Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.create(Content newContent) |
BlogPost |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.update(Content updatedContent,
BlogPost blog) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Class<BlogPost> |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.getEntityClass() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PageResponse<Content> |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.getChildrenForThisType(BlogPost content,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Expansions expansions,
Depth depth) |
BlogPost |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.update(Content updatedContent,
BlogPost blog) |
ValidationResult |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
BlogPost existingEntity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
BlogPostResourceIdentifierResolver.resolve(BlogPostResourceIdentifier blogResourceIdentifier,
ConversionContext conversionContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
DefaultResourceIdentifierMatcher.matches(BlogPost blog,
ResourceIdentifier ri) |
Constructor and Description |
AttachmentOwningContentResolver(ResourceIdentifierResolver<PageResourceIdentifier,Page> pageResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<BlogPostResourceIdentifier,BlogPost> blogPostResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<ContentEntityResourceIdentifier,ContentEntityObject> contentEntityResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<DraftResourceIdentifier,Draft> draftResourceResolver,
ContentEntityManager contentEntityManager,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceCommand |
BlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
BlogPost draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf) |
ServiceCommand |
DefaultBlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
BlogPost draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
MoveBlogPostToTopOfSpaceCommand.getBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
BlogPostProvider.getBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
BlogPostLocator.getBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
IdBlogPostLocator.getBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
CreateBlogPostCommandImpl.getCreatedBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
CreateBlogPostCommand.getCreatedBlogPost() |
protected BlogPost |
RemoveBlogPostVersionCommand.getPage() |
Constructor and Description |
CreateBlogPostCommandImpl(PageManager pageManager,
SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager,
ContentPermissionManager contentPermissionManager,
DraftService draftService,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
NotificationManager notificationManager,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
BlogPostProvider blogPostProvider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
BlogPost draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
ContentPropertyManager contentPropertyManager,
LabelManager labelManager,
DraftsTransitionHelper draftsTransitionHelper) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull BlogPost |
BlogPostEvent.getBlogPost() |
@Nullable BlogPost |
BlogPostUpdateEvent.getOriginalBlogPost() |
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost blogPost)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext) |
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost blogPost,
Map<String,Serializable> context)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext) |
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
Map<String,Serializable> context,
boolean suppressNotifications)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object, BlogPost, Map, OperationContext) |
BlogPostCreateEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
Map<String,Serializable> context,
@Nullable OperationContext<?> operationContext) |
BlogPostEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost)
since 6.0 use
BlogPostEvent(Object, BlogPost, boolean) |
BlogPostEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
boolean suppressNotifications)
since 7.1.0
BlogPostEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
@Nullable OperationContext<?> operationContext) |
BlogPostInfoViewEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost)
since 6.2.0
BlogPostInfoViewEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
@Nullable LocaleInfo localeInfo) |
BlogPostMovedEvent(Object src,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
BlogPost blogPost,
Space originalSpace,
Space currentSpace) |
BlogPostRemoveEvent(Object src,
BlogPost blogPost) |
BlogPostRestoreEvent(Object src,
BlogPost blogPost) |
BlogPostTrashedEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User trasher)
since 6.0, use
BlogPostTrashedEvent(Object, BlogPost, User, boolean) instead |
BlogPostTrashedEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User trasher,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
boolean suppressNotifications)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
boolean suppressNotifications)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
boolean suppressNotifications,
PageUpdateTrigger updateTrigger)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object src,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
boolean suppressNotifications,
PageUpdateTrigger updateTrigger)
since 7.1.0, use
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object, BlogPost, BlogPost, OperationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object source,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
@Nullable OperationContext<PageUpdateTrigger> operationContext) |
BlogPostUpdateEvent(Object source,
BlogPost updatedBlogPost,
@Nullable BlogPost originalBlogPost,
@Nullable OperationContext<PageUpdateTrigger> operationContext) |
BlogPostViewEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost)
since 6.2.0
BlogPostViewEvent(Object source,
BlogPost blogPost,
@Nullable LocaleInfo localeInfo) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(String key,
Date time) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(String key,
Date time) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(long id) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String postTitle,
Calendar day) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String postTitle,
Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getNewestBlogPost(@Nullable String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
void |
DefaultPageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageDaoInternal.getFilteredBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,
@Nullable Predicate<? super BlogPost> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all the current blog posts in the give space.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ChangeDigestReport.addBlogPost(BlogPost blogPost) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findNextBlogPost(String key,
Date time) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(String key,
Date time)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(String key,
Date time) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(String key,
Date time)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.getBlogPost(long id)
since 7.3.0, use
from plugins, or use PageManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(long id)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String pageTitle,
Calendar day)
since 7.3.0, use
from plugins, or use PageManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String postTitle,
Calendar day)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String pageTitle,
Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
since 7.3.0, use
from plugins, or use PageManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String postTitle,
Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
BlogPost |
BlogPostsCalendar.getFirstPostInNextMonth() |
BlogPost |
BlogPostsCalendar.getLastPostInPreviousMonth() |
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.getNewestBlogPost(@Nullable String spaceKey)
Retrieves the most recently created blog post in the given space.
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.getNewestBlogPost(@Nullable String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<BlogPost> |
ContentTree.getBlogPosts() |
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostsCalendar.getPostsForDay(int dayOfMonth)
Get the posts made on a particular day of the month
List<BlogPost> |
Get all the posts for the month
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findNextBlogPost(BlogPost post)
@Nullable BlogPost |
PageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
DefaultPageManager.findPreviousBlogPost(BlogPost post)
void |
PageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space)
Move a blog post to the top level of
targetSpace . |
void |
DefaultPageManager.moveBlogPostToTopLevel(BlogPost blogPost,
Space space)
void |
BlogPostsCalendar.setFirstPostInNextMonth(BlogPost firstPostInNextMonth) |
void |
BlogPostsCalendar.setLastPostInPreviousMonth(BlogPost lastPostInPreviousMonth) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ContentTree.setBlogPosts(List<BlogPost> blogPosts) |
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostsCalendar(Date coversDate,
List<BlogPost> blogPosts,
String spaceKey,
DateFormatter formatter)
Construct a new calendar.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
AbstractPageAction.getBlogPost() |
BlogPost |
AbstractBlogPostsAction.getFirstPostInNextMonth(Calendar postingDate)
Returns the first post in the month after the current postingDay
BlogPost |
ViewPageAction.getFirstPostInNextMonth(Calendar postingDate)
Returns the first post in the month after the current postingDay
BlogPost |
AbstractBlogPostsAction.getLastPostInPreviousMonth(Calendar postingDate)
Returns the last post in the month before the current postingDay
BlogPost |
ViewPageAction.getLastPostInPreviousMonth(Calendar postingDate)
Returns the last post in the month before the current postingDay
BlogPost |
ViewBlogPostsByDateAction.getNextDatePost() |
BlogPost |
AbstractPageAction.getNextPost() |
BlogPost |
ViewBlogPostsByDateAction.getNextPost() |
BlogPost |
ViewBlogPostsByDateAction.getPreviousDatePost() |
BlogPost |
AbstractPageAction.getPreviousPost() |
BlogPost |
ViewBlogPostsByDateAction.getPreviousPost() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AbstractBlogPostsAction.renderBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull String title,
@NonNull Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
Get the blog post by name and date.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String title,
Calendar day)
since 5.9.1. Use
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(Space, String, Calendar, boolean) instead. |
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String title,
Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
since 5.9.1. Use
BlogPostDao.getBlogPost(Space, String, Calendar, boolean) instead. |
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPostByTitle(String spaceKey,
String title)
Get a blog post by name.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getById(long id)
Get a blog post by id.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(BlogPost post)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(String spaceKey,
Date creationDate)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(BlogPost post)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(String spaceKey,
Date creationDate)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getMostRecentBlogPost(String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly)
Return an iterator for the specified space.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period)
Get the blog posts in a space for a particular period.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar postingDate,
int period,
int startIndex,
int maxResultCount)
Get list of blogPost by Date.
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
DelegatingPageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getBlogPostsInTrash(String spaceKey,
String title)
Gets a blog post that is in the trash for a given space that matches the given title.
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts(int maxPosts,
Date timeSince,
String spaceKey) |
List<BlogPost> |
BlogPostDao.getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts(int maxCount,
@Nullable String spaceKey)
Get list of recently created blog posts.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(BlogPost post)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post.
BlogPost |
BlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(BlogPost post)
Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
PageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
DelegatingPageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPost(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull String title,
@NonNull Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments) |
@Nullable BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String title,
Calendar day)
@Nullable BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPost(String spaceKey,
String title,
Calendar day,
boolean eagerLoadComments)
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPostByTitle(String spaceKey,
String title) |
protected BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getByClassId(long id) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getById(long id) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(BlogPost post) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(String spaceKey,
Date creationDate) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(BlogPost post) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(String spaceKey,
Date creationDate) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getMostRecentBlogPost(String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period) |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPosts(@NonNull Space space,
@NonNull Calendar date,
int period,
int startIndex,
int maxResultCount) |
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
HibernatePageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getBlogPostsInTrash(String spaceKey,
String title) |
Class<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getPersistentClass() |
List<BlogPost> |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts(int maxCount,
@Nullable String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostAfter(BlogPost post) |
BlogPost |
HibernateBlogPostDao.getFirstPostBefore(BlogPost post) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
HibernatePageDao.getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
BlogPostReference.getBlogPost() |
Constructor and Description |
RemoteBlogEntry(BlogPost blogPost) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canAdminister(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canEdit(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canExport(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canMove(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost source,
Object target,
String movePoint) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canRemove(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canRemoveHierarchy(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canSetPermissions(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
boolean |
BlogPostPermissionsDelegate.canView(com.atlassian.user.User user,
BlogPost target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected BlogPost |
BlogPostLinkRenamingBean.getBlogPostBeingChanged() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogPost |
BlogPostBreadcrumb.getBlogPost() |
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostBreadcrumb(BlogPost blogPost) |
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostBreadcrumb(BlogPost blogPost) |
BlogPostBreadcrumb(BlogPost blogPost,
DateFormatter dateFormatter) |
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