Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Clause |
CascadingSelectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams customFieldParams) |
protected Clause |
MultiGroupCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams params) |
protected Clause |
MultiSelectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams params) |
protected Clause |
AbstractSingleValueCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams customFieldParams) |
protected abstract Clause |
AbstractCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams customFieldParams)
Note: only provide a sensible implementation of this if you intend on using
AbstractCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser, com.atlassian.jira.issue.transport.FieldValuesHolder)
as implemented here. |
protected Clause |
NumberRangeCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams customFieldParams) |
Clause |
AbstractCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
ClauseTooComplexSearchException.getClause() |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Constructor and Description |
ClauseTooComplexSearchException(Clause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<String> |
DeterminedProjectsExtractor.extractDeterminedProjectsFromClause(Clause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Clause |
CustomFieldLabelsSearchInputTransformer.getClauseFromParams(ApplicationUser user,
CustomFieldParams customFieldParams) |
Clause |
ProjectSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
KickassUserSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder)
Convert the user's input into a JQL clause.
Clause |
WorkRatioSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
UserSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser searcher,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
IssueLinkTypesSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
DateSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
TextQuerySearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
IdIndexedSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder)
For this implementation we expect that the fieldValuesHolder will contain a list of
strings or nothing at all, if not then this will throw an exception.
Clause |
LabelsSearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
RelativeDateSearcherInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder) |
Clause |
SearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(ApplicationUser user,
FieldValuesHolder fieldValuesHolder)
Gets the portion of the Search Query that this searcher is responsible for.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
DefaultIndexedInputHelper.getClauseForNavigatorValues(String clauseName,
Set<String> values) |
Clause |
IndexedInputHelper.getClauseForNavigatorValues(String jqlClauseName,
Set<String> values)
Converts a set of Navigator value strings into a Clause that will match at least one of the specified values for
the given field.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,String> |
WorkRatioSearcherInputHelper.convertClause(Clause clause,
ApplicationUser user)
Take the passed clause and try and get the equivalent navigator parameters.
Map<String,String> |
QuerySearcherInputHelper.convertClause(Clause clause,
ApplicationUser user)
Take the passed clause and try and get the equivalent navigator parameters.
Map<String,String> |
DefaultWorkRatioSearcherInputHelper.convertClause(Clause clause,
ApplicationUser user) |
DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult |
AbstractDateSearchInputHelper.convertClause(Clause clause,
ApplicationUser user,
boolean allowTimeComponent) |
DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult |
DateSearcherInputHelper.convertClause(Clause clause,
ApplicationUser user,
boolean allowTimeComponent)
Take the passed clause and try and get the equivalent navigator parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
FreeTextVisitor.containsFreeTextCondition(Clause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Clause |
ComponentStatisticsMapper.getComponentClause(Long value) |
protected Clause |
ComponentStatisticsMapper.getProjectClause(Long value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
Create the JQL clause the builder has currently constructed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JqlClauseBuilder |
JqlClauseBuilder.addClause(Clause clause)
Add the passed JQL condition to the query being built.
static JqlClauseBuilder |
JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(Clause copy)
Build a new
JqlClauseBuilder and initialise it with the passed clause. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(TerminalClause terminalClause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
DeMorgansVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Clause |
WorklogClausesTransformerVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SimpleEquivalenceComparator.isEquivalent(Clause clause,
Clause clause1)
Compares two clauses for equivalence suitable for use in Issue Navigator; e.g.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
QueryContextVisitor.ContextResult |
QueryContextVisitor.createContext(Clause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Clause |
JqlParser.query_return.clause |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
JqlParser.andClause() |
Clause |
JqlParser.clause() |
Clause |
JqlParser.notClause() |
Clause |
JqlParser.orClause() |
Clause |
JqlParser.subClause() |
Clause |
JqlParser.terminalClause() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
DefaultClausePermissionHandler.sanitise(ApplicationUser user,
TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
IssueClauseValueSanitiser.sanitise(ApplicationUser user,
TerminalClause clause)
Note: we cannot assume that the
returns the same type of operand that went in, because issues can expand to more than one literal. |
Clause |
ProjectClauseValueSanitiser.sanitise(ApplicationUser user,
TerminalClause clause)
Important note: we are making a big assumption here that the
will always return the same kind of operand back after sanitising. |
Clause |
NoOpClauseSanitiser.sanitise(ApplicationUser user,
TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitiser.sanitise(ApplicationUser user,
TerminalClause clause)
Given a user and a clause, will return a sanitised clause that when possible will not contain any information
that the specified user does not have permission to see.
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
ClauseSanitisingVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ContextAwareQueryVisitor |
QueryVisitor.createContextAwareQueryVisitor(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext,
Clause clause) | |
LuceneQueryBuilder.createLuceneQuery(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext,
Clause clause)
Converts a JQL
Clause into an lucene Query for searching JIRA lucene index. | |
DefaultLuceneQueryBuilder.createLuceneQuery(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext,
Clause clause) | |
QueryVisitor.createQuery(Clause clause,
QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext)
Create a lucene query for the passed clause.
ContextAwareQueryVisitor |
ContextAwareQueryVisitor.ContextAwareQueryVisitorFactory.createVisitor(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext,
Clause parentClause) |
ContextAwareQueryVisitor |
ContextAwareQueryVisitor.ContextAwareQueryVisitorFactory.createVisitorWithCustomQueryRegistry(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext,
Clause parentClause,
QueryRegistry customQueryRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(AndClause andClause) |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(ChangedClause clause) |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(NotClause notClause) |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(OrClause orClause) |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(TerminalClause clause) |
Clause |
RecursiveClauseMappingVisitor.visit(WasClause clause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
JqlStringSupportImpl.generateJqlString(Clause clause) |
String |
JqlStringSupport.generateJqlString(Clause clause)
Generates a JQL string representation for the passed clause.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidatorVisitor |
ValidatorVisitor.ValidatorVisitorFactory.createVisitor(ApplicationUser searcher,
Long filterId,
Clause parentClause) |
Constructor and Description |
ValidatorVisitor(ValidatorRegistry validatorRegistry,
JqlOperandResolver operandResolver,
OperatorUsageValidator operatorUsageValidator,
ApplicationUser searcher,
Long filterId,
Clause parentClause) |
Constructor and Description |
StatisticAccessorBean(ApplicationUser remoteUser,
Long projectId,
Clause additionalClause,
boolean limitToOpenIssues)
Instantiates this class with given parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
QueryImpl.getWhereClause() |
Clause |
Query.getWhereClause() |
Constructor and Description |
QueryImpl(Clause whereClause) |
QueryImpl(Clause whereClause,
OrderBy orderByClause,
String originalQuery) |
QueryImpl(Clause whereClause,
String originalQuery) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Used to represent changed clause in the query tree
interface |
Denotes a terminal nodes that contain an Operator and an Operand.
interface |
Used to represent WAS in the Query tree
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Used to represent a logical AND in the query tree.
class |
Implementation of ChangedClasue
class |
An abstract class that will contain multiple clauses.
class |
Used to represent a logical NOT in the query tree.
class |
Used to represent a logical OR in the query tree.
class |
Used to represent a terminal node in the query tree.
class |
Represents the clause for the "WAS mode" of change history querying.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Clause |
NotClause.getSubClause() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Clause> |
ChangedClauseImpl.getClauses() |
List<Clause> |
WasClauseImpl.getClauses() |
List<Clause> |
Clause.getClauses() |
List<Clause> |
NotClause.getClauses() |
List<Clause> |
TerminalClauseImpl.getClauses() |
List<Clause> |
MultiClause.getClauses() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ClausePrecedence |
ClausePrecedence.getPrecedence(Clause clause) |
Constructor and Description |
AndClause(Clause... clauses) |
NotClause(Clause subClause) |
OrClause(Clause... clauses) |
Constructor and Description |
AndClause(Collection<? extends Clause> clauses) |
MultiClause(Collection<? extends Clause> clauses) |
OrClause(Collection<? extends Clause> clauses) |
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