public abstract class AbstractPageAction extends AbstractPageAwareAction implements TinyUrlAware
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected List |
incomingLinks |
protected LinkManager |
linkManager |
protected PageManager |
pageManager |
static String |
static String |
protected Renderer |
viewRenderer |
protected ConfluenceWysiwygConverter |
wysiwygConverter |
contentPermissionManager, spaceManager
accessModeService, CANCEL, DEVMODE, eventManager, i18NBeanFactory, labelManager, languageManager, LICENSE_EXPIRED, LICENSE_USERS_EXCEEDED, messageHolder, permissionManager, permitted, personService, pluginAccessor, settingsManager, spacePermissionManager, userAccessor, webInterfaceManager
Constructor and Description |
AbstractPageAction() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Date paths for blogs are deprecated. The method exists
for backward compatibility only and should not be used
in the new code.
ContentEntityObject |
Returns the
ConfluenceEntityObject that contains attachments relevant to the current action. |
List |
getAvailableSpaces() |
protected Object |
getBeanKey() |
BlogPost |
getBlogPost() |
String |
getEditorVersion() |
ThemeHelper |
getHelper() |
List<OutgoingLink> |
returns list of "unique" incoming links to this page.
protected List<Label> |
getLabels() |
String |
getMode() |
BlogPost |
getNextPost() |
protected String |
getNumberOfAttachmentsAsString() |
protected String |
getNumberOfLabelsAsString() |
protected List<String> |
getPermissionTypes() |
List<Page> |
getPermittedChildren() |
Date |
getPostingDate() |
String |
Date paths for blogs are deprecated. The method exists
for backward compatibility only and should not be used
in the new code.
LocalTime |
getPostingTime() |
BlogPost |
getPreviousPost() |
AbstractPage |
getPreviousVersion(int version) |
SpaceManager |
getSpaceManager() |
List |
getSuggestedLabels() |
String |
getTinyUrl() |
WebInterfaceContext |
Returns a context which can be passed to web items when rendering them.
boolean |
hasAttachFilePermissions() |
boolean |
hasPermittedChildren() |
protected boolean |
isSpaceAdmin() |
boolean |
since 3.5 this method is not called anywhere and should not be used
boolean |
isUserWatchingOwnContent() |
void |
setConfluenceWysiwygConverter(ConfluenceWysiwygConverter wysiwygConverter) |
void |
setEditorManager(EditorManager editorManager) |
void |
setLinkManager(LinkManager linkManager) |
void |
setMode(String mode) |
void |
setPageManager(PageManager pageManager) |
void |
setPostingDate(String date) |
void |
setPostingTime(String time) |
void |
setViewRenderer(Renderer viewRenderer) |
getFriendlyDateFormatterHelper, getPage, getPageId, getSpace, getSpaceKey, getTitle, isCollaborativeContent, isLatestVersionRequired, isPageRequired, isPermitted, isViewPermissionRequired, setContentPermissionManager, setPage, setSpaceManager
addActionError, addActionMessage, addFieldError, addPermissionTypeTo, addToHistory, doDefault, formatFriendlyDate, getAccessMode, getActionName, getActionName, getAuthenticatedUser, getBootstrapManager, getBootstrapStatusProvider, getCancel, getCancelResult, getConfluenceAccessManager, getContext, getCurrentRequest, getCurrentSession, getDateFormatSetting, getDateFormatter, getDefaultResourceBundle, getDefaultTimeZone, getDocLink, getEventManager, getFriendlyDateFormatter, getFrontendServiceURL, getGlobalSettings, getI18n, getInstalledLanguages, getLabelManager, getLanguageJs, getLanguageManager, getLanguageUserFriendly, getLocale, getLocaleManager, getLocaleString, getMessageHolder, getNiceContentType, getPermissionManager, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPersonService, getPreviousLoginDate, getRemoteUser, getSession, getSystemInformationService, getText, getText, getText, getText, getTextStatic, getTextStatic, getTextStrict, getTimeZone, getUserAccessor, getUserByName, getUserFullName, getUserHasBrowseUsersPermission, getUserHasLicensedAccess, getUserInterfaceState, getUserLocaleDefaultDatePattern, getUserProfilePicUrl, getWebInterfaceManager, hasPermissionForSpace, isAnonymousUser, isCanceled, isDevMode, isEmailVisible, isExternalUserManagementEnabled, isLabelable, isPrintableVersion, isSkipAccessCheck, isUserStatusPluginEnabled, isUsingH2, isUsingHSQL, setAccessModeService, setApiDateFormatService, setApiPersonService, setBootstrapManager, setCancel, setConfluenceAccessManager, setContentUiSupport, setEventManager, setFormatSettingsManager, setI18NBean, setI18NBeanFactory, setLabelManager, setLanguageManager, setLocaleManager, setLoginManager, setMessageHolder, setPermissionManager, setPluginAccessor, setPreviousLoginDate, setServletRequestSupplier, setSettingsManager, setSkipAccessCheck, setSpacePermissionManager, setSystemInformationService, setTimeZoneManager, setUserAccessor, setWebInterfaceManager, withServletRequestSupplier
addActionError, addActionMessage, addFieldError, execute, getActionErrors, getActionMessages, getErrorMessages, getErrors, getFieldErrors, getText, getTexts, getTexts, hasActionErrors, hasActionMessages, hasErrors, hasFieldErrors, setActionErrors, setActionMessages, setFieldErrors, validate
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
protected PageManager pageManager
protected LinkManager linkManager
protected List incomingLinks
protected ConfluenceWysiwygConverter wysiwygConverter
protected Renderer viewRenderer
public static final String RICHTEXT
public static final String PREVIEW
@Deprecated public String getPostingDay()
@Deprecated public boolean displayDatePath()
public BlogPost getBlogPost()
public void setPageManager(PageManager pageManager)
public void setLinkManager(LinkManager linkManager)
public List<OutgoingLink> getIncomingLinks()
protected List<String> getPermissionTypes()
in class ConfluenceActionSupport
public Date getPostingDate()
public void setPostingDate(String date)
public LocalTime getPostingTime()
public void setPostingTime(String time)
public BlogPost getNextPost()
public BlogPost getPreviousPost()
public String getTinyUrl()
in interface TinyUrlAware
protected boolean isSpaceAdmin()
@Deprecated public boolean isSuperUser()
public boolean isUserWatchingOwnContent()
public List getAvailableSpaces()
public AbstractPage getPreviousVersion(int version)
protected Object getBeanKey()
public ThemeHelper getHelper()
in class ConfluenceActionSupport
public boolean hasPermittedChildren()
public boolean hasAttachFilePermissions()
public void setConfluenceWysiwygConverter(ConfluenceWysiwygConverter wysiwygConverter)
public String getMode()
public List getSuggestedLabels()
public void setMode(String mode)
public SpaceManager getSpaceManager()
public String getEditorVersion()
public void setEditorManager(EditorManager editorManager)
public WebInterfaceContext getWebInterfaceContext()
Typically, WebWork actions will implement this to provide extra details in the context such as content objects, and so on.
in interface WebInterface
in class ConfluenceActionSupport
protected String getNumberOfAttachmentsAsString()
protected String getNumberOfLabelsAsString()
public ContentEntityObject getAttachmentSourceContent()
that contains attachments relevant to the current action. E.g.:
being viewed or edited.Draft
of the AbstractPage
being createdAbstractPage
to which the Comment
being created/edited
belongspublic void setViewRenderer(Renderer viewRenderer)
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