Interface | Description |
ConfluenceIndexManager | Deprecated
since 5.10, use
IndexManager instead |
IncrementalIndexManager |
This manager is responsible for manipulating single Lucene directory and single index queue.
IndexTaskQueue<T extends IndexTask> | Deprecated
since 5.10, use
IndexTaskQueue instead |
LuceneQueryParserFactory | |
WriterStrategy |
Strategy that allows clients to customize the handling of
ILuceneConnection.WriterAction s. |
Class | Description |
CaseInsensitiveSortComparator |
A Lucene SortComparator that will convert field text to lower case effectively rendering all comparisons case
CaseInsensitiveSortComparatorSource | |
ChangeDocumentIdBuilder |
This class is used to generate the ids used to identify change documents and
groups of change document in the Lucene index
ChangeDocumentIndexPolicy |
Policy that defines what
Searchable s should be indexed as change documents. |
ChangeDocumentIndexPolicy.PolicyCheckResult | |
ConfluenceAnalyzer | |
ConfluenceFilenameAnalyzer |
Since the
ConfluenceAnalyzer does not handle filenames very well, we have a different Analyzer for that
field. |
ConfluenceLuceneAnalyzerFactory | |
ConfluenceLuceneQueryParserFactory | |
ConfluenceUnstemmedAnalyzer |
An analyzer that groups non-stemming language analyzers, and delegates to the appropriate one
depending on the indexing language (
Settings.getIndexingLanguage() . |
ContentBodyMaxSizeSystemProperty | |
ContentPermissionSearchUtils |
For changes to this class, ensure they are also made to:
DefaultSearcherInitialisation | |
DocumentFieldName |
Class to contain the field names for Confluence lucene documents.
EmptyDocIdSet |
Copied from
DocIdSet 's EMPTY_DOCIDSET constant (lucene 4.3 version). |
EnglishAnalyzer | |
FlushStatistics |
A simple statistics object that holds details for an index flushing.
LabelExtractor |
Extract label data from content entity objects.
LuceneIncrementalIndexManager |
Entry point to the majority of the Lucene indexing subsystem.
MatchNoDocsQuery |
Sometimes you want a "match nothing" query, for example to take the place in a search of something that could
not be resolved, and therefore can never be found (i.e.
ObjectQueue | Deprecated
since 7.16.0 due to Hibernate 2 removal.
PluggableSearcherInitialisation | |
QueuingConfluenceIndexer | |
TempIndexWriterStrategy |
Writer strategy that uses the
TempIndexWriter . |
TermsQuery |
A copy from . |
WrappingQuery |
A base Query class for custom Query subclasses, especially in plugins, so that they can be handled properly during
term extraction in highlight scoring.
Enum | Description |
ConfluenceIndexManager.IndexQueueFlushMode | Deprecated
since 5.10, use
IndexManager.IndexQueueFlushMode |
ReIndexOption | Deprecated
since 5.10.
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