Class | Description |
AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField |
Definition of functional tests for the "log work" system field.
TestCreateWorklogOnCloseTransition |
Uses the tests defined in
AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on Close
transitions. |
TestCreateWorklogOnCreateIssue |
Uses the tests defined in
AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on the Create
Issue screen. |
TestCreateWorklogOnEditIssue |
Uses the tests defined in
AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on the Edit
Issue screen. |
TestCreateWorklogOnResolveTransition |
Uses the tests defined in
AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on Resolve
transitions. |
TestTimeTrackingInputValidation |
Responsible for verifying that the time tracking field verifies that data entered in the Time Tracking field is is in
the correct format.
TestTimeTrackingIsEditable |
Responsible for holding tests which verify that the time tracking field's components (Original Estimate and
Remaining Estimate) are displayed and editable for users with Work On Issues permission.
TestTimeTrackingIsEditableByUpdateIssueFieldFunction |
Responsible for holding tests which verify that the UpdateIssueFieldFunction post-function can update the Time
Tracking Estimates (Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate).
TestTimeTrackingIsOptional |
Responsible for holding tests which verify that JIRA enforces the optional setting on the time-tracking field.
TestTimeTrackingIsRequired |
Responsible for holding tests which verify that JIRA enforces the required rule on the time-tracking field.
TestWorklogAuthorSearching |
Func test for searching worklogs by author.
TestWorklogCommentSearching |
Func test for searching worklogs by worklog comment (description)s.
TestWorklogDateSearching |
Func test for searching worklogs by date.
TestWorklogSystemField |
Tests for the WorklogSystemField.
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