaceDao.performOnAll(Consumer<Space> function)
Perform the task with all spaces.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
HibernateSpaceDao.getById(long id) |
@Nullable Space |
HibernateSpaceDao.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
@Nullable Space |
HibernateSpaceDao.getSpace(@Nullable String spaceKey)
first tries to fetch the space from the cache by space id
if not, fetch it from database
@Nullable Space |
HibernateSpaceDao.getSpaceByContentId(long contentId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
HibernateSpaceDao.findPageTotal(Space space) |
int |
HibernateSpaceDao.getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HibernateSpaceDao.performOnAll(Consumer<Space> task) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Page |
AbstractDenormalisedPermissionsIntegrationTestBase.createPage(String title,
String content,
Page parentPage,
Space space) |
protected Page |
AbstractDenormalisedPermissionsIntegrationTestBase.createPage(String title,
String content,
Page parentPage,
Space space,
String contentStatus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Page> |
AbstractScanVisibleContentTestBase.createSetOfPages(Space space,
String titlePrefix,
String content,
Page parentPage,
int count) |
protected void |
AbstractScanVisibleContentTestBase.grantPagePermissions(Space space,
ConfluenceUser user) |
protected void |
AbstractScanVisibleContentTestBase.grantSpaceViewPermissions(Space space,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Page |
IntegrationTestSynchronyDataService.createPage(String title,
String content,
Page parentPage,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Space | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
GlobalHelper.getSpace() |
Space |
ThemeContext.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultColourSchemeManager.getColourSchemeSetting(Space space) |
String |
ColourSchemeManager.getColourSchemeSetting(Space space) |
ColourScheme |
DefaultColourSchemeManager.getSpaceColourScheme(Space space) |
ColourScheme |
ColourSchemeManager.getSpaceColourScheme(Space space)
Retrieve the colour scheme for a space - for display, complete with global defaults.
void |
DefaultColourSchemeManager.resetColourScheme(Space space) |
void |
ColourSchemeManager.resetColourScheme(Space space) |
void |
DefaultColourSchemeManager.saveSpaceColourScheme(Space space,
BaseColourScheme colourScheme) |
void |
ColourSchemeManager.saveSpaceColourScheme(Space space,
BaseColourScheme colourScheme) |
static void |
ThemeContext.set(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
Space currentSpace,
Theme currentTheme,
Theme globalTheme) |
void |
DefaultColourSchemeManager.setColourSchemeSetting(Space space,
String value) |
void |
ColourSchemeManager.setColourSchemeSetting(Space space,
String value) |
Constructor and Description |
ThemeContext(Space currentSpace,
Theme spaceTheme,
Theme globalTheme) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SpaceSummary |
LegacySpaceSummaryBuilder.buildFrom(Space space,
Expansions expansions)
Constructor and Description |
PermittedUserFinder(PageManager pageManager,
PermissionManager permissionManager,
SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager,
Page parentPage,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
EditNotificationsAction.getSpace() |
Space |
FindRestrictableEntitiesAction.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Space,List<ContentEntityObject>> |
ViewMyDraftsAction.getNonResumableDraftsBySpace() |
Map<Space,List<ContentEntityObject>> |
ViewMyDraftsAction.getResumableDraftsBySpace() |
List<Space> |
RemoveGroupAction.getSpaces() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<SpacePermission> |
RemoveGroupAction.getGroupSpacePermissionsForSpace(Space space) |
void |
EditNotificationsAction.setSpace(Space space) |
void |
FindRestrictableEntitiesAction.setSpace(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
AddWatchLink(Space space,
@Nullable ContentTypeEnum contentType)
Create a link to represent adding a watch on a page
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FavouriteManager.addSpaceToFavourites(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Add a space to a user's favourites by attaching a personal label to the space.
void |
DefaultFavouriteManager.addSpaceToFavourites(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
boolean |
FavouriteManager.hasPermission(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Get whether the current user has permission to add or remove a space favourite.
boolean |
DefaultFavouriteManager.hasPermission(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
boolean |
FavouriteManager.isUserFavourite(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Returns whether a space is marked as a favourite for a user.
boolean |
DefaultFavouriteManager.isUserFavourite(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
void |
FavouriteManager.removeSpaceFromFavourites(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space)
Remove a space from a user's favourites.
void |
DefaultFavouriteManager.removeSpaceFromFavourites(com.atlassian.user.User user,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int | space1,
Space space2) |
static ConfluenceActionSupport |
GeneralUtil.newWiredConfluenceActionSupport(@Nullable Space space)
Create a wired
ConfluenceActionSupport to be used for rendering a decorator. |
static String |
ConfluenceRenderUtils.renderSpaceStylesheet(Space space)
Returns a default stylesheet for Confluence.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Space | |
protected Space | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
SpaceAdminActionBreadcrumb.getSpace() |
Space |
BrowseSpaceBreadcrumb.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getAdvancedBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getAdvancedBreadcrumb(Space space)
Returns the advanced breadcrumb in a space.
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getBlogCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getBlogCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getContentActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space,
AbstractPage page,
DisplayableLabel label) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getContentActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space,
AbstractPage page,
DisplayableLabel label)
Returns an appropriate breadcrumb for the given action, space, page and label.
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getContentBreadcrumb(Space space,
AbstractPage page) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getContentBreadcrumb(Space space,
AbstractPage page)
Returns an appropriate breadcrumb for a page or blogpost
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getContentCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space,
Class contentClass) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getContentCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space,
Class contentClass)
Returns an appropriate collector page breadcrumb to represent content at the root level
of a space conforming to the new space information architecture.
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getContentDetailActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space,
AbstractPage page)
Breadcrumb for the "detail" pages of a Page/Blog, like Info, Attachments or History.
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getContentDetailActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space,
AbstractPage page)
Breadcrumb for the "detail" pages of a Page/Blog, like Info, Attachments or History.
List<Breadcrumb> |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getFilteredBreadcrumbTrail(Space space,
Breadcrumb breadcrumb) |
List<Breadcrumb> |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getFilteredBreadcrumbTrail(Space space,
Breadcrumb breadcrumb)
Returns the breadcrumb trail after filtering.
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getSpaceAdminBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getSpaceAdminBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space)
Returns the breadcrumb for a space admin action in a space.
Breadcrumb |
DefaultBreadcrumbGenerator.getSpaceOperationsBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Breadcrumb |
BreadcrumbGenerator.getSpaceOperationsBreadcrumb(Space space)
Returns the space operations breadcrumb (i.e.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractSpaceActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space) |
AbstractSpaceBreadcrumb(Space space) |
BlogPostDateBreadcrumb(Space space,
String year,
String monthNumeric,
String monthText,
String day) |
BrowseSpaceBreadcrumb(Space space) |
ContentActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space,
AbstractPage page,
DisplayableLabel label,
Breadcrumb spaceOperationsBreadcrumb) |
LabelBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
DisplayableLabel label,
Space space)
Label crumbs are sequenced a little differently than normal (where
ContentActionBreadcrumb s typically come
last). |
PageTemplatesActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space) |
SpaceAdminActionBreadcrumb(com.opensymphony.xwork.Action action,
Space space) |
SpaceBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
BlogCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space) |
BlogPostDateBreadcrumb(Space space,
String year,
String monthNumeric,
String monthText,
String day) |
BlogPostDateBreadcrumb(Space space,
String year,
String monthNumeric,
String monthText,
String day,
Breadcrumb parent) |
PagesCollectorBreadcrumb(Space space) |
SpaceBreadcrumb(Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Space |
WebContextFactoryImpl.GhettoHelper.getSpace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WebInterfaceContext |
WebContextFactoryImpl.createWebInterfaceContextForSpace(Space space) |
WebInterfaceContext |
WebContextFactory.createWebInterfaceContextForSpace(Space space) |
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